社会信用环境,social credit environment
1)social credit environment社会信用环境
1.By analyzing the relations between the two vectors in any dimension (personal credit and organizational credit, social credit environment and organizational credit, social credit environment and personal credit), it proposes that social credit environment dictates the condition of social credit of a country.本文以个人信用、组织信用为向量构建三维社会信用结构,分析了在每一平面上每两个向量(即个人信用与组织信用、社会信用环境与组织信用、社会信用环境与个人信用)之间的关系,认为决定社会信用状况的关键因素是社会信用环境
2.Reform of property right is the radix solutio to the emergence of commercial bank s credit risk, meanwhile social credit environment should be proved a.产权改革是解决银行信贷风险产生的根源问题,同时也要改善社会信用环境和建立信贷退出机制。

1.Social Credit Structure and Improvement of Social Credit Environment in China;社会信用结构与我国社会信用环境的改善
2.Social Credit Environment Improvement and its Impacts upon Credit Cultivation of College Students;社会信用环境的完善对大学生诚信建设的影响
3.IResearch on Social Credit Environment of Transitional Countries:A Literature Review and Concepts Differentiation转轨国家社会信用环境研究:评述及概念甄别
4.A Research on the Social Credit Governance of the Financial Environment in Improving the Imperfect Information;基于改善信息不对称的金融生态中社会信用环境治理研究
5.Social Capital and Credit Environment in Transition Being Better in Some Regions;社会资本与转轨中信用环境的局部优化
6.Building the Social Credit System Under Internet Circumstances;网络环境下我国社会信用体系建设的研究
7.Using the Idea of Circular Economy to Construct Environmental-Friendly Society;用循环经济理念构建环境友好型社会
8.The Corporation Management and the Environment of Credit;企业治理与信用环境——企业治理“泛家族化”现象的新经济社会学分析
9.rebuilding rural credit cooperative external environment on a trial basis;试探性再造农村信用社外部经济环境 ;
10.The Implementation of Enterprise Environmental Accounting Information in the Progress of Environmental Regulation;企业环境会计信息在环境规制中的应用
11.Challenge and Reform:A Rational Thinking about How Traditional Accounting Should Adjust Its Ideas and Methods under the Circumstances of Information Society;挑战与变革:基于信息社会环境的会计理性思考
12.On Connection among the Naming Rules, Society and Environment;论人名用字规律与社会和环境的关系
13.Environmental Culture s Effect on the construction of Harmonious Society in Dalian;大连环境文化对构建和谐社会的作用
14.Position and Function of the Geographical Surroundings in the Social Development;地理环境在社会发展中的地位和作用
15.The effect that geographie made to chinese teudal society;试论地理环境对中国封建社会的作用
16.The Important Role of Social Environment in Knowledge Development;知识开发应重视社会环境的重要作用
17.A Study about the Effect of the Geographic Environment in the Development of Society History论地理环境在社会历史发展中的作用
18.The Application of Rough Sets in Soft Social EnvironmentRough集理论在社会软环境中的应用

environment of social honesty社会诚信环境
1.the environment of social honesty,strengthen the honesty of universities,consummate the employment surveillance mechanism,co.问题的解决是一项系统工程,需要全社会共同努力,营造良好的社会诚信环境,加强高校诚信教育,完善就业诚信监督机制,共建具有诚信氛围的就业市场。
3)social information environment社会信息环境
1.Communication activities change social information environment and social information resource allocation,which is the feature and demand of information society.从信息的观点看,不同形式、内容、范围和层次的社会传播活动一直大量和广泛地存在着,并改变着社会信息的总量、结构和分布状况,最终实现社会信息环境变迁、社会信息资源配置,这是信息社会的特征和要求。
4)social environment社会环境
1.Exploring Connection Between Tooth Caries and Factors Involved Social Environment and Human s Behavior;龋病与社会环境及人的行为因素关系的探讨
2.Rational consideration on the human resources development of university teachers in terms of the social environment;高校教师人力资源开发社会环境的理性思考
5)Society environment社会环境
1.The enterprise ethics deficiency can be concluded into five categories: systems,governments,society environments,consumers and enterprises.企业伦理缺失,可以归结为制度、政府、社会环境、消费者、企业五个层面的原因。
6)social condition社会环境
1.An Analysis of Social Conditions for Promoting Farmers s Income Generation in Yunnan;促进云南农民增收的社会环境因素分析
2.As far as medical disputes be concerned, apart from the defect of medical management and medical service, there are some deep level reasons involved in comprehensive social condition, such as social values, right consciousness, sense of legality, and medium intervention,etc, which must be taken seriously.随着改革开放的不断深入 ,医患双方的利益格局发生了新的变化 ,只有从改善社会环境背景入手 ,才能适应这一变化 ,才有可能减少医患纠纷的发生 ,最终使医患双方的合法权利得到保
3.According to the research on the health of the living environment and the social condition during the construction of a residence,this paper summarizes the key points that should be noticed,then puts forward the points of view that healthy residence is a developing tendency of residence.通过对居住区建设中居住环境的健康性和社会环境的健康性两方面的分析研究,总结出建设健康住区应关注的要点,即:影响室内外环境健康性因素、自然环境的亲和性、健康环境的保护、社会环境的健康性及居住者心理等,进而提出融入健康设计思想的居住建筑是未来住宅发展的主要趋势。

环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护社会效益和社会成本 环境保护社会效益和社会成本环境保护活动对全社会造成的有益影响和社会收益的总和以及相应付出的代价的总和。环境保护活动往往由一部分人进行而使全社会受益。例如,河流上游的人进行水土保持工作而使全流域的人受益;营造防风林带或绿化荒山,不仅使局部地区的人受益,而且其造氧功能、吸收二氧化碳等作用甚至可使全人类受益。相反,许多对环境有害的活动也造成广泛的社会成本。因此,环境领域既存在着外部不经济性,也存在着外部经济性。当一项活动的社会效益大于当事人的经济收益时,则为外部经济性,或谓有益于环境;当一项活动的社会成本大于当事人的生产成本时,则为外部不经济性,或谓此活动有害于环境。评价环境保护的社会效益和社会成本时,常用效益费用分析方法。中国建设项目环境影响评价中常要求进行环保对策措施的效益费用分析,目的是优选费用最小、效益最高的环保措施方案,或通过选择必需的环保措施以确定环保投资。