计划体制,planning system
1)planning system计划体制
1.Based on the practices of the reform of the Railway Survey and Design Institutes and according to the new requirements of the above circumstances, in this paper, several suggestions and conceptions are proposed in order to speed up the reform of a planning system for the railway survey and design.本文从勘测设计院的改革实践入手,根据转换企业经营机制,把企业推向市场这一新形势下的新要求,提出了加快铁路勘测设计计划体制改革的几点意见和设想。
2.In the planning system,the task of a university is to organize teaching activities and some other activities according to the plan for education development and concerned policies made by the government.在计划体制下,大学的使命是按照政府制定的高等教育发展计划及相关政策,组织实施教学及其他活动,履行各种社会职能,因此,校长的主要职责是贯彻执行政府的政策指令,维持办学秩序,协调教育资源分配,解决师生员工工作和生活中的各种问题和困难。
3.There was obvious tracks of planning system for traditional principle of public expenditure,but being principle of public expenditure,it reflects the claims of common rules which must be obeyed by practice of public expenditure.传统的财政支出原则带有明显的计划体制的烙印,但是作为财政支出原则,它毕竟反映了财政支出实践活动所必须遵循的共同规律的要求。

1.main points of new planned system新计划体制的基本点
2.On the Problems and Solutions in Tax Planning;税收计划体制存在的问题及改进思路
3.Exploration on the Legal System Construction for Urban Planning in China;城市规划法系建设的辨析──计划体制和市场体制下的比较
4.“Protection and Restraint” System in Colleges and Universities under Planning System;略论计划体制下大学制度的“保护—束缚”机制
5.How to layout the area economy effectively has become an important step of expediting the reform of planning system.如何搞好区域经济规划,成为加快计划体制改革的一个重要步骤。
6.the old system of centralized planning economy旧的中央计划经济体制
7.new system of high technology program leadership高技术计划领导新体制
8.It is dictated by highly centralized planned economic system.这种体制是由高度集中的计划经济体制决定的。
9.CARICOM Industrial Programming Scheme加共体工业方案制定计划
10.She planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape.她计划避开官僚体制下的繁文缛礼
11.Making Dept.plans and dispatching resources appropriately.制定部门整体计划,合理配置资源。
12.The Choice of Regime: A Tradeoff Between Planed and Market Economies;社会体制选择——计划和市场的权衡
13.Study of the functions of the state planning in the system of the market economy;市场经济体制下国家计划的功能研究
14.A Preliminary Analysis of Enterprise s Planned Management under Market Economic System;浅析市场经济体制下的企业计划管理
15.Research on the Integrated Thought of System Design about Employee Stock Ownership Plans in China;我国员工持股计划制度设计的整体思路研究
16.Framework of Cost Plan and Control System for Large-Scale Intermittent Manufacture;大型离散制造企业成本计划与控制体系研究
17.planning and Programming machinary制订规划和计划的机构
18.Provide technical support and drive continuous improvement systems to achieve problem resolution.根据生产计划制定供应商生产工序及质量体系.

planned economic system计划经济体制
1.Its main cause is that now China is changing from planned economic system to market-economic system.行政垄断作为当今中国社会一个突出的社会现象,是政府职能部门滥用行政权力为谋取部门利益和地方利益而干预正常经济生活的行为,产生的根本原因是由于我国当前正处于从计划经济体制到市场经济体制的转轨过程。
2.Soviet Russian planned economic system had the positive effects on scientific technology.苏联计划经济体制对科学技术发展产生的正向作用。
3)program-control system计划管理体制
4)planned economy system计划经济体制
1.The establishment of modern enterprise system is a complex systems engineering to transform the enterprise system under planned economy system into the one fitting in with the needs of socialist market economy.建立现代企业制度,是从传统计划经济体制下的企业制度,转变为适应社会主义市场经济体制的企业制度,这是一项复杂的系统工程。
2.Our country s economic system has transferred from the planned economy system to the market economy system.不同的经济体制产生并支撑与此相适应的思想教育观念,我国的经济体制已由计划经济体制转为市场经济体制,对此也应树立与社会主义市场经济体制适应的思想教育观念,从无私观念转为追求企业和个人利益与集体和国家利益相结合的观念,唯此才有利于完善社会主义市场经济体制。
5)the planned economic system计划经济体制
1.The article holds that the planned economic system and the marketing economic system both have the effective and negative function to the subjects living under them after comparison from three aspects: the value-realization of subject, the living pattern of subject and the realization and development of subjectivity.主体的价值性实现、主体的生存样式和主体性的实现与发展三个方面在计划经济体制和市场经济体制下有不同的实现样式 ,计划经济体制和市场经济体制对生活于其中的主体的价值性的实现 ,既有促进作用也有阻碍作用。
6)Reform of planning system改革计划体制

存贷差额控制型信贷计划管理体制下货币供给存贷差额控制型信贷计划管理体制下货币供给 【存贷差额控制型信贷计划管理体制下货币供给】存贷差额控制下的一种货币供给机制。198于eel984年实行“统一计划、分级管理、存贷挂钩、差额包干”的信贷资金管理体制,简称为“信贷差额包干”的信贷资金管理体制。人民银行总行对各级银行下达存贷差额计划指标,基层银行吸收了存款,只要不突破存贷差额,就可以发放贷款,多存可以多贷。贷款转化为存款,这样多次循环地产生派生存款。在这种“存贷差额包干”的信贷资金管理体制下,人民银行总行主要目标就是控制市场现金流通量嶙。“存贷差额包干”信贷资金管理体制下的峡(叽+全部银行存款D),其中的M0由存贷差额计划指标决定,其中的全部银行存款则由三个因素决定:(l)期初存款总余额;(2)存贷差额计划指标;(3)派生倍数。在这种信贷管理体制下,只要不突破存贷差额计划指标,是可以无限循环地产生派生存款的,但在派生过程中,必然会出现提取现金的情况,提取现金部分即不再继续派生,因此,存在一个派生倍数问题,派生倍数的计算公式: 派生倍数全部银行存款 1一___一现金漏损率CD期初存、存贷差款余额一额指标一‘期初存、存贷差一“款余额一额指标,·馨羲,X现奋巅率厄石货币供应量呱二现金叽+全部银行存款D 货币供应量叭=现金呱+全部银行存款D在这种管理体制下,基层行具有一定的扩大货币供应的能力,但是人民银行靠控制现金流通量往往难控制货币供应量,削弱了人民银行总行调节货币供应量的能力。