生态茶园,ecological tea plantation
1)ecological tea plantation生态茶园
1.In recent years,ecological tea plantation has been rapidly developed,and Anxi County of Fujian Province is the largest cultivated area and output of ecological tea in China.近年来,我国乌龙茶生态茶园发展迅速,福建省安溪县是我国乌龙茶生态茶园面积和产量最多的县。
2.Ecological tea plantation is such a tea plantation that is ecologically and organically simulative to the natural ecosystem.系统地研究浙江省农药残留与生态茶园的关系,推进生态茶园建设,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。

1.Using the Scientific Outlook on Development to Guide the Ecological Tea-garden Construction用科学发展观指导普洱茶生态茶园建设
2.Planning Constrcuction and Strategy Study on Ecological Tea Garden in Anxi County;安溪县生态茶园规划建设与策略研究
3.Studies on Agronomy and Ecology of Composite Cultivation of Ecological Tea Garden生态茶园复合栽培的农学与生态学研究
4.Study on Major Ecological Factors of Chestnut-Tea Intercrop Garden栗茶间作茶园主要生态因子特性的研究
5.Influences on Ecological Effects of Tea Plantations and Biological Characterastics of Tea Plant in the Red Hills at Fertilization Structure;不同施肥结构对红壤丘陵茶园生态和茶树生物学效应的影响
6.Effect of Chinese Chestnut in Intercropping System on Ecophysiological Factors in Tea Garden;栗茶间作系统中栗树对茶园生态生理因子的影响
7.Effect of Fertilizer on Growth and Quality with Tea Garden Organism s Habits of Huangdan;肥料对黄棪生长与品质及茶园生态的影响
8.A Study on the Effects of Different Shade-tree Species on the Environment of Tea Plantations and Tea Leaves Quality;间作树木对茶园生态环境及茶叶品质影响的研究
9.Influence of the Cultivation Mode on Ecological Environment of Tea Garden and the Quality of Tea;不同栽培模式对茶园生态环境及茶叶品质的影响
10.Study on Soil Ecological Effect with Different Mulching Measures in Tea Garden;茶园不同覆盖措施的土壤生态效应研究
11.An initial study of how to develop biological tourism resources of Chaling Yunyang state forest park;茶陵云阳国家森林公园生态旅游资源开发初探
12.Research on the Mechanism and Ecological Treatment Measures of Soil and Water Loss in Hilly Tea Plantation山地茶园水土流失机理及生态调控措施研究
13.A preliminary investigation of application of full nutrition eco-fertilizer in tea tree全营养生态肥在茶园中的应用研究初报
14.Study on Sustainable Development of Tea Plantation Ecotourism Resources茶园生态旅游资源可持续开发模式研究
15.Research on the Soil and Water Loss and Ecological Treatment Measures in Hilly Tea Plantation山地茶园水土流失及生态调控措施研究
16.Study on Eco-physiological Effects of Straw Mulching and Intercropping White Clover in Tea Plantation in Subtropical Hilly Red Soil Regions;亚热带红壤丘陵茶园覆盖与间作的生理生态效应研究
17.Studies of Soil Ecological Effects under the Different Mulching Measures in Xinyang Maojian Tea Garden;信阳毛尖茶园不同覆盖措施的生态环境效应研究
18.The Analysis of PLFA Biomarkers and Study on Dynamic of Microbial Community Structure in Anxi Tea Garden Soil安溪茶园土壤微生物PLFA标记分析及群落结构变化动态的研究

Ecological tea garden生态茶园
1.The problem of building ecological tea garden was discussed by the authors from the resources superiority of nature environment and development history of tea industry in Xishuangbanna The necessary and important to build ecological tea garden was analyzed and regarded that building ecological tea garden would speed up tea industry of sustainable development.从西双版纳自然环境优势和茶叶发展历史角度出发,讨论了生态茶园建设的重要性和必要性,建设生态茶园是西双版纳茶业可持续发展的必由之路。
3)Ecological garden of tea-pine茶林生态园
4)ecosystem of tea gardens茶园生态系统
5)artificial ecosystem tea garden人工生态茶园
6)ecological tea plantations复合生态茶园

大坪生态观光茶园高山毓风骨,云雾赋神韵,海拔850米以上,常年云雾缭绕的大坪乡,是国家级茶叶良种“毛蟹”的故乡。大坪乡地势开阔,环境优美,气候宜人,空气清新,年平均气温16-18度,人谓自然空调,素有大坪小上海之美称。有4个风景秀丽的瀑布群,其中,百丈祭瀑布高达115米,宽40米,飞流直下,珠花飞溅的惊险壮观景象令人叹为观止,其余的三个瀑布也各具特色。茶海碧波中的瀑布群使人觉得美不胜收,而附近的侏椤纪前的亿年松柏活化石,又引起人们寻古思幽之情。大坪茶山形态秀丽,绿色无边,被誉为茶海明珠,是全国最美最好的生态风光茶园。此外,这里还有原始森林景观、绿色食品工程有限公司以及国家产学研工程高技术产业化、高山无公害优质茶园基地和可持续发展高优茶业系统调控应用技术及良种示范基地研究,以及国家高科技富硒茶培育和加工攻关项目,还可观赏七家台资企业在大坪综合开发制作台式珠茶和人参乌龙茶的先进设备,还可欣赏最原始的茶歌对唱以及20年代仿造上海建筑的古街。 步入茶乡给予人予一种回归自然的美好感觉。