沦陷时期,occupied period
1)occupied period沦陷时期
1.Anti-japanese patriotism cultural movement in the northeast during janpanese occupied period;论东北沦陷时期的爱国抗日文化运动

1.During the occupation, we had to live in total submission .在沦陷时期, 我们得听凭摆布.
2.During the occupation, we had to live in total submission (to the invader).在沦陷时期, 我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布.
3.The Supply Control of the Japan s Imperial Army and Wang Jingwei Regime in Wuhan Region during Occupied China;沦陷时期日伪对武汉地区的物资统制
4.The Characteristics of the Magazine Wan Xiang in Occupied Shanghai;沦陷时期上海《万象》杂志的形态特征
5.The Inheritance About Lu Xun in Periodical Wan Xiang During Occupied Shanghai;上海沦陷时期《万象》杂志中的鲁迅继承
6.Anti-japanese patriotism cultural movement in the northeast during janpanese occupied period;论东北沦陷时期的爱国抗日文化运动
7.The Japanese Puppet Regime's Enslaving Education to Wuhan Citizens in Occupied Period沦陷时期日伪对武汉民众的奴化教育
8.The county guards of the puppet soldiers in North China--A case study of occupied Hebei;华北伪军中的县警备队——以沦陷时期的河北为例
9.The Interpretation of the View of the Same Sex of Female as the Northeast Feminie Writers during the Occupation by Japan;东北沦陷时期女作家创作的同类视角解读
10.Metropolis Culture in Aggressor-occupied Shanghai From Popular Periodical Wanxiang;从《万象》杂志看上海沦陷时期的都市文化
11.The Conflicts over Chun Jiang Yi Hen and the Chinese Cinema in the period of Occupation;《春江遗恨》的是是非非与沦陷时期的中国电影
12.Study on the Group Tribes Established in Jilin during its Occupation by Japan;沦陷时期日本在吉林建立“集团部落”剖析
13.Discussing Japanese Policy for the Korean Emigrants to the Northeast of China during the Period of the Rule of Japan and the "Manchukuo"Puppet Regime;评沦陷时期日本对中国东北朝鲜移民的政策
14.A Study of Wuhan’s Colonialist Enslavement Education during the Period of the Occupied by Japanese Troops;论沦陷时期日伪在武汉进行的殖民奴化教育
15.A Historical Approach to Chinese and Shanghai Films in the Period of Japanese Occupation;沦陷时期的上海电影与中国电影的历史叙述
16.Islam policy of Japanese Colonial State in Enemy-occupied Era in Northeast China;东北沦陷时期日本殖民政权的伊斯兰教政策
17.On the teacher education in occupied regions during the Japanese invasion of China;试论日本侵华时期沦陷区的教师教育
18.On the Reasons for Food Supplies Deficiency in the Area of Huabei Which Was Occupied by Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期华北沦陷区的粮荒成因分析

Japan-occupied period(1938-1945)沦陷时期(1938-1945)
3)the period of degeneration in Northeast region东北沦陷时期
4)period of Japan-occupied Shanghai上海沦陷时期
5)the early period of enemy-occupation沦陷初期
6)the literature of enemy-occupied area in period of the war of Resistance Against Japan抗战时期沦陷区文学
