旅游法规,tourism regulations
1)tourism regulations旅游法规
1.Through years teaching experience, the writer of this paper analyzes textbook of tourism regulations and teaching construction systematically and hope it is useful for university course construction.《旅游法规》是旅游及酒店管理专业学生必修的专业基础课,目前,由于我国高校旅游专业产生和发展的时间相对较短,专业的教材与教学建设还不够完善,笔者结合多年从事教学的实践经验,系统的对高校旅游法规教材和教学建设做一定的分析论证,希望能对高校旅游专业学科建设提供有利的帮助。

1.A Reasearch on the Function of Tourism Law on Tourism Development;旅游法规对旅游行业发展的作用研究
2.A Route Study on Resort Act Construction--A Case of Guangdong "Spa Tourism Service Regulation";旅游法规建设的一个路径研究——以广东省《温泉旅游服务规范》为例
3.Thought and Probe on Travel Code Teaching in Vocational Colleges;职业院校旅游法规教学的思考与探索
4.A Comparative Study of Chinese Provincial Comprehensive Tourism Statutes;我国地方综合性旅游法规立法体例比较研究
5.Philosophy and Planning Methodology of Tourism --Tourism·Tourism Resources·Tourism Planning;旅游哲学观与规划方法论——旅游·旅游资源·旅游规划
6.Development of Tourism and Complement of Related Laws and Regulations;旅游业的发展与相应法律法规的完善
7.Study and Practice: Theory and Method of Ecotourism Planning;生态旅游规划理论、方法与实践研究
8.A study On Spatial Layout of Regional Tourism Planning for Sanming City,Fujian Province;三明区域旅游规划空间布局方法研究
9.The Combination of the Tourism Plan and Development and Case Teaching;《旅游规划与开发》的案例教学法渗透
10.Anthropology in the Regional Tourism Planning;文化人类学方法在旅游规划中的应用
11.Study on Tourism Emergency Association Rule Minging Algorithm旅游突发事件关联规则挖掘算法研究
12.Discussion on tour resources estimate method for strategical planning of tourism dovelopment --Taking strategical planning of tourism of Naidong County in Tibet Autonomous Region for example;旅游发展战略规划中旅游资源评价方法初探——以西藏乃东县旅游发展战略规划为例
13.Strengthening protential tourist inclination spot-sampling method in tourism planning;潜在游客出游意愿调查法在旅游规划中的应用——以甘肃黄河石林景区旅游规划为例
14.Tourism Planning Calls for New Ideas--The Third Discussion on Tourism Planning;旅游规划需要新理念——旅游规划三议
15.The methods and Enlightenments of planning Rural Tourism Understanding Visiting Your Future:A Community Guide to Planning Rural Tourism乡村社区旅游规划方法及其启示——《展望未来——乡村旅游规划的社区方法》解读
16.Research on Tourism Resource Protection Policies and Laws of the Region Three Parallel Rivers;“三江并流”区旅游资源保护的政策法规研究
17.the ecological method of tourism planning in mountainous region in the edge of large city;大城市边缘山地旅游区规划的生态学方法
18.Study on the innovation methods of the tourism land planning upon the ecological idea;基于生态理念的旅游用地规划方法创新研究

tourism laws and regulations旅游法规
3)tourism policy and regulations旅游政策和法规
4)Local Tourism Laws and Regulations地方旅游法规
5)tourism planning旅游规划
1.On Tourism Planning of Nature Reserve in Our Countryu;论我国自然保护区的旅游规划
2.The Application of Computer-aided Design in Tourism Planning;计算机辅助设计在旅游规划当中的应用
3.Typical problem analysis in tourism planning;旅游规划典型问题剖析——以《昌平区旅游总体规划(2004~2015)征求意见稿》为例
6)Tourism programming旅游规划
1.In the last few years,it has been widely applied in the fields of land-resource programming,city strategic development programming,tourism programming and so on.近几年来该方法逐渐在国土资源规划、城市战略发展规划、旅游规划等方面得到了广泛应用。
2.At the time of judging a tourism programming,the clients,organizers and judges of the plan always debate about it,which bring series of latent rules.旅游规划评审时甲方、乙方与评委会三方“博弈”,派生出一系列“不足为外人道”的潜规则。

打假的法律、法规和法规性文件打假的法律、法规和法规性文件laws, rules and regulation documents against counterfeit  工作的决定》。