CMS模型,Constant market share model
1)Constant market share modelCMS模型

1.The Structure of Agricultural Trade under CMS Model;CMS模型下中国农产品贸易格局分析
2.Based on CMS model Chinese vegetables products outlet variation analysis;基于CMS模型的中国蔬菜产品出口变动分析
3.Analysis on the Changes of China s Meat Exported to Japan Based on the CMS Model;基于CMS模型的中国肉类对日本出口变动分析
4.Analysis of China Textile and Apparel Export Based on Constant Market Share Model基于CMS模型的中国纺织品服装出口分析
5.Factor Analysis on the Fluctuation of China s Livestock Products Export:Based on the CMS Model;基于CMS模型的中国畜产品出口波动影响因素分析
6.The Causes of China-EU Agricultural Trade Growth: Based on the Empirical Analysis of the CMS Model;中国—欧盟农产品贸易增长的成因:基于CMS模型的实证分析
7.Chinese Wood Furniture Exports Fluctuations Analysis--International comparison based on the CMS model中国木质家具出口贸易波动成因分析——基于CMS模型的国际比较
8.Behavioral, Petrochemical, and Gene Expression Alteration Induced by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Chronic Mild Stress Rats;ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对CMS抑郁症大鼠模型神经生化及海马基因表达的影响
9.Anther development of three CMS male sterility lines in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)三种甘蓝型油菜CMS花药发育研究
10.Modeling and Stability Analysis of the Mined-Out Area in Underground Mine by CMSCMS实测地下矿采空区建模及稳定性分析研究
11.Studies by Genetic Markers and RT-PCR of CMS in Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L.);甘蓝型油菜不同CMS的遗传标记及RT-PCR研究
12.Improvement of Ogu CMS Restore Lines in Brassica Napus by Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection;分子标记辅助选择培育甘蓝型油菜Ogu CMS恢复系
13.SSR Marker-based Mapping of CMS-WA Fertility Restoring Genes in a Restorer Line of Rice;野败型CMS育性恢复基因的微卫星标记定位
14.Studies on hau Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Brassica Juncea;芥菜型油菜细胞质雄性不育hau CMS的研究
15.Molecular Identification of the Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) Type in Common Head Cabbage结球甘蓝细胞质雄性不育(CMS)类型的分子鉴定
16.Expression Pattern of Two Male Sterile Candidate Genes in Honglian Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice Line水稻HL-CMS中2个雄性不育候选基因表达模式的初步研究
17.Development and Genetic Analysis of Novel Quality Resources and Polima CMS Restorer Line in Brassica Napus;甘蓝型油菜品质资源和pol CMS恢复系的创新与遗传分析
18.Mapping of Fertility-restoring Genes for Yinshui Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Gold Hull and Internode Gene in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻印水型CMS恢复基因、金黄色颖壳和节间基因的初步定位

CMS modelCMS模型
1.Chinese Wood Furniture Exports Fluctuations Analysis——International comparison based on the CMS model中国木质家具出口贸易波动成因分析——基于CMS模型的国际比较
3)S type CMSS型CMS
1.S type CMS in maize is gametophyte male sterility different from other CMS types in maize and it is proved that the recombination region R in the mitochondria DNA is tightly associated with cytoplasmic sterility phenotype.玉米S型CMS为配子体雄性不育类型 ,其线粒体DNA上的R区被证明与胞质育性密切相关。
4)D 2 type CMS lineD2型CMS系
5)Dian-type CMS滇型CMS
1.According to the published rice genome sequence, primers were designed in the region of rice fertility restorer genes and a pair of molecular primers M43804 and M43558 which are closely linked to the restorer genes of two Dian-type CMS restorer lines Ansanbyeo and Nan34 was determined.根据已公布的水稻基因组序列,在水稻恢复基因定位区段内设计引物,确定出一对与两个滇型CMS的恢复系Ansanbyeo和南34恢复基因紧密连锁的分子标记引物M43804和M43558,首次克隆了滇型恢复基因Rf-D1(t),编码16个PPR蛋白。
6)The improved Ogu CMS改良型Ogu CMS

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