资金缺口,financing gap
1)financing gap资金缺口
1.According to the national policy targets, the financing gap for urban wastewater infrastructure construction in China’s prefecture-level cities and municipalities during the 11th Five Year Plan period was estimated.根据国家相关政策目标,估算了"十一五"期间我国地级及以上城市的污水设施建设资金的缺口情况,分析了资金缺口及由此形成的地方财政负担随城市所处区域、经济水平及人口规模变化而表现出来的分布特征,在此基础上提出了"十一五"时期城市污水设施建设投资策略建议。

1.financing gap筹资缺口,资金缺口,财政缺口
2.Characteristic Analysis of Financing Gap for Urban Wastewater Infrastructure Construction in China;我国城市污水设施建设资金缺口分布特征分析
3.Analyses on Financing Gaps of the Construction and Operation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Infrastructures;城市污水处理设施建设和运营资金缺口分析
4.Strategies for Closing the Financing Gaps of Urban Wastewater Sectors Development;解决城市污水处理设施发展资金缺口战略
5.Some suggestions of the shortage problem of highway construction fund in China;对解决我国公路建设资金缺口问题的几点建议
6.Analysis on the causes and the countermeasure of countryside fund s supply and demand gap;农村资金供需缺口成因及其资金供给策略
7.Capital Deficit and Pros and Cons of Various Capital Replenishing Methods;资本金缺口及各种补充方式利弊分析
8.Analysis on Financial Gap in Private Economy and Improvement of Financing Mechanism;民营经济金融缺口与融资效率的改进
9.We raise foreign capital to make up for the shortage of fund and to import technology.我们向外筹集资金用来弥补资金短缺和进口技术。
10.On the Funds Flow in Less Developed Regions;欠发达地区资金流动、缺口与回流机制研究
11.To Make up the Financial Gap of Medium & Small Enterprise by Using Policy Funds from International Experience;从国际经验看政策性资金在弥补中小企业金融缺口中的作用
12.The reason and countermeasure of the payment gap in our endowment insurance funds;我国养老保险资金支付缺口形成的原因与对策探讨
13.capital-deficit oil exporter资本短缺的石油出口国
14.discontinue the project because of funds因缺乏资金而中断工程
15.The trouBle is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。
16.That company lacks of money.那个公司资金短缺.
17.The bank was hard pressed for funds.这家银行资金很缺。
18.The company has cash flow problems recently.公司最近缺少资金。

construction fund gap建设资金缺口
1.This paper puts forward rural highway construction fund gap issue and raises way for going on depth analyes to rural highway construction fund.文章提出了农村公路建设资金缺口问题,对农村公路建设资金的筹集方式进行了简要分析。
3)financing gap analysis资金缺口分析
4)Capital Gap Afterwards资金"事后缺口"
5)funds gap of excess credit超额信贷资金缺口
1.By impawned loans,funds gap of excess credit can be filled,and risk can also be balanced on the other hand,while the key is effective risk balance design.券商的资金缺口是一种超额信贷资金缺口 ,这种缺口主要是由券商的超额风险产生的。
6)financing gap融资缺口
1.The tentative plan of solving scheme on financing gap of environmental protection in China;解决地方政府环保融资缺口问题的若干设想
2.The article has analyzed the main reasons that cause the financing gap of small-and medium-sized enterprises, and has put forward the necessity of setting up the policy-related finance system of small-and medium-sized enterprises in our country, and then explained the function of the policy-related finance system in remedying the financing gap of small-and medium-sized enterprises.本文分析了导致中小企业融资缺口的主要原因,提出了在我国建立中小企业政策性金融体系的必要性,并阐述了政策性金融体系在弥补中小企业融资缺口中的作用。
3.At present,financing difficulties and huge financing gap have become a major bottleneck confining the development of SMEs in China.融资难、融资缺口大已经成为制约目前我国中小企业发展的瓶颈。
