循环经济促进法,Circular Economy Promotion Law
1)Circular Economy Promotion Law循环经济促进法
1.The main system of "circular economy promotion law"《循环经济促进法》的主要制度

1.The Circular Economy Promotion Law Must FollowEnvironmental Ethics《循环经济促进法》的环境伦理审视
2.A Legislative Thought Cast in the Frame of the Act of Development of Circular Economy;制定《循环经济促进法》的立法构想
3.The legislation of the recycle economy act revisited;关于制定《循环经济促进法》的冷思考
4.Influences of circular economy legislation on the building of resource-saving and environment-friendly society循环经济立法对“两型社会”建设的影响——以《循环经济促进法》为例
6.On Ecological Ethics and Philosophic Ideology of Recycling Economy Promotion Law循环经济促进法的生态伦理和哲学思想分析
7.Discussion on the Law Statue of Cycle Economy in the Law of the Cleaning Product Development;试论循环经济在《清洁生产促进法》中的法律地位
8.Improve Transition of Economic Developing Pattern Based on Reculareconomy发展循环经济 促进经济发展方式转变
9.The Legal Thinking on the Government Investment to Promote the Recycling Economy Development;促进循环经济发展的政府投资之法律思考
10.The Consideration Of The Recycleing Economy Legislation Work In China;关于促进我国循环经济法制建设的思考
11.Research on System of Tax Law's to Promote Circular Economy Development促进循环经济发展的税收法律制度研究
12.Try to economize energy sources and reduce pollutant,development the circularly production大力推进节能减排 促进循环经济发展
13.Promote the Utilization of Detritus Resources to Develop the Cycle Economy推动腐屑资源利用促进循环经济发展
14.Develop circulating economy,advance harmonious between man and nature发展循环经济 促进人与自然和谐相处
15.To Develop Circular Economy and Promote Regional Continuous Development;发展循环经济,促进区域可持续发展
16.On Policy System Perfection and Cyclic Economy Development;完善政策体系 促进循环经济发展
17.Balancing the Regional Land Utilization to Promote the Development of Recycling Sector of the Economy;统筹区域土地利用促进循环经济发展
18.Recycling Economy for Regional Sustainable Development;循环经济又好又快促进区域持续发展

legal obligation of circular economy promotion循环经济促进法律责任
3)circular economic law循环经济法
1.The legal body of Circular Economic Law must include the government,corporations,and the public.循环经济法的主体应该包括政府、企业及社会公众。
4)recycling economy law循环经济法
1.With the progress on legislation of recycling economy, the draft of recycling economy law will be submitted to standing committee of National Congress for discussing next year.随着立法工作的不断推进,《循环经济法》草案将提交全国人大常委会审议,循环经济法的出台已指日可待。
2.According to the investigation on Shandong Longli Technology Company, Jinan Steel Corporation and the regulations of Qingdao recycling economy, this paper begins with the problems about recycling economy and do some research about recycling economy law.作者通过对山东龙力科技有限公司、济南钢铁集团总公司的考察和对青岛市循环经济发展规划及有关规范性文件的学习,以发现的关于循环经济的疑惑切入,展开了对循环经济法的探讨和研究。
5)circular economy law循环经济法
1.Environmental safety and resources efficiency are the common characteristics of circular economy law in all countries.环境安全和资源效率是各国循环经济法的共同价值。
2.The deletion of circular economy law makes it more difficult to regulate and promote economic sustainable development.目前,我国循环经济法律制度还不完善,循环经济法的缺失,便难以运用法律手段规范,促进循环经济的持续发展。
3.With the development of economy and the depravation of environment,the building of Circular Economy Law has become a pressing duty in China.文章从循环经济和生产者责任延伸制度的理论出发,从生产者、销售者和消费者三个角度入手,对《循环经济法草案(征求意见稿)》中有关生产者责任延伸制度立法进行评价并做出具体化的建议,同时提出补充意见。
6)promoted economic law促进型经济法

循环循环  ①顺着环形的轨道旋转,比喻事物周而复始的运动。②物理学名词。物质系统从某一状态经过一系列变化回到初始状态的过程。③医学上指血液和淋巴液在循环系统的流动过程。