私盐,illegal salt
1)illegal salt私盐
1.The illegal salt dealings were very rampant during this time because salt merchants were pursuing illegal profits fiercely.这一时期云南省内私盐更是盛行,究其成因当与盐商的牟取暴利有着重要的内在联系。
2.The illegal salt is the special performance after The Tang mid and late part salt implementation specializes in selling the law.私盐是唐中后期盐专卖法实施之后产生的特殊现象。
3.There are various causes for illegal salt,and in the aspect of constitution,the double-track system of salt price is the main cause.私盐历来都是困扰着盐行业正常发展的重大问题,对国计民生影响巨大;私盐的形成有各种原因,但在体制层面主要的还是盐价双轨制所致;当代尽管在盐业管理上出台了一系列管理政策,而私盐的泛滥仍然较为严重;解决私盐问题的根本策略应从产销平衡和价格体制管理两个方面着手。

1.The Relationship among the Salt Merchant, the Illegal Salt Dealings and Its Suppression during the Period of the Republic of China;民国时期云南盐商、私盐与辑私关系探析
2.Evolution of the System of Salt Transportation and Sale and Private Salt in the South and North Huaihe River in the Qing Dynasty;清代两淮食盐运销体制的演变与私盐
3.The Double-Track System of Illegal Salt and Salt Price--Salt Market in Eastern Chongqing as the Center私盐问题与盐价双轨制——以渝东盐市场为中心
4.Smuggled Salt,State Monopoly and Non-governmental Power--A Case of Smuggled Salt Problem in Nuodeng Salt-fidld in Yunnan Province;私盐、国家垄断与民间权力——以云南诺邓井的私盐问题为例
5.The Salt Industry s Modernization and the Private Salt Problem in the Ximeng Area from 1915 to 1928;1915—1928年间的西蒙盐业近代化及私盐问题
6.The Separating Official Salt Marketing and Private Salt in the Middle and Southern Regions of Jiangxi in the Middle Qing Dynasty;清中叶江西中、南部地区官盐分销状况与私盐
7.The Game Analysis of Salt Smuggling Behaviors and Its Supervision Under Food Salt Monopoly System食盐专营制度下私盐行为与其监管的博弈分析
8.Study on Szechwan s Salt Smuggling in Qing Dynasty with Availability of Ba County Archives;从《巴县档案》看清代四川的私盐问题
9.Operating malpractices, heavy tax and high price of official salt stimulated the production and sale of illicit earth salt fiercely.官盐经营的弊端和税重价高极大的刺激了硝土私盐的产销。
10.On the Interinfluence between the Smuggled Salt s Grabbing for Hubei and Hunan Market and the Government s Inspection and Extermination in the Late Qing Dynasty;清末私盐对湖广市场的争夺与政府的缉剿
11.Keeping Away and Shocking of the Qing Government for Private Salt--Taking Jiangxi as an Example;清政府对私盐的防范和打击——以江西为例
12.On the Smuggled Salt Dealing Situation and Its Influence in Qing Dynasty and the Republican Period of Yunnan清代及民国时期云南私盐活动概况及其影响
13.The Distribution Hubei Northwest of Illegal Salt and Related Issues in Qing Dynasty论清代鄂西北私盐运销形式及相关问题
14.A large quantity of saline-alkali land provided material condition for the production.河北大量碱地的存在为硝土私盐的生产提供了物质条件。
15.A Fundamental Disscusion on Salt Smuggling in Middle and South of Jiangxi in the Middle Period of Qing Dynasty;清中叶江西中、南部地区盐枭走私初探
16.On Nanjing National Government's Legal Control to the Private Salt浅论南京国民政府对食盐走私的立法控制
17.The Way of Official or Private Salt Transportation and Circulation of Jiangxi in the Middle Qing Dynasty;清中叶江西官私食盐的运输途径与流通方式
18.City Defense,Illicit Salt and Local Society in Min,Yue and Gan in Song Dynasty宋代闽粤赣边的城防、食盐走私与地方社会

salt smuggling私盐
1.At the same time,salt smuggling was very serious.清代四川是重要的产盐区,其私盐问题十分突出。
2.It has been a long time for salt smuggling.私盐产生由来已久,由于时代背景不同,各时期所产生的影响也有所不同,本文主要探讨清朝私盐贩运对人民生活、榷盐体制、政府财政收入等方面的影响。
3)varieties of unlicensed salt私盐种类
4)issue of unlicensed salt私盐问题
5)illicit earth salt硝土私盐
1.The thesis studies Hebei s illicit earth salt issue in 1930 s in four parts.硝土私盐是刮土淋煎熬晒的劣盐,20世纪30年代在河北泛滥成灾,引起官盐滞销,税收锐减,南京国民政府采取一系列措施加以治理,反而酿成盐务风潮,引发社会动荡。
6)the vicissitudes of private salt私盐变迁
