专利代理,Patent Agency
1)Patent Agency专利代理
1.The Research on Certain Question of the Act of Patent Agency;专利代理行为若干问题研究
2.The Study on the Patent Agency Industry in China;我国专利代理行业的研究

1.those that handle foreign patent-related affairs;办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构;
2.(2) those that handle domestic patent-related affairs;(二)办理国内专利事务的专利代理机构;
3.Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously.专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。
4.Asian Patent Attorneys Association亚洲专利代理人协会
5.Chapter 3 Patent Agents第三章 专利代理
6.International Federation of Patent Agents国际专利代理人联合会
7.Patent agencies include: (1) those that handle foreign patent-related affairs;专利代理机构包括: (一)办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构;
8.Where any patent agency is appointed, it shall be sealed by such agency.委托专利代理机构的,由专利代理机构盖章。
9.Article 20 Patent agents in the course of doing their professional work or within 1 year of their quitting their profession must not apply for patents.第二十条 专利代理人在从事专利代理业务期间和脱离专利代理业务后一年内,不得申请专利。
10.Before quitting their jobs at patent agencies, patent agents must appropriately conclude unsettled commissioned cases.专利代理人调离专利代理机构前,必须妥善处理尚未办结的专利代理案件。
11.appointing patent agents to serve as patent advisors upon invitation;and接受聘请,指派专利代理人担任专利顾问;
12.(5) appointing patent agents to serve as patent advisors upon invitation;(五)接受聘请,指派专利代理人担任专利顾问;
13.Article 18 Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously.第十八条 专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。
14.Article 11 Patent agencies shall employ as patent agents persons with "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate".第十一条 专利代理机构应当聘任有《专利代理人资格证书》的人员为专利代理人。
15.Article 17 Patent agents shall handle only patent commissioning services assigned by their patent agencies and shall not accept such services on their own.第十七条 专利代理人必须承办专利代理机构委派的专利代理工作,不得自行接受委托。
16.Beginners shall not be issued "Patent Agent Work Permit" until after a full year of apprenticeship.初次从事专利代理工作的人员,实习满一年后,专利代理机构方可发给《专利代理人工作证》。
17.Such agencies, upon approval by CAP, can handle domestic patent affairs.办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构,经中国专利局批准的,可以办理国内专利事务。
18.Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency;当事人委托专利代理机构的,文件送交专利代理机构;

patent agent专利代理人
1.This paper discussed the key role of patent agent in patent application,documents writing and patent examination.专利代理人是联系申请人与专利行政部门之间的一座桥梁。
3)Patent Agency Industry专利代理业
4)the Act of Patent Agency专利代理行为
1.The Research on Certain Question of the Act of Patent Agency;专利代理行为若干问题研究
5)Patent Agency Institute专利代理机构
6)chartered patent agent特许专利代理人

专利代理专利代理 专利代理是指由他人代为把当事人的创造发明向专利局申请专利或代为办理当事人其它专利事务。专利代理是一种委托代理,它是指专利代理机构受一方当事人的委托,委派具有专利代理人资格的在专利局正式的专利代理机构中工作的人员,作为委托代理人,在委托权限内,以委托人的名义,按照专利法的规定向专利局办理专利申请或其它专利事务所进行的民事法律行为。专利代理人资格是经特定考核后取得的,任何其他机构和个人无权接受委托,不能从事专利代理工作。 专利代理机构可以承办专利咨询;代写专利申请文件;办理专利申请;请求实质审查或者复审的有关事务;请求撤销专利权、宣告专利权无效等有关事务;办理专利权的转让、解决专利申请权、专利权归属纠纷等事务。