统计性歧视,statistical discrimination
1)statistical discrimination统计性歧视
1.A regional labor brand operates as statistical discrimination in the labor market.区域劳动力品牌是我国经济发展中的重要现象,作为劳动力市场中一种特殊的统计性歧视和声誉机制,它能实现企业、劳动力、地方政府与培训机构等多方受益的格局,因而区域劳动力品牌在欠发达地区得到较快的发展。
2.The authors hold that the statistical discrimination model fully accounts for the phenomenon of income discrepancy caused by non-productive features that have long existed in the labor market through incomplete information on labor competency.统计性歧视模型利用劳动能力信息非完全的思想对劳动力市场长期存在的非生产力特征引起的工资差距现象做出了充分的解释。

1.The Analyzing and Solving of the Farmer Work Employment Covariance Bias Analysis破除农民工统计性歧视的经济学分析
2.On Statistical Discrimination in the Labor Market:Causes,Long-term Existence and Anti-discrimination Measures劳动力市场统计性歧视的起因、长期性和反歧视措施研究
3.Give statistical evidence of discrimination against women.给出歧视妇女的统计数据。
4.The First Deconstruction to the Reasons of Sex Discrimination in Traditional Education;对传统性别歧视教育依据的首次解构
5.The sex discrimination act define two kinds of sex discrimination... direct and indirect.《反性别歧视法》阐释了直接歧视和接歧视。
6.Racial and Sexual Discrimination in English Language;谈英语语言中的性别歧视和种族歧视
7.Appraisal of the Sexual Discrimination in Wage Earnings of Urban Workers in China;我国城市就业人员性别工资歧视的估计
8.A Micrometric Research of Gender Income Discrimination in Guangzhou s Information Technology Industry;广州IT业中性别工资歧视的微观计量分析
9.Sexism in Both English and Chinese Traditional Cultures and Feminist Movement;英汉传统文化中的性别歧视与女权运动
10.Ways to Put an End to Discriminatory Laws from Specifying Standard Appeal Period从规范统一的上诉期探杜绝歧视性法律的途径
11.principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of gender不得有性别歧视的原则
12.general nondiscriminatory system of preferences非歧视性普遍优惠制
13.non-sexist working relationship无性别歧视的工作关系
14.geographically discriminatory trading arrangement地域歧视性贸易安排
15.(7) those having the nature of discrimination against any nationality;(7)带有民族歧视性的;
16.publish one's reflections on sexism发表对性别歧视的看法.
17.discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex.对异性的歧视或辱骂。
18.racial, sexual, religious, political, etc discrimination种族、 性别、 宗教、 政治...歧视

Statisic Discrimination统计歧视
3)gender discrimination性别歧视
1.The Demographic Consequences of Gender Discrimination——Simulation Analysis Based on Public Policies;性别歧视的人口后果——基于公共政策视角的模拟分析
2.Gender Discrimination and Gender Equality: Comparative Study of Legislation and Reality;性别歧视与性别平等:法律与现实的比较研究
3.Initial analysis of the gender discrimination in English language浅谈英语语言中的性别歧视
4)sexual discrimination性别歧视
1.Economic Analysis of sexual discrimination in employment;就业中性别歧视的经济学浅析
1.As a special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through language.英语词汇中的性歧视现象概括起来主要表现在英语词汇、男性为规范、指称女性的词语存在着语义降格的倾向和语言应用上保守着男先女后的语序等方面。
2.It also expounds the cultural implication of sexism in English and the subtle relation between language and culture.从对女性社会身份的非难和对女性人格及社会价值的贬低等几个方面,阐释英语女性用语特征,分析英语语用方面的性别差异,阐述英语中性歧视现象的文化内涵及语言与社会文化之间的微妙关系。
6)no discrimination无歧视性
1.This paper presents that China s shipping market has developed rapidly since 1980s, and displayed the features of the all sided open market, permitted foreign companies to enter it with no discrimination against them.论述了自80年代以来,我国航运市场得到了迅速发展,中国航运市场呈现出全面开放、外资航运公司在中国航运市场准入度高和在中国航运市场无歧视性的特征。

歧视性政府采购政策歧视性政府采购政策(discriminatory government procurement policy),是指国家制定法令,规定政府机构在采购时要优先采买本国产品的做法。美利坚合众国从1933年开始实行、并于1954年和1962年两次修改《购买美利坚合众国货法案》(buy american act)就是?a target=_blank href=/view/3565.htm>[]]国限定通讯设备和电子计算机要向本公骸本也有几个省规定,政府机构需用的办公设备、汽车、计算机、电缆等不得采购外国产品。