温州商会,Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce
1)Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce温州商会
1.The Rise of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce: A Transition to Political Sociology Paradigm in the Studies of Wenzhou Model;温州商会的兴起:温州模式研究的政治社会学范式转型
2.The Emerging of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce: The Exemplificational Study of the Relation between the State and Society;温州商会的兴起:国家与社会关系的范例研究
3.From "Lack of Independent" to "Collaborate Governance"——The Relationship Between Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and Government and Its Prospects从“缺乏自主”到“合作治理”——温州商会与政府的关系及其前景

1.Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is a typical case in this realm.温州商会正是这一题域的典型对象。
2.The Rise of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce: A Transition to Political Sociology Paradigm in the Studies of Wenzhou Model;温州商会的兴起:温州模式研究的政治社会学范式转型
3.The Emerging of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce: The Exemplificational Study of the Relation between the State and Society温州商会的兴起:国家与社会关系的范例研究
4.Research on the Case Study on the Role of Wenzhou Business Union in Managing City Public Business;温州商会参与城市公共管理的个案研究
5.Non-local Chamber of Business:the Lag of Regulations and Innovation of Policies--A Case Study of Non-local Business Chamber of Wenzhou异地商会发展中的制度滞后与政策推进——基于异地温州商会的研究
6.The Development of Third Sector and the Prospect for Civil Society--An Exploration to Chambers of Commerce in Wenzhou第三部门的发展与公民社会的前景——以温州商会为例
7.Is the Case of Wenzhou Industrial Association Exceptional in the Chinese Context? Development and Challenges of China s Civil Society;温州商会的例外与不例外——中国公民社会的发展与挑战
8.Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprises Cooperation in Regional Industrial Clusters区域产业集群内多企业间合作激励机制分析——以温州商会为例
9.From "Lack of Independent" to "Collaborate Governance"--The Relationship Between Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and Government and Its Prospects从“缺乏自主”到“合作治理”——温州商会与政府的关系及其前景
10.Private Chamber of Commerce in Wenzhou:An Analysis on Institution of Self-governance--A Case Study of Wenzhou Garment Chamber of Commerce;温州民间商会:自主治理的制度分析——温州服装商会的典型研究
11.Non-governmental Chambers of Commerce in Wenzhou: An Explanation from the Angle of Institutional Analysis;温州民间商会:一个制度分析学的视角
12.Chamber of Commerce and Local Governance:Function and Limitation--A Case Study of Non-local Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce民间商会与地方治理:功能及其限度——温州异地商会的个案研究
13.The Representativeness of Unofficial Chambers of Commerce and Its Influencing Mechanisms--An Empirical Study on Wenzhou Industrial Associations民间商会的代表性及其影响因素分析——以温州行业协会为例
14.Wenzhou enterprisers and enterprise chamber persons specially invite USA NAIKE international brand administration center to visit Wenzhou.温州企业家,企业商会等人士特邀;美国奈克NAIKE国际品牌管理中心来温州考察。
15.Practice of Many Associations in One Industry and Approach to Its Realization--An Empirical Study Based on Wenzhou Industrial Associations;民间商会的“一业多会”问题及其求解路径——基于温州行业协会的实证研究
16.Interstate Commerce Commission.州际商务委员会(美国)
17.Industrial Clusters of Community and the Forming of Cooperative Inspirit--On the Perspective of Social Economics of the Forming Mechanism of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce社区性产业集群与合作性激励的生成——对温州民间商会生发机制的社会经济学考察
18.On Collective Action Mechanism of Private Chamber of Commerce--A Case Study of WenZhou Smoke-appliance Association s Reaction to EU s Anti-dumping;民间商会的集体行动机制——温州烟具协会应对欧盟打火机反倾销诉讼的案例分析

The Folk Commerce Chamber of Wenzhou City温州民间商会
3)chambers of Wenzhou commerce异地温州商会
1.The chambers of Wenzhou commerce in many provinces and cities of China is a typical example.本文以异地温州商会为例,将商会与地方政府设定为理性人,提出“利益是它们相互作用的原动力,利益可以成为分析两者之间互动的基本出发点”的假设,采用实证分析方法,分别分析了体制内和体制外的互动途径,及互动可能达成的具体成效和影响限度。
4)Wenzhou businessmen温州商人
5)Suzhou Chamber of Commerce苏州商会
6)Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce福州商会

《国际商会仲裁规则》《国际商会仲裁规则》 协曰网、间云.甲翻路万锐臾U))黔呈蓦莺雾代霭霎髻鑫览黯翼默欲翼成员国,凡是一切“有关本合同所发生的争议,须根据国际商会的仲裁规则,由依照这些规则指定的1名或1名以上的仲裁员作出最终的裁决。”但这些必须是国际性的商事争议。②在仲裁过程中,仲裁员有权决定其管辖权。例如,当事人就仲裁协议是否存在及其有效性问题提出抗辨,而仲裁员认为有足以证明该仲裁协议存在的初步证据,方可决定进行仲裁,但这并不影响抗辨是否成立。对这种情况,由仲裁员自行决定是否有管辖权。③在仲裁程序上,当事人可以自由选择仲裁地点。但仲裁员有权批准或者改变当事人有关仲裁地点的选择。④裁决效力。依照该规则进行的裁决,都具有终局效力,对双方当事人都具有约束力,都应当自动执行。