质量手册,quality manual
1)quality manual质量手册
1.This paper presents a system with data flow graphs,quality manuals and quality records.针对当前企业在ISO 9001:2000贯标过程中存在的效率低、易出错、缺乏规范性、过场化等一系列质量管理问题,将质量体系的贯彻实施落实到质量体系文件的管理上,从系统开发目的、开发工具、系统总体设计和模块划分,以及产品实现信息流的分析对ISO 9001:2000质量管理信息系统进行了深入分析,给出了系统的模块划分图以及质量手册数据流图和质量记录数据流图。
2.After discussing the characteristics, functions, contents and compiling procedure of qualitymanual, the paper probes how to compile a quality manual which not only meets the needs of quality systembut also fits an enterprise itself.通过对质量手册的特征、功能、内容以及质量手册编写过程的论述,就企业如何编制出既满足选定质量体系标准要求、又符合自身特点的质量手册作了探讨。

1.The organization shall establish and maintain a quality manual that includes the scope of the quality management system,组织应编制和保持质量手册质量手册包括: 质量管理体系的范围,
2.From the date the new version SG/QA-A Quality Manual comes into force, the old version shall be annulled.新版SG/QA-A《质量手册》实施后,原版SG/QA-A《质量手册》予以废止。
3.Some Thoughts on the Construction of Universities’ Teaching Quality Pamphlet;对构建大学教学质量手册的若干思考
4.quality manual : document specifying the quality management system of an organization质量手册: 规定组织质量管理体系的文件
5.Quality Manual (hereinafter referred to as the Manual) is the standard and rule for the company's quality management activities.质量手册(以下简称手册)是公司有效地开展质量活动的标准和准则,是公司纲领性文件。
6.The controlled quality manual, procedure documentations and list of required documents.受控的质量手册和程序文件及必需的文件清单。
7.The Quality Manual describes the Quality System according to the 19 requirements of ISO 9002 and EN 46002.质量手册按照ISO9002/EN46002的19个要素要求分别描述了本公司的质量体系。
8.The quality manual includes a description of the interaction between the processes of the quality management system.质量手册包括对质量管理体系所包括过程的相互作用的表述。
9.A quality plan often makes reference to parts of the quality manual or to procedure documents.通常,质量计划引用质量手册的部分内容或程序文件。
10.The quality manual includes the documented procedures established for the quality management system, or reference to them.质量手册包括为质量管理体系编制的形成文件的程序或对其引用.
11.The quality management system documentation shall include such as documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives, a quality manual.质量管理体系文件应该包括象形成文件的质量方针和质量目标、质量手册等。
12.The quality manual shall include or make reference to the quality system procedures and outline the structure of the documentation used in the quality system.此项质量手册应包括或提及质量系统的各项书面程序,以及略述本质量系统所使用之文件架构。
13.The manufacturer shall prepare a quality manual covering the requirements of this Practice.制造业者应准备质量手册涵盖本规范之各项要求。
14.A Quality Manual shall be controlled as a QMS document as stated in Section 0.7 and 4.2.3质量手册应按质量管理体系文件进行管理,其管理要求按0.7和4.2.3章节进行。
15.An updated version may be necessary when a lot of revisions or some significant changes occur or the quality management standard has been revised.当质量手册经过重大或多次修改以及质量管理标准新修订后,公司应根据情况适时进行换版。
16.Are the Supplier's quality control systems adequately documented? (e.g. Quality manual, written inspection / test procedure, etc.)?供应商的质量控制系统是否形成了完善的文件体系? (例如:质量手册,书面检验/测试程序等)
17.documents that provide consistent information, both internally and externally, about the organization's quality management system; such documents are referred to as quality manuals;向组织内部和外部提供关于质量管理体系的一致信息的文件,这类文件称为质量手册
18.Develop a quality system and a manual that describes it.建立质量体系,编写质量体系说明手册。

Quality handbook质量手册
1.Quality handbook and programme are two key documents of the quality system document.质量手册和程序文件是实验室质量体系文件中的核心文件。
2.The points of view were raised on detail questions during quality handbook editing.结合实际工作,对编制质量手册时遇到的某些问题提出一些具体看法。
3)quality control handbook质量控制手册
4)Juran's quality handbook朱兰质量手册
5)supplier quality manual供方质量手册
6)lab quality manual实验室质量手册

质量手册  质量手册是规划和实施一个质量体系的主要文件。它可用于下列目的:(1)就最高管理者确定的质量方针和目标与他的职员、顾客和卖主相互沟通。(2)树立公司最佳形象,赢得客户的信任并满足合同规定的要求。(3)对供应商施加影响,使之对所提供的产品施以有效的质量保证。(4)为贯彻质量体系,按授权的引用标准行事。(5)规定各功能团组以及与质量活动相关的各部门的组织结构和职责。(6)保证工作有序和有效。(7)就质量体系的各要素对全体员工进行培训,使他们认识其工作对最终产品质量的影响,帮助员工提高自身素质。(8)作为质量审核的依据。