区域经济政策,regional economic policy
1)regional economic policy区域经济政策
1.On the basis of the analysis on the regional economic policies, the author has analyzed the choice of the regional economic policy goals, the separation and centralization of state power in policy means choice, the leading effect of public goods and non- public goods.在区域经济政策解析的基础上,对区域经济政策目标选择、政策手段选择中的分权与集权及公共品与非 公共品投资的导向效应进行分析。
2.First of all,we systematically review the historical evolution of regional economic policy in China and institutional change.我国实施区域经济政策已有近六十年的历史,对其进行概括总结和理论升华已成为当前刻不容缓的任务。
3.Regional economic policy evaluation is one of the most important part in the process of regional economic policy implementation, it is not only the assurance to enhance the efficiency of the regional economic policy, but also the accordance to determine whether to continue, edit, adjust or stop the regional economic policy.区域经济政策评价是区域经济政策实施过程中的一个重要组成部分,它不仅是提高区域经济政策运行效率的重要保证,也是决定区域经济政策继续、修正、调整、中止的重要依据。

1.Effects on Economic Development of Chongqing Produced by Regional Economic Policy in China我国区域经济政策对重庆经济发展的影响
2.Study on Effect Caused by Regional Economic Policy on Development of Regional Economy--Take Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomerations as an Example;区域经济政策对区域经济发展的影响——以山东半岛城市群为例
3.On the Effect of Regional Fiscal Policy on Regional Economic Development;论区域财政政策对区域经济发展的影响
4.On Harmonious Development of Regional Economy and Policies of Government Intervene区域经济和谐发展与政府区域干预政策的研究
6.Disquisition about the Relation of Regional Financial Policy and Regional Economic Growth of China;我国区域金融政策与区域经济发展的关系研究
7.The Regional Disparity and Policy in the EU;欧盟最近的区域经济发展差异与区域政策
8.Regional Economic Development Policy and Regional Economic Growth Convergence in China,1952~2000;区域发展政策与区域经济增长空间收敛
9.Regional Advisor on Mineral Policy and Mineral Economics区域矿物政策和矿物经济顾问
10.Corporate Income Tax Policy and Regional Economy Developing in Harmony;企业所得税政策与区域经济协调发展
11.Coordination of the Regional Economic Development and Our State Tax Policy;区域经济发展与我国税收政策的协调
12.Trends of China s Regional Development and Policy Recommendations;我国区域经济的发展趋势与政策建议
13.Analysis of international comparison between financial and tax policy and regional economic development;财税政策与区域经济发展的国际比较
14.Prospect for Regional Policies Oriented to the Economic Globalization;经济全球化时代的区域政策方向思考
15.Terse statement of the equilibrium policy and revelations of American regional economy;简述美国区域经济的均衡政策及启示
16.System Dynamics Model of Economic Development in the Pan-Pearl River Delta泛珠区域经济发展SD模型及政策建议
17.A Research about the Function of Region Financial Policy in Regional Economies Development;论地区财政政策在区域经济发展中的作用
18.The Choice of Regional Economic Structure Based on Regional Economic Conflict;基于区域经济冲突的经济结构调整政策选择

Regional economic policies区域经济政策
1.As being an indispensable aspect of the evolution on economy and society in our country,each of the party s generation has been emphasizing the balanced development of regional economy and publishing different regional economic policies by the practical situation and real needs at different time.区域经济发展是我国经济和社会发展进程中的一个重要方面,中国共产党历代领导集体都非常重视区域经济的协调发展,并根据不同时期的实际情况和经济发展的需要,提出了不同的区域经济政策
2.In order to meet the demands of social and economic development after the war, Japan has implemented a series of regional economic policies, including chiefly such policies as for regional revitalization and development, regional distribution of industries, reduction of regional differences, and for promotion of the development of the backward regions.战后,日本为适应经济社会发展的要求,实施了一系列区域经济政策,主要包括地区振兴与开发政策、区域产业布局政策、缩小地区差距政策及促进落后地区发展政策。
3)the law of regional economic policy区域经济政策法
4)Chinese and foreign regional economic policies中外区域经济政策
5)region economic policy purpose区域经济政策目的
6)regional common economic policies区域共同经济政策
