公平和效率,Equity and Efficiency
1)Equity and Efficiency公平和效率

1.Conflict and Unification about Fairness and Efficiency of Public Policy;公共政策中公平和效率的冲突与统一
2.The Value Choice of Fair and Efficiency From"the Function of Fair";从“公平的作用”看公平和效率的价值选择
3.Equity and efficiency in higher education massification;高等教育大众化进程中的公平和效率
4.The prerequisite for the unity of equity and efficiency: The equality between individuals and government;公平和效率统一的前提:个人与政府之间的平等
5.Just Having Efficiency Then Having Justice--The fair, efficiency and assign view of the supply school;有效率才有公平——供给学派的公平、效率和分配观
6.The Rule Fair Efficiency First --View of Fair,Efficiency and Distribution of Classical Economics;规则公平 效率优先——古典经济学的公平、效率和分配观的比较分析
7.The Principle of Equality and Efficiency A Comparison Between Equality,Efficiency and Distribution in Welfare Economics;公平与效率的准则——福利经济学公平、效率和分配观的比较
8.Study on the Fairness and Efficiency from the Angle of View of Fairness of Start and Process;从起点和过程公平的视角论公平与效率
9.Fairness-Efficiency Dispute And The Integrated View Of Fairness And Efficiency;公平、效率之争与“公平效率整合观”
10.The second is the efficiency view emphasis on development and fairness.二是崇尚发展和注重公平的效率观。
11.The Cornerstone of a Harmonious Society:Equal Stress on Equality and Efficiency;公平与效率并重:构建和谐社会的基石
12.A Brief Talk on the Efficiency and Fairness of the Personal Revenue;浅谈个人所得税法的效率和公平问题
13.Comment on the Relationship Between Efficiency and Fair According to Constructing Harmonious Society;从构建和谐社会审视效率与公平关系
14.Efficient Equality as well as Attaching Importance to others; Promote the Construction of Harmonious Society;效率公平并重兼顾 促进和谐社会构建
15.On Efficiency and Fairness in the Visual Threshold of a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视阈中公平与效率问题略论
16.Establishing Concept of Equity and Efficiency in Keeping with Harmonious Society;确立与和谐社会相适应的公平效率观
17.Views on Fairness, Efficiency and Distribution of the Monetarist School;货币主义学派的公平、效率和分配观
18.Educational Justice,Educational Equality and Educational Efficiency;浅议教育公平、教育平等和教育效率的关系

Efficiency and fairness效率和公平
1.In the theory circles of home and abroad,the study of concrete branch for efficiency and fairness has gainned many theory achievements,and at the same time,limitations have also existed which one cant overcome.国内外理论界具体学科对效率和公平的研究均取得了不少理论成果 ,同时也存在具体学科自身难以克服的局限。
3)efficiency and justice效率和公平
1.It is key to construct harmonious society that to reduce the gap between the rich and poor,to let more people enjoy the achievement of development and to consider efficiency and justice.缩小贫富差距,使更多的人享受到发展的成果,兼顾效率和公平,是构建和谐社会的关键所在。
4)efficiency and equity效率和公平
1.Through analysis of the relation be- tween efficiency and equity, this paper points out that the regulatory detailed planning of small cities should be equity oriented.通过对效率和公平辩证关系的分析,指出我国的小城镇控制性详细规划应以公平价值取向为主,并提出了小城镇开发强度分区的概念,重点研究了控规的技术方法。
5)intension of efficiency and fair效率和公平内涵
6)equity and efficiency公平效率
1.Therefore, there should be new ideas to furthe r implement the reform: basing the reform upon the historical background of esta blishing public finance and China s accession to the WTO, and putting emphasis u pon innovation of rural taxation and fiscal institutions, so as to fulfill the f und-raising function and the principle of equity and efficiency of public financ e.农村税费改革在取得重大成效的同时暴露出一系列问题,因而农村税费改革的进一步推行应有新的思路:立足于当前建立公共财政和加入世贸组织的历史背景,注重农业税收和财政体制创新,以实现财政聚财功能和公平效率原则。

配置效率和生产效率  在经济学上,经济发展的动力,或者说效率的来源,分为两类:一类是配置效率,二是生产效率。所谓配置效率,是指给定资源和技术的条件下,怎么样使资源从边际生产率低的地方流向边际生产率高的地方,从而使得资源和利用更合理、社会总价值达到最大;而生产效率是指如何通过技术进步提高每一种资源的生产率,也就是把社会的生产可行性边界向外移。