潜在因素,Potential factor
1)Potential factor潜在因素

1.Economy Development is the Potential Element Restricting the Process of Popularizing Mandarin Chinese经济发展是制约推普进程的潜在因素
2.Improve Comprehensive Quality with the Teaching of Calligraphy;挖掘书法教学潜在因素 提高高职学生综合素质
3.On the Factors Impeding Effective Cooperation in Preschool Teachers;论阻碍幼儿教师有效合作的潜在因素及其消除
4.Study on the Application of the Latent Factor Model in Commercial Bank Credit Risk潜在因素模型在商业银行信用风险分析中的应用
5.hidden difficulty or disadvantage潜在的困难或不利因素
6.In the background of; underlying:基于…,潜在的原因。
7.Studies on the Expression Rate of Potential Fitness for Host Crops to Cotton Bollworm and Its Effect Factors棉铃虫寄主潜在适合度表达的影响因素研究
8.An Analysis of the Potential Users and Constraint Factors on the Mobile Learning Based on WAP Environment;WAP环境下移动学习的潜在用户与制约因素分析
9.The Research on the Risk Management of Physical Education Activities in School;学校体育活动中潜在风险因素分析及对策
10.How to Prevent and Control the Fluid in Bodybuilding Process;健美训练中“潜在的不安因素”的预防及控制
11.Affecting Factors and Prediction ofPotential Appreciation of Exchange Rate of Renminbi;人民币汇率潜在升值的影响因素与预测
12.The Study of Infuencing Factors of Customer Potential Value in Life Insurance Industrya人寿保险业客户潜在价值影响因素研究
13.Analysis on potential epidemic factors of schistosomiasis infection of local inhabitants in the Three Gorges Reservoir areas三峡库区人群日本血吸虫病潜在流行因素分析
14.Investigation on potential epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in Hongze Lake area洪泽湖地区血吸虫病潜在流行因素调查
15.On Potential Economic Benefit and Its Factors of Higher Vocational Education Town论高职教育园区的潜在经济效益及其影响因素
16.Study on the potential disadvantage factors and the evading methods in fixed total price contracts固定总价合同潜在的不利因素和规避方法研究
17.It is belief systems that are the underlying determinant of path dependence, one of the most striking regularities of history.信仰系统是路径依赖的潜在决定因素,最显著的历史规则之一。
18.Unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, these people were a potentially dangerous element .失业以及也许对于突然被解雇的不满,这些人成了潜在的危险因素。

potential dangerous factors潜在危险因素
1.Analysis of PTA main plant potential dangerous factors;PTA主装置潜在危险因素分析
3)potential damage factor潜在损害因素
4)latent factor model潜在因素模型
5)Potential risk factor潜在流行因素
1.Potential risk factors and control strategy of schistosomiasis after earthquake in Mianzhu City绵竹市5·12地震后血吸虫病潜在流行因素分析与防控对策
6)potential resistant gene潜在基因

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后