物质资源,material resources
1)material resources物质资源
1.This paper points out that China should devote more intellectual resources and reduce the consumption of material resources,namely,try to replace material resources partially with intellectual resources.根据我国经济发展的状况以及资源秉赋,我国应增加智力资源的投入、减少物质资源的消耗,即实现智力资源对物质资源的部分替代,这种替代具有很强的必要性、可能性和现实性。
2.From three aspects of the material resources,organization resources and human resource,this paper probes into the necessity of the integration of community resources,and from the material level and ideological level puts forward some measures for the integration of community resources.从物质资源、组织资源、人力资源3个方面探讨了社区资源整合的必要性,并从物质层面和意识层面提出了社区资源整合的措施。

1.Exploitation of Biomass Resource for Sustainable Development;开发生物质资源 实现可持续发展
2.an abundance of material possessions and resources.丰富的物质财产和资源。
3.Investigation on Germplasm Resources of Energy Plant--Saccharum arundinaceum Ratz.in Sichuan Province生物质能源潜力植物——斑茅种质资源考察与收集
4.Current Situation and Development of Biomass Resources in China;我国林业生物质能源资源现状与潜力
5.Exploitation and Utilization of Tree Species as Bio-energy Resources in Guizhou Province;贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用
6.Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics, Australia澳大利亚矿产资源、地质和地球物理局
7.Regional Conference on geology and mineral Resources Development地质和矿物资源发展区域会议
8.Common Wealth Committee on Mineral Resources and Geology英联邦矿物资源和地质学委员会
9.Resource and Quality Evaluation of Genus Hippophae on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;青藏高原沙棘属植物资源与品质评价
10.Investigation of the Germplasm Resources and Biological Characteristics of Seeds of Radix Platycodonis;桔梗种质资源及种子生物学特性研究
11.Molecular Biology of Einkorn Wheat Germplasms;一粒系小麦种质资源分子生物学研究
12.AFLP Analysis of Desmodium Desv. Spp Germplasm Resorces;山蚂蝗属植物种质资源的AFLP分析
13.Research of Germplasm Resources and Genetic Diversity of Snakegourd;药用植物栝楼种质资源及多样性研究
14.Biomass for Sewage Treatment and Resources Research;生物质对生活污水处理及资源化研究
15.The Study of Utilizing the Output Liquid as Resource;生物质垃圾产出液的资源化利用研究
16.Doubts to The Definition that the Right of Use of Natural Resources Belongs to Chartered Real Right;对自然资源使用权属特许物权的质疑
17.On the Resources of Farming Culture and the Heritages of Intangible Culture;关于农耕文化资源与非物质文化遗产
18.Study on Genetic Diversity of Agropyron Gaertn Germplasm Resources冰草属植物种质资源遗传多样性研究

1.Study on the Continuous Transportation of Biomass under High Pressure;生物质资源高压连续输送的研究
2.Biorefinery is a new industrial mode substituting renewable biomass for unrenewable fossil resource to produce bioenergy or chemicals and securing the sustainable development of social economics.生物炼制是以可再生生物质资源为原料,生产能源与化工产品的新兴工业模式。
3.There were two fundamental requirements for transforming the mode of economic improvement and securing sustainable development of social economics,to substitute renewable biomass for unrenewable fossil resource and to change industrial mode from refinery to biorefinery.以可再生的生物质资源替代不可再生的化石资源、实现工业模式从石油炼制向生物炼制的根本转变,是转变经济增长模式、保障社会经济可持续发展的重大战略需求。
3)biomass resource生物质资源
1.Exploitation of Biomass Resource for Sustainable Development;开发生物质资源 实现可持续发展
2.Three peptide-based surfactants including palmitylglycine(A),stearatylglycine(B) and dehydroabietylglycine(C) were synthesised from biomass resources of palmitic acid, stearatic acid and dehydroabietic acid respectively through the reaction of carboxyl-protecting with glycine.以生物质资源棕榈酸、硬脂酸和脱氢枞酸为原料,通过甘氨酸羧基保护法合成了棕榈酰甘氨酸(A)、硬脂酰甘氨酸(B)和脱氢枞酰甘氨酸(C)3种肽类表面活性剂,用IR光谱确证其结构,并对其表面活性性能进行了研究。
3.On the one hand,there is atrocious environment and poor economy in the desert area;on the other hand,there are abundance utilizable biomass resources because of the rigor natural selection.我国沙漠化地区面积约占国土面积的1/3,一方面,那里生态环境恶劣,经济发展相对落后;另一方面,经过长期严酷的自然选择,广大的沙区蕴藏着丰富的可开发利用价值高的生物质资源
4)biomass resources生物质资源
1.Concepts and bounds of terms of biomass, biomass resources and biomass industry were defined in this paper.该文界定了生物质、生物质产品、生物质资源和生物质产业的概念和范围,分析了中国生物质资源的潜力。
2.Facing the environmental pollution and greenhouse effect cause d by the oil fuel and the gradual depletion of petroleum resources, the development and utilization of the biomass resources possesses huge potentiality.山西省的生物质资源十分丰富,应大力推广上海经验,加快开发绿色能源“汽油醇”,变山西为绿色能源大省。
3.There are abundant of biomass resources and the usable bio- mass quantity in China.我国生物质资源丰富,产量巨大,20014年我国生物质能合计总量为306。
5)stock biomass资源生物质
6)physical resources物力;物质资源

国防物质资源国防物质资源是对能够用于国防建设和战争消费的物质资源的总称。包括:(1)国防基本建设和武器装备生产所需的原材料、能源、设备等生产资料;(2)军事人员以及国防系统职工生存和发展所需要的各种生活资料;(3)军事人员训练和作战所需要的武器、弹药等军事专用消费资料。国防物质资源与一般民用物质资料相比有以下特点:(1) 它更加讲究质量和技术的先进性。一般地说,用于制造武器装备、生产军需用品所需要的原材料、设备以及以此生产的产品,质量要求高,技术要求更加先进;(2) 它的需求量呈现很大的波动性,战时需求量大,平时需求量小;(3)它是对社会总产品的直接扣除,其使用具有纯消费的性质。