不完备法律,incomplete law
1)incomplete law不完备法律
1.Based on the theory of incomplete law,this paper analyses how accounting information protects investors and brings up the idea that protecting the interests of investors should not mainly rely on the law,but on the supervision.针对投资者保护问题,以不完备法律理论为基础,分析了会计信息对投资者保护的作用机制,提出要保护投资者利益不应主要依靠法律而应依靠监管,而监管的重点应放在会计信息上,会计信息能够从会计准则、会计信息披露、会计信息的估价功能和治理功能4个方面来影响投资者保护利益。

1.A Study of Banking Regulation under the Framework of Incomplete Law Theory;不完备法律框架下的银行监管制度研究
2.The Incomplete Law and Its Enforcement:An Analysis of a Case;不完备法律实施理论在征地案例中的应用
3.Incomplete Law Theory and Its Enlightenment on Regulation of Securities Market in China;不完备法律理论及对我国证券市场监管的启示
4.The Way of China's Food Safety Governance Reform Under Incomplete Legal Theory--From Improving the Integrity of Legislation to Reasonably Distributing the Remaining Law Enforcement Power不完备法律理论下我国食品安全治理改革——从立法完善主义到合理分配剩余执法权
5.O n Incom p leteness of Law and Intervention of G overnm ents w ith Fu turesM arket;论法律不完备性与政府介入期货市场
6.Because we lack experience, some of our laws are not yet well defined, but they will be as time goes on.我们现在有些法律规定还不完备,因为没有经验,以后会逐渐完备的。
7.The trouble now is that our legal system is incomplete, with many laws yet to be enacted.现在的问题是法律很不完备,很多法律还没有制定出来。
8.If they find the relevant legal documents not complete or the judgement not yet in effect legally, they have the legal right to refuse to take the persons in custody.如果发现有关法律文书不完备或判决尚未发生法律效力的,监狱、劳改场所有权依法拒绝收押。
9.First, we'll create a completeand well-established legal environment.一是创造完备的法律环境。
10.China has a complete legal system for the protection of intellectual property rights.中国具有完备的知识产权保护法律措施。
11.On Perfection of China s Land Reserve System from the Macro-Control Perspective;宏观调控视角下我国土地储备法律制度的完善
12.Strenghten constructing China perfect macro regulation legal system加强构建中国完备的宏观调控法律体系
13.Fuzzy guidance law for wire-guidance torpedo under condition of incomplete information一种信息不完备条件下的线导鱼雷模糊导引律
14.Landlords were simply ignoring the law, and with impunity.地主们完全无视法律,且不受惩罚。
15.There is no single legal system in the United Kingdom.联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。
16.Insufficiency and Improvement of Administrative Responsibility legal System in China;我国行政责任法律制度的不足与完善
17.Incomplete Contracts,Reputation and Law;基于声誉和法律的不完全契约的实施
18.Reputation,Law and the Enforcement of Incomplete Contracts;基于声誉、法律和不完全契约的执行

Incomplete legal法律不完备
3)immaturity of law法律的不完备性
4)incompleteness of law法律不完备性
1.In futuresmarket, problem of incompleteness of law is rather highlighted.在期货市场上,法律不完备性问题表现得较为突出,法律对于侵害行为的阻吓作用非常有限。
5)theory of incomplete law法律不完备性理论
1.Both the theory of regulatory state and theory of incomplete law construct the framework of independent regulatory commission,however,neither of them can answer the question why the traditional government is not appropriate to assume the regulatory function.监管型政府理论及法律不完备性理论确立了分析独立监管组织生成机理的分析框架,但都没能解释独立监管机构承担微观监管职能的必要性。
6)Theorem of incompleteness不完备性定律
