排他性交易,exclusive dealing
1)exclusive dealing排他性交易
1.The number of firms of downstream firms controlled by the upstream incumbent is a critical variable, and the model analyzes that the four negative impacts of exclusive dealing.构建上游双寡头和下游多家厂商的排他性交易模型。
2)emission trading排污交易
1.Regarding the institutional innovation opportunity of Guangdong-Hongkong regional environmental management from the perspective of the "emission trading pilot scheme for thermal power plants in the Pearl River Delta region";从“珠三角火力发电厂排污交易试验计划”看粤港区域环境管理制度创新机遇
2.Study of SO2 emission trading in two control zone;“两控区”二氧化硫排污交易研究
3.The paper summarizes the research and application results from the three steps of the SO_2 total emission control and emission trading policy in China.使用YRDEGS线性规划优化模型对在长江三角洲地区电力行业实施SO2排放权交易所能产生的SO2控制费用的节省、安装FGD装机容量的变化、可引起的脱硫变动成本的节约、SO2排放许可的市场需求、不同交易方式所引起的脱硫费用变化进行分析,得到以下主要结论:若发电量保持在2000年的水平,实现SO2减排20%的目标,采用排污交易脱硫费用将会节省38%,可以少安装FGD的机组装机容量达6。

1.Assessment of the Economic Losses of SO_2 Emission from Thermal Power Plants and Study of the Pollution Emission Property Right Transaction;火电厂SO_2排放污染损失估算与排污交易的研究
2.The Impact of International CO_2 Emission Trading on China's Emission Trading;国际碳排放交易对我国排污权交易的影响
3.Analysis of Emission Trading System of Poyang Lake Water Pollutant鄱阳湖水污染物排污权交易制度探析
4.The Study on Chinese Marketable Pollution Permits System and Establishment of Hebei Province's;中国排污权交易制度研究与河北省排污权交易制度构建
5.Analysis on the Functions of Government in Emissions Trading--An Example of U.S. SO_2 Emission Trading;政府在排污权交易中的职能分析——以美国SO_2排污权交易实践为例
6.Optimal Design of Emission Right Trading at Transaction Cost试析交易成本下的排污权交易的最优化设计
7.Approach on the Emissions Trading and Design of Trading System;排污权交易的理论探讨和交易制度设计
8.About the Assumption of Water Pollution Permission Trading in Wuhan City对武汉市水污染物排放权交易的设想
9.Study on Theory and Application of Pollutant Emission Property Right Transaction in China;我国排污权交易理论及其运用的探讨
10.Economic Analysis of SO_2 Emission Trading of Electric Power Sector in China;中国电力行业SO_2排污权交易经济分析
11.Research on Institution of Emission Permits Trading Based on Environmental Accounting;基于环境会计的排污权交易制度研究
12.The Legal Study on Implementing Emission Trading System;排污权交易制度的若干法律问题研究
13.Revelation to China for Emission Trading System of America;美国的排污权交易制度对中国的启示
14.The Accounting Recognition for the Tradable Emission Allowance;可交易污染物排放许可权的会计确认
15.Study on COD Emissions Trading System of Surface Water地表水体COD排污权交易体系研究
16.A Study on the SO_2 Emissions Trading of Chinese Thermal Power我国火电行业SO_2排污权交易制度研究
17.The Marketing Mechanism Design for the Trade of Emission Allowances Based in China初探我国排污权市场交易机制的构建
18.Analysis of Incentive Mechanism to the Companies in the Emissions Trading排污权交易下对企业激励机制的分析

emission trading排污交易
1.Regarding the institutional innovation opportunity of Guangdong-Hongkong regional environmental management from the perspective of the "emission trading pilot scheme for thermal power plants in the Pearl River Delta region";从“珠三角火力发电厂排污交易试验计划”看粤港区域环境管理制度创新机遇
2.Study of SO2 emission trading in two control zone;“两控区”二氧化硫排污交易研究
3.The paper summarizes the research and application results from the three steps of the SO_2 total emission control and emission trading policy in China.使用YRDEGS线性规划优化模型对在长江三角洲地区电力行业实施SO2排放权交易所能产生的SO2控制费用的节省、安装FGD装机容量的变化、可引起的脱硫变动成本的节约、SO2排放许可的市场需求、不同交易方式所引起的脱硫费用变化进行分析,得到以下主要结论:若发电量保持在2000年的水平,实现SO2减排20%的目标,采用排污交易脱硫费用将会节省38%,可以少安装FGD的机组装机容量达6。
3)emission trade排放交易
4)emissions trading排污交易
1.This paper firstly introduces total emissions control of sulfur dioxide in China, then summarizes the development of emissions trading.本文介绍了我国SO_2总量控制制度,综述了排污交易的发展历程。
5)pollution discharge trade排污交易
1.From the environmental management points of view,as an effective way to control pollution,the pollution discharge trade are put forward,the foreign experiences,domestic background and concrete performance are analysed,the favourable conditions to implement this policy in China have taken shape.本文从环境管理的角度 ,提出了排污交易这种有效控制污染的管理手段 ,并从国外的经验、国内背景、具体操作程度等方面论证了我国推行排污交易时机已成
6)Emission trading排污权交易
1.Development and challenges in SO_2 emission trading in China;SO_2排污权交易在中国的发展与挑战
2.The reality requirement & validity analysis of emission trading in China;我国排污权交易落实的现实要求及有效性分析
3.Discussion on total emissions control and emission trading;论总量控制与排污权交易

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-