智猪博弈,Boxed pigs game
1)Boxed pigs game智猪博弈
1.This paper introduces the principle of boxed pigs game, which provides a new idea for efficiency and balance of global environmental protection."智猪博弈"原理对全球环境保护的效率与均衡提供了一种新的思路,其在效率主导与利益均衡的基础上,对共同但有区别的制度建设提供了一条新的途径。
2.In the model of tradition boxed pigs game,the result of Nash Equilibrium is big pig presses key when piggy takes advantage.传统"智猪博弈"模型的纳什均衡是"大猪奔波,小猪坐享其成"。

1.On choices of innovation strategy of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises from perspective of "Wise Pig Game";从“智猪博弈”谈我国医药企业创新战略选择
2.The Choosing of Technology Innovation Model in Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in our Country--"Clever Pig" Game;我国中小企业技术创新模式的选择:智猪博弈
3.Process Analysis of “Boxed Pigs Game” in Rural Elite Political Participation;乡村精英政治参与的“智猪博弈”过程分析
4."Boxed Pigs" Game Analysis on Innovation Behavior of Enterprises in Cluster;集群企业协同创新的智猪博弈恶化及治理
5.“Pigs Payoffs” model improvement and the study of the state-owned enterprise s monitor-incentive mechanism;“智猪博弈”模型改进与国企监督激励机制研究
6.Relations Between the Enterprise Innovation and Standardization of Management--From the Perspective of Game-pig;论企业创新与规范化管理的关系——从智猪博弈的视角
7.The Study of Efficiency and Equity on Information Resources Sharing-- Based on "Boxed Pigs" Game信息资源共享的效率与公平问题研究——基于“智猪博弈”模型视角分析
8.Efficiency and Balance of International Environmental Protection:The Principle of Common-Differentiated Environmental Responsibility on the Basis of Boxed Pigs Game;论国际环境保护的效率与均衡——以“智猪博弈”解析“共同但有区别的环境责任”
9.An research on Collective Action,Pig Game and Cooperation Mechanism in Agricultural Ogranization;集体选择、智猪博弈与农业组织的合作机制研究——一个林业合作社的例子
10."Symmetry Pig" Game Model Analysis of Environment Standard Strategy in China-Korea Trade中韩贸易中环境标准策略的“对称智猪”博弈分析
11.Game Analysis on the Configuration in Pig SC Upstream and the Pork Security;生猪供应链上游结构与猪肉安全的博弈分析
12.The Analysis of Actors Game to Impact on Prices in Pig Industry Chain生猪产业链行为主体博弈对生猪价格影响分析
13.Wisdom from Games: Oriental Model and Western Model;来自博弈的智慧:中国模式和西方模式
14.Study on the Model of Urban Transportation Integrated System Based on Multi-agent and Game Theory;城市交通集成系统的多智能体博弈模型研究
15.Design of Distributed Intellectual Bidding System in Internet Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的分布式智能网上招投标系统设计
16.A Study on the Game between Intellectual Capital and Venture Capital;智力资本与货币资本博弈分析—以风险企业为例
17.Game Theory Based Coverage Control of Multi-agent基于博弈模型的多智能体覆盖控制问题
18.Evolutionary simulation game based on module of complex multi-agent system复杂系统多智能体建模的博弈进化仿真

pigs payoffs智猪博弈
1.Beginning with basic concepts of game theory,the thesis introduces the theory of pigs payoffs into the training and management of high-level sport teams in colleges and universities.从博弈论的基本理论入手,采用文献资料法、调查法,运用智猪博弈的实践理论,结合当前高校高水平运动队的训练与管理机制,指出目前高校中特招生训练热情不高、成绩下滑的原因,通过具体实例进行分析,通过各种有效方式,借以提高高水平队的训练和比赛质量。
3)boxed pigs智猪博弈
1.This paper analyzes the reasons of network enterprise s providing free service,and connecting with boxed pigs,advances some suggestions on pricing strategy of network products.分析了网络企业提供免费服务的原因,并结合智猪博弈提出网络产品价格策略的建议。
4)Game Theory博弈
1.Using the game theory to analyze the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprise’s optimal choice between innovation and imitation in China;我国中小医药企业的创新与仿制的博弈分析
2.Driver's response behavior analysis with game theory;基于驾驶员反应行为的诱导博弈分析
3.Non-bottom tender and offering game theory model study of project bidding;工程招投标中无标底投标报价博弈模型研究
1.The Strategy Game for Obtaining Oversea Petroleum Resources to China based on Analytic Hierarchy Process;中国获取海外石油资源的战略博弈
2.Application of game theory in strategy of China acquiring overseas petroleum.;博弈理论在中国获取海外石油策略中的运用
3.Analysis of Game of Mineral Resource-Related Problems;有关矿产资源问题的博弈分析
1.Games & harmony & win together——Experience of the redevelopment of “village araund by city” for reference and research on the tactics;博弈·和谐·共赢——“城中村”改造经验借鉴及其策略研究
2.Study on some games in hydraulic and hydropower construction;水利水电建设的几个博弈问题研究
3.Quantum games:new methodologies and strategies;量子博弈:新方法与新策略

智猪博弈理论在博弈论(Game Theory)经济学中,%26ldquo;智猪博弈%26rdquo;是一个著名的纳什均衡的例子。假设猪圈里有一头大猪、一头小猪。猪圈的一头有猪食槽,另一头安装着控制猪食供应的按钮,按一下按钮会有10个单位的猪食进槽,但是谁按按钮就会首先付出2个单位的成本,若大猪先到槽边,大小猪吃到食物的收益比是9∶1;同时到槽边,收益比是7∶3;小猪先到槽边,收益比是6∶4。那么,在两头猪都有智慧的前提下,最终结果是小猪选择等待。   实际上小猪选择等待,让大猪去按控制按钮,而自己选择%26ldquo;坐船%26rdquo;(或称为搭便车)的原因很简单:在大猪选择行动的前提下,小猪也行动的话,小猪可得到1个单位的纯收益(吃到3个单位食品的同时也耗费2个单位的成本,以下纯收益计算相同),而小猪等待的话,则可以获得4个单位的纯收益,等待优于行动;在大猪选择等待的前提下,小猪如果行动的话,小猪的收入将不抵成本,纯收益为-1单位,如果小猪也选择等待的话,那么小猪的收益为零,成本也为零,总之,等待还是要优于行动。