专利组合,patent portfolios
1)patent portfolios专利组合
1.The patent portfolios of enterprises are the important elements to determine its status,functions and profit distribution in the alliance.战略联盟是企业实现技术标准化及其市场效益的重要形式,企业所拥有的专利组合是决定企业在联盟中地位、作用与利益分配谈判力的重要基础。

1.Patent Thicket,Patent Portfolios and Patent Alliance--From Patent Strategy to Patent Cluster Strategy;专利丛林、专利组合和专利联盟——从专利战略到专利群战略
2.A study on theoretical system of patent portfolio based on innovation practice in China;基于中国创新实践的专利组合理论体系研究
3.Drawing and application of patent portfolio based on multidimensional scaling基于多维标度的专利组合图谱绘制及应用
4.Study on Motivation and Strategy for Technological Standards Alliance of High-tech Enterprise Based on Patent Portfolios;基于专利组合的高技术企业技术标准联盟动力与策略研究
5.Ad Hoc Working Party of Experts--More Rational Utilization of Wood木材合理利用问题特设专家工作组
6.international patent专利合作条约专利-国际专利
7.patent information retrieval system of Japan PatentInformation Organization日本专利情报组织专利情报检索系统
8.The Research of Interests Mechanism to Farmers Cooperation in Fruit Industrialization of Sichuan Province;四川农民专业合作经济组织在水果产业化经营中的利益机制研究
9.United Nations Group of Experts on the Standardization of Geographical Names联合国地名标准化专家组(地名专家组)
10.A Research on the Specialization of the Professional Staff in Non-profit Organization;非营利组织专职人员专业化问题研究
11.However, Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.但成员应以专利制度或有效的专门制度,或以任何组合制度,给植物新品种以保护。
12.License contract for patent and technology专利技术许可证合同
13.International Federation of Patent Agents国际专利代理人联合会
14.Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control虫害综合防治专家小组
15.JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)1. 联合图象专家组 2. 联合图象专家组格式
16.Intergovernmental Group of Experts to elaborate a strategy for the implementation and promotion of the right to development, as set forth in the Declaration on the Right to Development, in its integrated and Multidimensional Aspects拟订战略从综合及多层面角度实施和促进发展权利宣言所规定的发展权利政府间专家组
17.Analysis of Institutional Economics on the Rural Professional Cooperative Association--Taking Licai Vegetable Cooperative Association of Qing County in Hebei as an Example;农村专业合作组织的制度经济学分析——以河北省青县利财蔬菜合作社为例
18.Of all these hierarchies, only alt has many groups that are of general interest.Alt级专题组是最适合大众的专题。

patent portfolio专利组合
1.A study on theoretical system of patent portfolio based on innovation practice in China;基于中国创新实践的专利组合理论体系研究
2.Drawing and application of patent portfolio based on multidimensional scaling基于多维标度的专利组合图谱绘制及应用
3.According to the traits of data of patent documents,based on studying comparatively the existing patent evaluation index system and referring to Holger Ernst\'s patent portfolio analysis index system,the paper has preliminary established the evaluation index system of patent portfolio analysis suitable for China.根据我国专利文献数据的特点,在研究比较我国已有的专利评价指标体系和参考Holger Ernst的专利组合分析指标体系的基础上,初步建立适合我国国情的专利组合分析评价指标体系。
3)combined patents value专利组合价值
1.In this paper,we started from the evaluating the single patent value,and then deduced an evaluation method of combined patents value in.为此,本文从单项专利价值的计算入手,考虑专利联盟中专利的不同类型、不同的加入时间和起作用时间等情况,提出专利联盟中专利组合价值的评估方法,在此基础上借助财务分析中内部收益率来计算专利联盟中的许可费。
4)patent portfolio analysis专利组合分析
1.According to the traits of data of patent documents,based on studying comparatively the existing patent evaluation index system and referring to Holger Ernst\'s patent portfolio analysis index system,the paper has preliminary established the evaluation index system of patent portfolio analysis suitable for China.根据我国专利文献数据的特点,在研究比较我国已有的专利评价指标体系和参考Holger Ernst的专利组合分析指标体系的基础上,初步建立适合我国国情的专利组合分析评价指标体系。
5)Theoritical Study on Patent Portfolio专利组合理论研究
6)Patent Aggregation专利联合
