区域学习,regional learning
1)regional learning区域学习
1.The article introduces the new perspective in RIS research:regional learning and learning region.主要介绍在区域创新系统研究中涌现的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域。

1.A Study on Regional Learning Mechanism Based on Learning Region;基于学习型区域的区域学习机制的研究
2.The New Perspective in Regional Innovation System Study:Regional Learning and Learning Regions;区域创新系统研究的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域
3.Learning Region: Regional Development Under the Environment of Globalization;学习型区域:面向全球化的区域发展
4.This team is learning combination defence but not zone defence.这个队正在学习混合防守,而不是学习区域联防。
5.Interregional Health Learning Materials Programme区域间保健学习资料方案
6.Under the Region Cultural Reconstruction Field of Vision Constructs the Study Organization to Study;区域文化视野下学习型组织构建研究
7.Study on the Regional Differences of Technological Learning and Innovation Performance of Economic and Technological Development Zone in China中国开发区技术学习创新绩效的区域差异研究
8.A Comparison of Service and Research Learning and its Significance for Regional Colleges' Education Practice服务学习与研究性学习比较及其对区域高校实践教学的启示
9.On Innovation Environment, Study Region, Group Study and Competitiveness of Metropolitan Cluster;创新环境、学习区域、集体学习与城市群竞争力研究
10.Regional Differences of Technological Learning:A Perspective of Learning Field--A Case of Zhongguancun and Zhangjiang技术学习的区域差异:学习场视角——以北京中关村与上海张江为例
11.Build Actualizing and Estimate of Learning Region Innovation System in Liaodong Peninsula;辽东半岛学习型区域创新系统构建及实施评价
12.Research on the Tactics of Building Learning Areas in the Perspective of Strategic Industry;战略产业视角下建立学习型区域策略研究
13.Research on buliding region is the strategy of learning resources;关于建设区域性教师学习资源中心策略的研究
14.A Regional Comaprative Analysis of the Learning Support Service in Distance Education;远程教育学习支持服务的区域性对比分析
15.The Construction of Learning-type Community with the View to Constructing the Well-off Society in an All-round Way;全面建设小康社会视域下的学习型社区构建
16.Tutor in area studys the education resources against the resources hearts and constructs;区域教师学习与资源中心的教育资源建设
17.Institutional Learning on the Great Pearl River Delta: Reason, Process and Prospect;大珠三角区域的制度学习:动因、过程及前景
18.A Regional Study on PRS’s Applicability;学习障碍筛查量表的区域性应用性研究

learning region学习型区域
1.Analysis of Cooperation Game of Knowledge transfer in the Learning Region Innovation network学习型区域创新网络中知识转移的博弈分析
2.The article introduces the new perspective in RIS research:regional learning and learning region.主要介绍在区域创新系统研究中涌现的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域。
3.Based on the analysis of the foreign literature on the learning region,the author elucidates the derivation and concept of learning region,and illustrates the connotations of learning region from the developmental view,and make the difference between the development mode of resource-based region,processing region and learning region.基于国外对学习型区域研究的文献分析,简要介绍了学习型区域的来源与定义,并从发展的角度对学习型区域的内涵进行了解析和图示,比较了资源型区域发展模式、加工型区域发展模式和学习型区域发展模式的差异。
3)Learning regional innovation system学习性区域创新体系
4)learning regional innovation systems学习型区域创新体系
1.The paper analyzes the present study of regional innovation systems and propose the concept of learning regional innovation systems.本文在对区域创新体系研究简要概述的基础上,提出了学习型区域创新体系概念,并以我国台湾地区新竹科学工业园区创新体系为例,分析了学习型创新体在台湾新竹科学工业园区发展进程中的作用,并指出对我国其他地区建设学习型区域创新体系的启示。
5)Learning Field学习领域
1.Enlightenment of Automobile Mechatroniker Curriculum Model Based on Learning Field in Germany to the Curriculum Setup of Automobile Maintenance Major in Chinese Vocational School;基于“学习领域”的德国汽车机电工课程模式对我国中等职业学校汽车维修工程专业课程设置的启示
2.Theory and Practice of "Learning Field" Curriculum in Germany;德国“学习领域”课程理论与实践探索
3.In view of this difference,the paper suggests taking "learning field" theory of German higher vocational education as reference to reconstruct the curriculum system which is guided by working procedures in China.通过对中德高职机电专业课程体系的对比,分析了目前我国高职专业课程体系仍然存在的“学科化倾向”问题,提出借鉴德国职教“学习领域”理论,重组并构建以工作过程为导向的专业课程体系。
6)study field学习领域
1.The paper, by means of literature and logical analysis, defines the concept of the study field of Sports & Health course, analyzes the reasons for the division of the study field in the course, and the relationship among those five study fields, in the hope of improving the understanding of divided study fields and dealing correctly with their relationship for the benefit of better practice.通过文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对体育与健康课程学习领域的概念进行了界定,分析了体育与健康课程学习领域划分的动因,结合体育与健康课程5个学习领域的划分对学习领域之间关系进行了论证,以期提高对划分学习领域的认识,正确处理5个学习领域之间的关系,更好的指导实践。

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)