贸易战,Trade war
1)Trade war贸易战
1.The breakout of the trade war between China and Japan is not only harmful to the fundamental interest of the two peoples but also of no avail to the Japanese economic recovery and the internal political crisis.中日贸易战的发生 ,不仅损害了中日两国人民的根本利益 ,而且对日本经济复苏和国内的政治危机都有一定影响。

1.The trade imbalance provoked a trade war Between the two countries贸易不平衡激起了两国的贸易战
2.The Analysis for International Trade Value Chain of China s Trade Strategy;中国贸易战略的国际贸易价值链分析
3.Trade within Industries and Strategic Options for China s Foreign Trade;产业内贸易与中国对外贸易战略选择
4.On Change of Foreign Trade Strategy of China--Carrying out Strategic Trade Policy;论我国贸易战略的转变——实施战略性贸易政策
5.Foreign Trade Dependence Degree and Trade Strategy Adjustment in China;对外贸易依存度与现阶段我国贸易战略调整
6.The Influence of China s Trade Strategy on Foreign Trade;中国贸易战略的实施对对外贸易的影响分析
7.Regional Differences of China s Foreign Trade and Regional Trade Strategy;我国对外贸易的地区差异及区域贸易战
9.The Foreign Trade Comparative Advantage of Guangdong And Its Choice of Trade Strategy;广东对外贸易比较优势与贸易战略选择
10.The U.S. auto industry has become the main arena for the trade wars.美国汽车工业已变成贸易战的主要战
11.Theoretical Overview on Trade Development Strategy: An Analysis of Russian Trade Strategy贸易发展战略的理论综述——对俄罗斯贸易战略分析
12.Conversion of Foreign Trade Strategy and Adjustment of Foreign Trade Structure in Guangxi;广西对外贸易战略的转换与外贸结构的调整
13.Trade Remedies of WTO and Strategic Trade Policy世界贸易组织贸易救济措施与战略性贸易政策
14.The war raised hob with international trade.战争破坏了国际贸易。
15.Strategic Commodities Section [Trade Department]战略物品组〔贸易署〕
16.Study on Development Strategies for the Economics & Trade Co. of Kailuan (Group);开滦经贸公司经营贸易发展战略研究
17.Strategic Trade Policy and the Choice of Trade Policy in Developing Countries;战略性贸易政策与发展中国家的贸易政策选择
18.Strategic Trade Policy and the Choice for Trade Policy after the China s Entry of World Trade Organization;战略性贸易政策及入世后我国贸易政策的选择

trade strategy贸易战略
1.The choice of trade strategy of the developing countries in the 21st century;21世纪发展中国家的贸易战略选择
2.Trade Strategy and Policy for China's Oil Security;论中国实现石油安全的贸易战略和策略
3.In the meantime, it is necessary to choose the agricultural product trade strategy based on relative advantages and that can be integrated into world trade system, that is, to improve resource arrangement efficiency based on the promotion of strategic .同时,要选择以比较优势为基础的、积极促进融入世界贸易体系的农产品贸易战略,即立足促进农业结构战略性调整,提高资源配置效率;以缓解农村就业压力为战略出发点;提高农业国际竞争力等等。
3)Foreign trade strategy贸易战略
1.This thesis starts with a systematic theory comments, through redefining the connotation of foreign trade strategy to analyze the peculiar characters of different stages of Chinese foreign trade strategy, finally summarizes the development route of the strategy and point out the developmental directions.本文从相关理论评述出发,通过重新界定贸易战略的内涵来分析中国不同阶段的贸易战略特征,最后总结贸易战略的发展演变路径并试图对中国贸易战略的未来演变方向进行一定的探讨。
4)Strategic Trade战略性贸易
1.As viewed from output, gross profit and welfare, it is analysed that foreign government would control eco-label standard and employ strategic trade policy.针对我国纺织品所面临的生态标签问题,构造了一个质量差异化的国际贸易博弈模型,从企业产量、毛利润以及社会福利3个方面,分析了国外政府控制生态标签授予标准和实施战略性贸易的动机,并发现战略性与非战略性授予标准的相对大小取决于国内外纺织企业的单位生产成本。
5)the Strategic Trade Policy战略性贸易政策
1.The economic educational circles in international main current puts forward to query continuously to Neo-trade theory, the Strategic Trade Policy initiates the way of the response passing the international trade data continuously.文章利用乌拉圭回合关税减让、进口配额、出口补贴等数据的变化,分别与奶业国际竞争力的变化趋势进行对比分析,显现战略性贸易政策对奶业国际竞争力的实际影响,得出通过实施战略性贸易政策能够提高产业国际竞争力的结论,并提出中国可以适度采取战略性贸易政策的建议。
2.The strategic trade policy is one of the important content of the transmutation of trade protections, especially, with the intensified of the economic globalization, the strategic trade policy , which advocated by the government has become the excitement of new theory, which various countries strive for the maximum interests.战略性贸易政策是贸易保护理论嬗变的重要内容之一,在经济全球化的今天,主张国家干预的战略性贸易政策成为各国争取利益的新的理论兴奋点。
3.This paper first makes an introduction of the strategic trade policy.本文首先对战略性贸易政策作了简单介绍,接着重点论述了新加坡经济发展过程中对战略性贸易政策的成功运用,介绍了这一政策运用的主要内容及其特点,文章最后就我国如何借鉴新加坡的经验提出政策建议。
6)Strategic trade policy战略性贸易政策
1.Study on"Strategic Independent Innovation Policy"Based on the Strategic Trade Policy Theory;基于战略性贸易政策理论的“战略性自主创新政策”研究
2.On Frame Restriction of WTO to Strategic Trade Policy;论WTO对战略性贸易政策的框架约束及对策
3.Economy Globalization,International Trade and the Policy of China——Analysis on the base of strategic trade policy;经济全球化、国际贸易与中国政策选择——基于战略性贸易政策理论的分析

贸易战贸易战(trade war):又称%26#8220;商战%26#8221;,由于一些国家通过高筑关税壁垒和非关税壁垒,限制别国商品进入本国市场,同时又通过倾销和外汇贬值等措施争夺国外市场,由此引起的一系列报复和反报复,称为贸易战。如果贸易战的武器仅限于相互提高关税税率,对此则称为%26#8220;关税战%26#8221;。