技术联盟,technology alliance
1)technology alliance技术联盟
1.Games analysis of enterprises establishing technology alliance;关于企业建立技术联盟的博弈分析
2.A study on the Performance of Technology Alliances Among Industry, University and Research Institute in National High-tech Area;高新技术领域的产学研技术联盟绩效研究——基于资源依附和交易成本的分析视角
3.The Chinese academic research theme and evolution of technology alliance : 1995-2004;国内技术联盟学术研究脉络:1995-2004

1.Technological alliance is one of the most common alliance forms in corporate strategic alliances (CSAs) in the modern time.技术联盟是企业战略联盟中一种最常见的联盟形式。
2.Linkages Among Technology Standard, Technology Alliance and Innovation Systems;技术标准、技术联盟和创新体系的关联分析
3.The Chinese academic research theme and evolution of technology alliance : 1995-2004;国内技术联盟学术研究脉络:1995-2004
4.Key Technology Alliance(KTA) and the Influence of KTA on Enterprises Technology Innovation核心技术联盟及其对联盟企业技术创新能力的影响
5.The Technology Alliance Discussion Based on SCP Analytical Method;基于SCP分析范式的技术联盟行为研究
6.A study of influencing factors on effectiveness of knowledge transfer within technology alliances;技术联盟知识转移影响因素实证研究
7.Model of Technical Alliance Para-genesis and its Stability Analysis;技术联盟的共生模型及其稳定性分析
8.Knowledge Resource and Common Definition of Enterprise Technology Alliance;知识资源与企业技术联盟的一般界定
9.Study on Motives and Inherent Reasons of Multinational Corporations Technology Alliance;跨国公司技术联盟的动因及机理研究
10.Experience and revelation from technical allianc of America s and Japan s manufacturing industry;美、日制造业技术联盟的经验及启示
11.The Economic Explanation of the Technical Alliance Based on the Transaction Expense;基于交易费用的技术联盟经济学解释
12.Union of International Technical Associations国际技术协会联盟(技术协联)
13.The Research on Value Net of Technological Standard Alliance in High-Technology Industries Enterprise;高技术企业技术标准联盟价值网研究
14.Members Bargaining and Governance Structure of the Technical Standards Alliance;技术标准联盟成员的谈判与联盟治理结构研究
15.Establishing Technical Innovation Alliance,Promoting Science Technology Achievement Transformation建立技术创新联盟 促进科技成果转化
16.International Union of Vacuum Science Technique and Applications(IUVSTA)国际真空科学技术与应用联盟
17.Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners亚洲适当技术从业人员联盟
18.International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations国际技术协会和组织联盟

technical alliance技术联盟
1.Production and development of the technical alliance based on the transaction expense;基于交易费用的技术联盟的产生与发展
2.Research on the Knowledge-Sharing Mechanism in Technical Alliances;技术联盟的知识共享机制研究
3.Research on Impacting Factors of Knowledge Sharing Among Technical Alliances;技术联盟中知识共享要素研究
3)technological alliance技术联盟
1.Effects of technological innovations on energy efficiency of technological alliance;合作技术创新对技术联盟能量效率的影响
2.Study on Modes and Choices of Modes in Enterprises Technological Alliance;企业技术联盟模式及其选择研究
3.One of main motive in technological alliance formation is learning.技术联盟形成的动机之一是学习,学习的效果受到合作伙伴之间认知差异程度的影响,合作者之间过高或者过低的认知差异水平都不利于组织间学习效率的提高。
4)NC technigue unionNC技术联盟
5)regional technological alliance(RTA)大技术联盟
6)industrial technology alliance产业技术联盟
1.Research on industrial technology alliance and development background;产业技术联盟内涵及其发展背景研究——基于中关村产业技术联盟发展现状
2.The development of industrial technology alliance calls for the support and coordination of fine legal environment.产业技术联盟的发展呼唤优良法制环境的支持和配合。

国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)standards of ITU: see International Telecommunication Union; ITU  切网1 Ulan欠jnL心n厅泊ngb泊。zhun国际电伯联盟标准(,tan由Ids际电信联盈。of TYLJ)见国