农村消费者,rural consumer
1)rural consumer农村消费者
1.Reasons on Formation of Vulnerable Position of Rural Consumers and Its Countermeasures;农村消费者弱势地位形成的原因和对策

1.Rural Consumers Education: A New Measurement to Develop Rural Markets Efficiently;农村消费者教育:有效开拓农村市场的新举措
2.A research on the state s protections on the rights and interests of the consumers in the countryside;谈国家对农村消费者权益的保护问题
3.On Legal Protection of Right of Rural Consumers in Our Country;试论我国农村消费者权益的法律保护
4.Reasons on Formation of Vulnerable Position of Rural Consumers and Its Countermeasures;农村消费者弱势地位形成的原因和对策
5.Discussion on Promoting the Awareness of Rights Protection and Ability of Safeguarding Rights of Rural Consumers提升农村消费者权益保护意识及维权能力探讨
6.Growth Evaluation of Different Formats of Rural Retailers: A Study Based on Rural Consumers' Satisfaction in Liaoning Province中国农村零售业态的成长性评价——基于辽宁农村消费者满意度视角的研究
7.The Use of Consumption Loan to Enlarge Rural Consumption Market;发展农村消费信贷 开拓农村消费市场
8.Status of the Rural Consumption Demand and Its Promotive Countermeasures in China我国农村消费需求现状及促进农村消费的对策
9.To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption;开展消费教育 引导农村居民科学消费
10.Improving the Rural Consumption Environment and Promoting the Market;改善农村消费环境 启动农村市场
11.Optimizes Consumption Environment of Rural and Enlarges Farmers Consumer Demand;优化农村消费环境与扩大农民消费需求
12.A Study on Consumption Policies and Differences between Urban and Rural Consumption;农村、城镇居民消费行为差异与消费政策研究
13.On the Difficulty of Consumer Credit Services of Promoting Rural Consumption;关于消费信贷启动农村消费难点的探讨
14.Research on Rural Residents of Guizhou Province Consumption Level and Consumption Structure贵州省农村居民消费水平与消费结构研究
15.Primary Affecting Factors and Expanding Countermeasures of Countryside Consumption影响农村消费的主要因素与扩大农村消费的对策
16.On the Law to Protect Safe Consumption in Rural Area;农村消费安全的法律思考——从农村“销废”谈起
17.On the Relevance between the Financial Expenditure for Constructing the New Countryside and the Rural Consumption Demand;新农村建设财政支出与农村消费需求的相关性
18.Improving the Rural Marginal Propensity to Consume and Constructing the New Socialist Countryside;提高农村边际消费倾向 构建社会主义新农村

rural consumers农村消费者
1.A survey on rural consumers\' satisfaction in Liaoning province was done to evaluate the growth opportunities of different formats of rural retailers,i.通过对辽宁农村消费者满意度的调查,可以有效评价农村现行四种典型零售业态——杂货店、集贸市场、超市、专业店——的成长性。
3)Right of rural consumers农村消费者权益
4)rural consumption农村消费
1.Degree of Financial Environment Impeding the Growth of Rural Consumption in China;金融环境在多大程度上制约了现阶段我国农村消费的增长
2.Status and strategies of rural consumption market in the midst of financial crisis金融危机下农村消费市场的现状与对策
3.New Breakthrough to Expand Rural Consumption in China扩大农村消费新突破口的选择
5)peasant consumers农民消费者
1.Improving the protection system of the legal rights and interests of peasant consumers完善农民消费者合法权益的保护体系
6)rural residents consumption农村居民消费
1.This paper using clustering method analyzes the relevant data of rural residents consumption in China.本文运用数理统计学中的聚类方法,对我国农村居民消费的相关数据进行分析,首先得出我国农村居民消费结构的阶段性演变特征,说明国家政策对农村居民生活水平影响显著。
2.There are three main problems of rural residents consumption in Gansu: Firstly,the proportion of rural residents consumption in the total consumption has been declining all the time;Secondly,The gap between the urban and rural residents consumption is more and more big;Thirdly,the contribution that the rural residents consumption to economic growth has been in a state of decline since 1996.甘肃农村居民消费主要存在三个问题:一是农村居民消费在整个居民消费当中所占的比重一直处于下降状态;二是城乡居民消费水平差距越来越大;三是农村居民消费对于经济增长的贡献从1996年开始一直是处于下降状态。
3.From the viewpoint of making research on rural residents consumption hotspots and based on the balanced Chinese macro-SAM of 2004, we subdivide the items of Commodity, Activity and Household.从研究农村居民消费热点角度出发,在已有的2004年中国宏观社会核算矩阵平衡表的基础上将商品项、活动项及家庭项按研究需要进行了细分,从而拆分了2004 年中国宏观社会核算矩阵平衡表并建立了中国农村居民消费核算矩阵。

农村信用合作社生活消费贷款农村信用合作社生活消费贷款  【农村谊用合作杜生活消费贷狱l中国农村信用合作社为解决贫困户生活困难或满足农户消费猫要而发放的贷款。贷款使用范围:①解决重灾区农户购买国家返销粮的资金困难。实行农村生产贵任制以前,此项贷教一般不计利息,现在为区别贷教与救济金的不同,要按基准利率收息,几有特殊政策规定的适当给低息照顾,贷款期限一般不超过一年。贷款按实际需要发放。②解决农户疾病、婚、丧、嫁、娶等生活性开支的资金困难,但额度不宜过大,期限不宜过长,区别情况实行浮动利率。③帮助农户解决必铸购置耐用消费品及住房的资金需要,此类贷教实行存贷挂钩,一般实行存一贷、,贷款要有担保或抵押,利率可区别情况浮动,期限一般为l一2年,最长不超过3年。