发展内涵,development connotation
1)development connotation发展内涵
1.Facing such a big market, the development of network culture industry should attach great importance to the strategic position, the strategic choices and the development connotation of network culture industry.面对这样一个巨大市场,发展网络文化产业,特别是要注意思考和解决网络文化产业的战略地位、网络文化产业的战略抉择及其发展内涵等几大关键问
2)Connotation development内涵发展
1.Colleges must have strategic transference to persist connotation development.要坚持内涵发展,高校发展必须进行战略性转移。
2.Construction of campus spiritual culture is one of the most important contents of connotation development in higher vocational colleges,and an intellectual support as well.高职校园精神文化建设是高职内涵发展的重要内容,是高职内涵发展的精神支柱和智力支持。

1.Connotation Development--the Strategic Choice of the Development of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities;内涵发展——民办高校发展的战略选择
2.Implementing the "4321" Project Moving Forward the Connotative Development of the Academy;实施“4321”工程 推进学院内涵发展
3.On Some Issues of "Internal Development" of Higher Vocational Schools;试论高职院校“内涵发展”的几个问题
4.Studies and Discussion: On the Connotation Development of TVU Open Education;学习与探讨:电大开放教育的内涵发展
5.Quality and Benefit:the Key to Connotation Development of Higher Education;质量与效益:高等教育内涵发展的关键
6.On the need to the connational development of the vocational college;论高职院校内涵式发展的内涵及要求
7.On Meanings and Misunderstandings of Development“发展”内涵的深化与“发展”现实的误区
8.Exploring Tourist and Cultural Connotation, Promoting Tourist Development in Chongzuo;发掘旅游文化内涵 推进崇左旅游发展
9.Study on the "Sheng-jiang" Theory and Its' Clinical Application;中医升降理论的内涵、发展及应用研究
10.Experimental Studies on the Processes and Development of Implicit Learning of Implication;蕴涵概念内隐获得与发展的实验研究
11.Research on the Specialization Connotation and Development of Middle School Geographical Teachers;中学地理教师专业化内涵及发展研究
12.The Thinking of Connotation Type Development Positioning in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校内涵式发展定位的思考
13.Study on Tconnotations, Developments, Features and Functions of Screen Martial Arts;影视武术内涵、发展、特点与作用的研究
14.On Connotation and Meanings of the Concept of Scientific Development;浅论科学发展观的内涵及其时代意义
15.Research on the Connotation of Esteem and Its Influence on Development of Student;尊重的内涵及对学生发展影响的研究
16.Analysis on the Internal Development of Local Newly-built Universities;试析地方新建本科院校的内涵式发展
17.Technology Undergraduate Education:Content,Features and Development Threads;技术本科教育:内涵、特征及发展思路
18.Discussion on Connotation,Present Situation and Developing Trend of Basketball Culture;试论篮球文化的内涵、现状与发展趋势

Connotation development内涵发展
1.Colleges must have strategic transference to persist connotation development.要坚持内涵发展,高校发展必须进行战略性转移。
2.Construction of campus spiritual culture is one of the most important contents of connotation development in higher vocational colleges,and an intellectual support as well.高职校园精神文化建设是高职内涵发展的重要内容,是高职内涵发展的精神支柱和智力支持。
3)connotative development内涵发展
1.In comparison with the extensive development,the connotative development is a kind of still higher level,more difficult developing mode with raising the quality as the core.内涵发展与外延发展相比,是一种以提高质量为核心、水平更高、难度更大的发展模式。
2.The way to leading the civilian-run colleges and universities in taking connotative development is important as well as urgent.引导民办高校走内涵发展之路,既重要又迫切。
3.China s higher education is in the transformation period from denotative development to connotative development,which brings forward higher demand and new challenge to universities and colleges.文章结合现实提出了提高教育质量与办学效益、实现内涵发展的路径:树立科学的教育质量观和办学效益观;将高等教育的质量与效益有机统一于办学活动之中;以科学的制度设计为内涵发展提供制度保证;加强战略执行能力建设,推进学校内涵发展等。
4)intensive development内涵式发展
1.Intensive development, a concern in recent years, is one of the main means of thedevelopment of China s publishing houses.内涵式发展是我国出版社发展的主要方式之一,近年来广受关注。
5)connotative development内涵式发展
1.Work practice shows that establishment of the learning organization reaches the organizational objective,improves the quality of scientific periodicals,realizes connotative development and increases comprehensive competitiveness.提出了以"1个平台、2个体系、3条原则、4项措施"为中心的学习型团队建设举措,通过逐步建立完善的学习机制和一整套行之有效的学习体系,并与多种学习方式紧密结合,提高编辑的学习力,促使编辑知识结构合理化,进而实现编辑人员的综合能力的全面提高,在逐步达成团结向上、勇于创新、充满生机的学习型团队建设目标的同时,实现杂志社的内涵式发展和综合竞争力的提升。
2.As the times progress and technology advances,taking the way of connotative development which need generally improve the quality of education and raise the level of operating,has gradually become the core of deepening the reform and transition of adult education.随着时代的发展和科技的进步,全面提高教育质量和办学水平,走内涵式发展的道路,已逐渐成为深化成人教育改革和转型的核心内容,是我国成人教育实现全面优质、高效、快速和跨越式发展的必由之路。
3.Panyu Polytechnic has made significant exploration in building a harmonious campus by the way of connotative development under the guidance of people-oriented principles.番禺职业技术学院抓住以人为本,走内涵式发展之路的主线,在和谐校园的建设上作出了有益的探索。
6)internal development内涵式发展
1.China s higher education is in a period of transition from extensive development to internal development,which places new request to the development of local newly-built universities.我国高等教育正处于从外延式发展向内涵式发展的转变时期,这对地方新建本科院校的发展提出了新的发展要求。

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。