农产品供应链,agricultural supply chain
1)agricultural supply chain农产品供应链
1.Empirical Study on the Integration of Agricultural Supply Chain Based on Analysis of System Feedback;基于动态反馈分析的农产品供应链整合实证研究
2.With the development of risk management theory and exploitation of information system,information sharing among the agricultural supply chain will cause the risks and uncertainties.从农产品供应链信息分享的内容入手,分析了农产品供应链信息分享所带来的风险,引入信息控管的概念,构建了农产品供应链信息分享控管平台,并且提出了平台实施过程中的难点问题,以期提高供应链的运作效率。
3.We should pursue the suitable scale of management and constructing agricultural supply chain.推进农业产业化不仅要提倡农地的适度规模经营,而且要建立起合适的农产品供应链

1.Food Safety and Organizational Modes of Agricultural Products' Supply Chain农产品供应链的组织模式与食品安全
2.Building Secure Supply Chain of Agriculture Product with Mobile Commerce Technology;移动商务技术构建安全农产品供应链
3.A Study on Information Security Management of Agricultural Supply Chain;农产品供应链中的信息控管问题研究
4.Scheme of Regional Agricultural Products Supply Chain Information System of Our Country;我国区域农产品供应链信息系统构建
5.Countermeasure Study of Jilin Province Agricultural Products Supply Chain Perfection;吉林省完善农产品供应链的对策研究
6.Constructing Agricultural Supply Chain and Promoting Development of Agricultural Industrialization;建立农产品供应链 促进农业产业化发展
7.Study of the Agricultural Industrialized Management Regarding the Supply Line of Farm Products;基于农产品供应链的农业产业化经营研究
8.Risks Chinese Farmers Face in Agricultural Products Supply Chain and Relevant Prevention Mechanism;农产品供应链中农户风险及防范机制研究
9.Research on the Management of Supplying Chain for Agricultural Products and the Increase of Farmers Income;西部地区农产品供应链管理与农民增收研究
10.Research on Brand Strategy of agricultural supply chain management基于品牌战略的农产品供应链管理研究
11.A Study of Integrated Countermeasures of Supply Chains of Soybean Based on Integrated Mechanism of the Supply Chain of Agricultural Products;基于农产品供应链集成机制的大豆供应链集成对策研究
12.The Game on Deeply Processing in Manufacturers of Agricultural Products Supply Chain;农产品供应链中生产商深加工博弈分析
13.Models of Integrated Supply Chain of Primary Agricultural Products and Their Application集成化大宗农产品供应链模型及其应用
14.Network Information Technology s Using in Supply Chain Management of Agricultural Products;网络信息技术在农产品供应链管理中的应用
15.A Four-Dimensional Network’s Model of the Supply Chain of Primary Agricultural Products and Its Application;大宗农产品供应链四维网络模型及应用
16.EC Platform and Electronic Integration of Agri-Production Supply Chain电子商务平台与农产品供应链的网络集成
17.Analysis on the SC of the Agricultural Products Based on the Profit Allocation Mechanism基于利润分配机制的农产品供应链分析
18.Research on Agricultural Products Supply Chain and Key Technologies of Its Management Information System;农产品供应链及其管理信息系统关键技术研究

supply chain of agricultural products农产品供应链
1.The strategies are to construct modern supply chain of agricultural products,to find supply chain management (SCM) patterns suitable for agricultural products,and to promote agricultural products logistics.在阐释农产品物流科学内涵和剖析农产品物流发展现状的基础上,构建其发展策略,即打造现代农产品供应链,积极探索农产品的供应链管理(SCM)模式,努力促进农产品物流的发展,以期实现农产品供需的无缝对接和最大限度地增加农民收入。
2.Integrated mechanism of the supply chain of agricultural products is revealed from driving forces,results,and process of integrated the supply chains.从农产品供应链集成的动因、集成过程中的各种模式以及集成的结果,揭示了农产品供应链的集成机制。
3.The mode of Hailin Farm is studied by the integrated mechanism of the supply chain of agricultural products for driving agricultural circular economy on the modernization farms.为在现代化农场有效推进农业循环经济,运用农产品供应链集成机制分析海林农场农业循环经济模式,得出农业循环经济的组织运行机制:驱动农业循环经济的核心组织必然是集成供应链的核心企业的核心组织,该组织有能力从战略上选择具有提升经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的农业循环经济模式,而集成供应链上的其他主体能够依照该模式的流程协调运行,从而达到符合"减量化、再使用、再循环"原则的农业循环经济结果。
3)agricultural products supply chain农产品供应链
1.At present, most of the researches about agricultural products supply chain are on techniques and application.为了应对激烈的市场竞争,寻求进一步降低成本的机会,进行农产品供应链成本管理已经刻不容缓。
2.The agricultural products supply chain and supply chain management were analyzed and summarized based on the characteristics of agricultural products.总结、分析了供应链与供应链管理的相关定义,根据农产品的特有属性归纳出了农产品供应链的定义,评述了农产品供应链管理的最新研究成果,指出了农产品供应链管理的研究趋势。
4)agricultural product supply chain农产品供应链
1.Different from normal product supply chain,the cost in green agricultural product supply chain under order-form agriculture model includes direct producing cost,indirect producing cost,trading cost,quality cost and time cost.研究绿色农产品供应链成本控制方法,可以为绿色农产品供应链加强成本控制、加快市场反应提供有力的决策依据。
2.This article firstly analyzes the characteristics of the agricultural product supply chain,and then analyzes the risk of agricultural product supply chain especially the transaction risk.从农产品供应链的特点出发,对农产品供应链存在的风险,特别是交易风险进行了分析。
5)agri-supply chain农产品供应链
1.The research on Agri-Supply Chain is a hot both in domestic and overseas.农产品供应链研究是当今国内外研究的一个热点,集成化农产品供应链管理已经成为农业企业最有竞争力的工具之一,有广阔的研究和应用前景。
6)supply chain for agricultural products农产品供应链
1.The partners of supply chain for agricultural products will chase their own maximum benefit,which may have impact on the maximum benefit of the whole supply chain,reduce the cooperation efficiency and obstacle the fast,effective flow of agricultural products.在构建农产品供应链合作绩效评价指标体系的基础上针对目前评价方法研究中的不足,提出信息不完全条件下农产品供应链合作绩效问题,建立了基于风险因子的农产品供应链合作绩效多维决策模型,进而探讨提高农产品供应链合作绩效的合理方式和途径。

WTO农产品协议农产品协议(Agreement on Agriculture)《农产品协议》由13个部分、21条、5个附件组成。要求各成员将现行的对农产品贸易的数量限制(如配制、许可证等)进行关税化,并承诺不再使用非关税措施管理农产品贸易和逐渐降低关税水平,从而使农产品贸易更多地由国内外高声供求关系决定价格,不至于造成农产品价格的过度扭曲。例如,日本的大米市场长期受高关税和进口数量限制的扭曲,使其平均价格水平比国际市场高3-5倍。《纺织品与服装协议》要求发达国家成员分阶段用10年时间取消对纺织品、服装的进口配额限制,以避免国内纺织品、服装的进口配额让投资者有较为透明、稳定的市场环境,而不是政府过多的干预造成的不确定性来决定其投资行为。