保密措施,security measures
1)security measures保密措施
1.In an enterprise security measures and the reasonableness of them are the prerequisite for the business securities being protected by laws.本文认为,保密措施是判断商业秘密存在的外在标志,企业有无采取保密措施及其合理与否,成为该权利是否受法律保护的前提。
2.Some Security Measures of Personal Computer System互联网是一个面向大众的开放系统,对信息的保密措施和系统安全性考虑得并不完备,系统安全问题日益严重。

1.The British were constantly increasing their cipher security.英国人不断地加强密码的保密措施
2.Three Encryption Methods on MIS System of Visual FoxPro;基于Visual FoxPro的MIS系统的三重保密措施
3.The methodology uses a multi-layer protection approach consisting of combinations of administrative and physical controls."保密措施包括行政和实物控制等多种保护”。
4.Safety and Security Arrangement in Computer Score-processing System;计算机成绩处理系统的安全和保密措施
5.To my knowledge,the Los Alamos laboratory has very tight security measures.据我所知,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室里的保密措施十分严密。
6.Security measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, for approved copies or extracts of documents and other material and objects classified as "most confidential "state secrets.经批准复制、摘抄的绝密级的国家秘密文件、资料和其他物品,依照前款规定采取保密措施
7.In spite of all precautions about secrecy, large crowds were assembled there.尽管采取了一切保密措施,但那里仍然聚集了广大的人群。
8.From these requirements, the Lab develops the protection methodology and procedures.实验室根据这些条例制定了若干保密措施和管理程序。
9.There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed.总统的专机降落时, 机场的保安措施很严密。
10.The Weak Link and Precautious Measure of the Protection of Enterprise Business secret;企业商业秘密保护中的薄弱环节和防范措施
11.Protection of the Buffer Zone Wetland of Miyun Water Reservoir in Beijing北京市密云水库调节池湿地保护措施探讨
12.This form of security is particularly appealing for organizations with a high level of confidentiality.这种形式的安全措施对需要较高保密密级的单位尤其适用。
13.The state encourages and supports the flood insurance.Chapter VI Guarantee Measures             第六章 保障措施
14.strict security measures严密的安全防卫措施
15.Tight security is in force.采取严密的戒备措施。
16.On the Safeguard and Special Safeguard Measures under the WTO Framework;WTO体制下的保障措施和特殊保障措施
17.Article 5 Application of Safeguard Measures第5条 保障措施的实施
18.Strict security measures shall be established for the airport controlled area, and the area shall be of a closed type and controlled separately.机场控制区应当有严密的安全保卫措施,实行封闭式分区管理。

electronic security电子保密措施
3)emanation security放射保密措施
4)security of transmitted data传输数据保密措施
5)measures of density and fertilizer密肥措施
6)environmental protection measure环保措施
1.Through introducing the environmental protection measure adopted in coke dry quenching and the characteristics of coke dry quenching,this paper probes into the necessity for Shanxi Province to develop the coke dry quenching technology.通过介绍干法熄焦所采用的环保措施和干熄焦的特点,探讨了该工艺在山西省发展的必要性。

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。