诚信经营,honest operation
1)honest operation诚信经营
1.It is developing very fast because honest operation is the foundationsl basis of the restaurant.从抓服务诚信,真心回报顾客等8个方面介绍了东莞市花园粥城服务有限公司抓诚信经营、树文化新风的成功经验。
2.In the light of the problems existing in the honest operation, and based on the investigation of the honest operation and the credit economy, this paper puts forward some concrete measures and suggestions of promoting the development of the enterprise with the honest operation.针对诚信经营中存在的问题,在探讨诚信经营和信用经济的基础上,提出以诚信经营促进企业发展的具体措施和建议。
3.It then discusses how SMEs build up and take advantage of their internal management mechanism to guarantee honest operation.从管理学的角度出发,运用美国麦肯锡公司提出的企业七要素(简称7S模型),分析了我国中小企业诚信缺失的现象及原因,并着重探讨了中小企业如何建立和运用内部管理机制来保障其诚信经营的问题。

1."to operate with integrity, treat our customers, dealers and employees honestly"诚信经营,诚实待人
2.Analyse The Sincere Intension,Characteristic and Function Managed of The Enterprise;简析企业诚信经营的内涵、特征及作用
3.The sincere strategic meaning and tactics of the small and medium-sized enterprises s management;中小企业诚信经营的战略意义与策略
4.Studies on honesty management in real estate industry;关于房地产企业诚信经营问题的探讨
5.Credit Management:the Existing Law of the Enterprise in Market Economy诚信经营:企业在市场经济条件下的生存法则
6.The tenet of our company is“ To manage honestly, the quality is the most important.适然纸塑”恪守“诚信经营,质量至上”的企业宗旨。
7.“People-oriented , Business integrity, Excellence " is a consistent aim of my plant.“以人为本,诚信经营,精益求精”是本厂一贯的宗旨。
8.Carrying Out Honest Operation and Building Up New Cultural Atmosphere;东莞市花园粥城服务有限公司的诚信经营之路
9.We inherit the management theory that" bent on making progress, sincerity is managed", cooperate in sincere expectation and you, common development.我们秉承“锐意进取,诚信经营”的经营理念,诚挚的期待与您携手合作,共同发展。
10.Promoting the Importance of Intergrety to the Growth of Enterprises under the Background of Market Economy市场经济环境下倡导诚信经营对企业经济发展的重要性
12.Adhere to the Business philosophy of integrity and innovation.秉持诚信创新的经营理念
13.Integrity, innovation, mutual benefit and common prosperity, sustainable business!诚信、创新,互利共荣、永续经营!
14.The Ethics Mechanism Study of Enterprise Faith Operation and Management;企业经营管理诚信伦理机制建设研究
15.Revelation of Brand Management of Enterprises to the Education of Credibility in Colleges and Universities;企业品牌经营对高校诚信教育的启示
16.Personal Opinions on the Establishment of the "Good Faith" Operation in the Real Estate Market;树立房地产行业“诚信”经营之我见
17.Fair and Sincere-- Important Rule of Electric Management;公平与诚信——电力经营的重要法则
18.The lack of sincerity in operation of Chinese enterprises and the administration upon their ideological morality construction;中国企业经营诚信缺失及其思想道德建设治理

enterprise operation credit企业经营诚信
3)enterprise manage sincerely企业诚信经营
5)About Honesty in Business谈谈诚信经营问题
6)honest marketing诚信营销
1.Based on the special position of marketing in the development of enterprises,the paper analyzes the concept of honest marketing and the causes resulting in the lack and loss of integrity with a view to expounding the importance of honest marketing to the development of enterprises.基于营销在企业发展中的特殊地位,本文通过对诚信缺失的原因、诚信营销的概念、诚信营销对企业的发展进行分析,旨在阐述诚信营销对于企业发展的重要性。

电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度  电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度中国通信主管部门根据国家规定,对放开经营的电信业务实行经营许可证制度和经营申报制度实行经营许可证制度的电信业务有:无线电寻呼;80OMHZ集群电话;45OMHz无线电移动通信;国内VSAT(甚小天线地球站)通信;邮电部批准实行经营许可证制度的其他电信业务。实行经营申报制度的电信业务有:电话信息服务;计算机信息眼务;电子信箱;电子数据交换;可视图文;邮电部批准实行申报制度的其他电信业务。 申办经营许可证和申报批文的程序是:通信主管部门在收到全部申请材料后,按照经营电信业务的基本条件进行审核,对符合基本条件的单位进行综合评述,择优确定经营单位,核发经营许可证和申报批文,并分批向社会公布。电信业务经营许可证由邮电部统一印制。申办经营无线电通信业务的单位,须按照规定的审批权限到邮电部或当地邮电管理局申请办理经营许可证,并凭经营许可证到无线电管理部门申请使用频率,再到工商行政管理部门办理工商注册登记或经营范围变更手续。对实行经营许可证制度的电信业务,通信主管部门可根据通信资源及市场情况,确定发放经营许可证的数量或作出暂停审批的决定。