现代企业文化,modern enterprise culture
1)modern enterprise culture现代企业文化
1.During the structure reform period,the social economic system produces the modern enterprise culture.社会经济系统在结构变革过程中 ,催生了“现代企业文化” ,这一崭新的序参量 ,在企业的经济活动中 ,充分展现了参量系统三大要素的特殊功能 ,即科学文化的动力功能 ;道德文化的尽善功能 ;艺术文化的尽美功能。
2.Developing what is healthy and discarding what is not in Chinese traditional culture is of great enlightenment to the construction of modern enterprise culture.现代企业文化对于企业的发展至关重要 ,中国传统文化与企业文化存在着某些共同的因子。
3.It is meaningful both theoretically and practically to have a study of the two-way influence of Confucianism to the modern enterprise culture.深入研究儒学对现代企业文化的双面影响,很有理论价值和现实意义。

1.Cultural Function and Influence in Modern Enterprise Management;现代施工企业管理中现代企业文化作用和影响
2.Business Culture of Jin(Ancient Shanxi)Merchantry and its Influence on Modern Enterprises;晋商文化及其对现代企业文化的影响
3.Chinese Traditional Commercial Culture and the Construction of Modern Corporate Culture;我国传统商业文化与现代企业文化建设
4.On the Enlightenment of Confucianism to Modern Enterprise Culture;儒家思想对现代企业文化建设的启示
5.Lao Tze and Modern Enterprise Culture Construction;《老子》对现代企业文化建设的启示
7.On the corporate culture in the modern enterprise in the new trend;浅谈企业文化在现代企业中的新趋向
8.On Enterprise Culture--Spiritual Support of Modern Enterprise;也论企业文化是现代企业的精神支柱
9.The Position and Function of Enterprise Culture in Modern Enterprises;企业文化在现代企业中的地位及作用
10.A Few Issues in Enterprises Culture Construction under Modern Enterprise System;论现代企业制度下企业文化建设问题
11.Enterprise Culture Is Soul of Efficient Operation in Mordern Enterprises;企业文化——现代企业高效运作之魂
12.Cultural Management of Corporation:the Pursuit and Symbol of the Modern Corporation;企业文化管理:现代企业的追求和标志
13.Discuss That Corporate Culture Remolding is a Push of Modern Corporate Development;论企业文化创新是现代企业发展的推动力
14.The State-owned Cultural Enterprise s Corporate System Transformation According to the Modern Enterprise System;国有文化企业现代企业制度的公司制改造
15.On the Contradiction of Family Enterprise s Culture to the Management Pattern of Contemporary Enterprise;论家族企业文化与现代企业管理模式的矛盾性
16.Some Problems in the Construction of Enterprise Culture of Modern Enterprise;现代企业构建企业文化中应注意的几个问题
17.Application Discussion of the Enterprise Culture in Modern Logistics Enterprise Management;企业文化在现代物流企业管理中的应用探讨
18.Analysis on How to Build the Harmonious Enterprise Culture in the Modern Enterprise System;浅谈构建现代企业制度下的和谐企业文化

modern corporate culture现代企业文化
1.It is discussed on how to construct the modern corporate culture.建设与发展现代企业文化,对于企业来说尤为重要。
3)modern business culture现代企业文化
1.Most of China s enterprises run by local people,though rapidly developing, failed to construct modern business culture,Without moral standard,team spirit and talented staff,the can t build up good business environment and fame.我国大部分民营企业并没有随其快速发展而构建起现代企业文化,没有与企业可持续发展相适应的道德规范、团队精神和人才队伍,不能形成良好的经营环境和企业形象。
4)modern corporate culture construction现代企业文化建设
5)enterprise modernization企业现代化
1.Great changes have taken place in the enterprise′s production and management,at the same time,the enterprise modernization has also presented the new characteristics.新世纪知识经济的出现和发展,给企业带来了全新的生产经营背景,企业的生产经营活动发生了巨大变化,随之而来,企业现代化也呈现出新的特点。
6)modernization coal enterprise现代化煤炭企业
