成熟度评价,maturity evaluation
1)maturity evaluation成熟度评价
1.The maturity evaluation is an important aspect in gas source correlations and origin studies.天然气成熟度评价是天然气藏气源对比和成因研究的重要内容。

1.The Research on the Excellent Performance Assessment System and Mature Grade;卓越绩效测评体系与成熟度评价研究
2.Research on Evaluation Model of IT Enterprises Project Management Maturity;IT企业项目管理成熟度评价模型研究
3.Study of the Water-Inrush Mechanism and Prediction of the Water-Resisting Floor房地产企业项目管理成熟度评价模型
4.Research and Case-Study on the Evaluation Model of the Maturity of Enterprise Informationization;企业信息化成熟度评价模型及案例研究
5.Research on the Risk Management Maturity Evaluation in Commercial Real Estate Project;商业地产项目风险管理成熟度评价研究
6.The Evaluating Research of the Power Plant Construction Project Management Maturity火电建设工程项目管理成熟度评价研究
7.A Study on the Evaluation Model of the Maturity of Beijing ReBAM北京市环城游憩带成熟度评价模式研究
8.A simple method of determining the index weight of maturity evaluation based on order relation基于序关系确定成熟度评价指标权重的简易法
9.The Research on Management Maturity Evaluation Model of Petroleum Engineering Projects石油工程项目管理成熟度评价模型研究
10.The construction of the CBD functional maturity index system:A case of Qianjiang New City CBD;城市CBD功能成熟度评价指标体系的构建——以杭州钱江新城CBD为例
11.An Evaluating Model of IT Infrastructure Based on Capability Maturity Model;基于能力成熟度的IT基础设施评价模型
12.The Primary Study on the Maturation Model of Excellent Performance Assessment Principle;《卓越绩效评价准则》成熟度模型探讨
13.Enterprise adaptive total IT maturity model and its evaluation;可适应性企业级整体IT成熟度模型及其评价
14.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Knowledge Management Maturity of Papermaking Enterprises;造纸企业知识管理成熟度模糊综合评价
15.Capability Maturity Model:Process Assessment Framework in Construction Projects;项目管理成熟度模型——工程项目过程评价体系
16.A Study on the Assessment of Agricultural Logistics Business Based on Capability Maturity Model;基于成熟度模型的农业物流产业评价研究
17.Evaluating the Project Performance by Combining Data Envelopment Analysis and Project Management Maturity Model;组合DEA方法与成熟度模型对项目效益的评价
18.The Establishment and Evaluation of a Quality Management Maturity Model for Manufacturing Enterprises制造企业质量管理成熟度模型的建立及评价

maturity assessment model成熟度评估模型
1.Disciplinary curriculum system maturity assessment model in safety engineering;高校安全工程专业课程体系成熟度评估模型(DCS-MAM)
3)capability maturity appraisal能力成熟度评估
4)success-degree evaluation成功度评价
1.This paper applies the technical method of Artificial Neural Network(ANN) to the success-degree evaluation of engineering projects for the first time.将人工神经网络(ANN)技术应用于工程项目的成功度评价,采用前馈式网络和反向传播算法,利用其自学习、自适应的特点建立了评价模型,从而确定项目投资决策水平所处的等级。
5)Measurement of Integration Level of Supply Chain集成度评价
6)maturation value成熟价值
1.Methods By way of tongu e printing-slides , the maturation index (MI) and maturation value(MV) were tested and the tongue picture were observed,in 283 cases of patients with different diseases,and 70 h e althy people as control.方法 分别采用舌象观察和舌印片脱落细胞成熟指数(MI)、成熟价值(MV)为指标,观察了283例不同疾病患者的舌象和细胞学变化特点,并与70例健康者为对照。

不成熟卵母细胞体外成熟不成熟卵母细胞体外成熟  是将表皮生长因子和促性腺激素联合用于不成熟卵母细胞进行体外培养,提高受精率及提高不成熟卵母细胞的体外成熟率。它是一项助孕技术,可以减少超排卵带来的经济负担和卵巢过度刺激的危险。解决卵巢本身缺陷诱发排卵无效病人的生育问题,以及为“卵子指赠”工作提供卵母细胞来源,但体外成熟的卵母细胞的胚胎较体内成熟卵母细胞要差,因此必须了解影响卵母细胞体外成熟能力因素和改善培养环境。