工作报告,working report
1)working report工作报告
1.Give full play to the function of the social sciences circles union ,make great efforts to start the new situations of the social sciences work——the working report of the sixth representative assembly of the social sciences circles’union of He;充分发挥社科联作用 努力开创社科工作新局面——在省社科联第六次代表大会上的工作报告

1.Please write a monthly report about your work.请每月写一份工作报告
2.TRACE (Task Reporting And Current Evaluation)工作报告及当前鉴定
3.To adopt the report on the work of the government;and通过政府工作报告
4.assignment report [Independent Commission Against Corruption]审查工作报告〔廉政公署〕
5.Working Report of Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society;中国酿酒工业协会白酒分会工作报告
6.In a Specialized Way--The Report of Graduate Work;以专业的方式——毕业创作工作报告
7.Work Report of the 6th Council of China Writing Society中国写作学会第六届理事会工作报告
8.When do you want me to report for work tomorrow?(明天你想什么时候让我做工作报告
9.One-fourth of deputies voted no or abstained from voting to the report四分之一对工作报告投反对或弃权票
11.Report to the manager in the form of “Monthly Report” everyday.每月以报告形式向生产经理汇报工作。
12.(a) a report on completion of the preparation and an application letter for business commencement.(一) 筹建工作完成情况报告和申请开业报告。
13.a report on completion of the preparation and an application letter for business commencement;筹建工作完成情况报告和申请开业报告。
14.On Writing Self-evaluation Report on Teaching in Colleges;谈高等学校教学工作自评报告的写作
15.The report has a section on accidents at work.报告中有一段谈到工作中的事故问题.
16.He reported himself unfit for work.他报告说,他身体还不适合工作。
17.He find his job through an ad in the paper.他通过报纸上的广告找到一分工作。
18.I tell him to report to me after job is completed.我告诉他完成工作后向我报到。

Working party report工作组报告
3)Reporting Workflow报告工作流
4)Technology work report技术工作报告
5)report on the work of the government政府工作报告
1.Application of cohesion in the translation of report on the work of the government;试析语篇衔接手段在政府工作报告翻译中的应用
2.In this paper,calculate analysis and lexical analysis are used to analyze the passages involved multilateral diplomacy policy in 20 pieces of Report on the Work of the Government from 1986 to 2005.以1986-2005年共20份政府工作报告为研究素材,运用计量分析和语意分析方法,对政府工作报告中涉及“多边外交”的文字表述进行了定量和定性分析。
6)Government Work Report政府工作报告
1.Study on the Language Style of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao s Government Work Report;解读温家宝总理《政府工作报告》的语言特色
2.On Translator's Manipulation of the Political Text——A Case Study of the Government Work Report of 2009论译者对政治文本的操控——以2009年政府工作报告为例
3.As a mouthpiece of the Chinese government, the government work report, either national or local, consisting of looking back on the past achievements and putting forward future plans, has always been attracting the most worldwide attention.一年一度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所做的工作总结和工作部署。

律师工作报告 律师工作报告——  律师工作报告是对公司发行准备阶段律师的工作过程,法律意见书所涉及的事实及其发展过程,每一法律意见所依据的事实和有关法律规定作出的详尽、完整的阐述,并就疑难问题展开的讨论和说明。