国防科技工业,national defense industry
1)national defense industry国防科技工业
1.This article divided the national defense industry into different domains according to the property of enterprise.将国防科技工业按企业性质划分成若干个不同产业,国防建设对各个不同产业的需求与该产业的生产能力之间存在一定程度差异,国防科技工业产业结构的调整优化就是为了均衡这种差异,以达到供求平衡。
2.This paper analyses the important function of the national defense industry in the grand development of the western regions, probes into the major problems at present in the national defense industry, and also visualizes the author s assumption of the national defense industry while taking the grand development of the western regions into consideration.本文分析了国防科技工业在西部大开发中的重要作用 ,探讨了国防科技工业目前存在的主要问题 ,并结合西部大开发提出了国防科技工业的发展设
3.The objects of this theme are constructing the model of Learning National Defense Industrial Innovation System and improve the ability of the National Defense Industry.本文研究的主要目的是建立学习型国防科技工业创新系统,提高我国的国防科技工业创新能力。

1.Shareholding System Reform of Defense Industry and "Industrial Policies Outline of Defence Industry";《国防科技工业产业政策纲要》与国防科技工业股份制改革
2.More intensified research efforts have brought about new developments in defense-related science, technology and industry.国防科研得到加强,国防科技工业有了新发展。
3.Thoughts of Private Hi-tech Enterprises’ Entry Into Defense Industry in Beijing北京民营高科技企业进入国防科技工业的思考
4.The Study on the Managerial System Reform of Our National Defense Technology Sector;我国国防科技工业管理体制改革研究
5.The Reconstructing of Human Resource Management Model in National Defense Science and Technology;国防科技工业人力资源管理模式再造
6.The Trend of National Defense Technology Industry in the Post Cold-War Age;后冷战时期国防科技工业的发展趋势
7.Research on personnel training of Independent Innovation of Defence Science & Technology Industry;国防科技工业自主创新人才培育研究
8.Research on Training Talent in Defence Science & Technology University for the Need of Defence Science & Technology Industry国防科技院校适应国防科技工业需求的人才培养研究
9.Technological Innovations,System Changes技术创新 制度变迁:中国国防科技工业60年
11.Current Status and Development of Reliability Engineering in China Defense Science and Technology Industry;中国国防科技工业可靠性工程的现状与发展
12.An Analysis of the Post-evaluation Mechanism of Chinese National Defense Science and Technology Industry;我国国防科技工业行业后评价机制简论
13.Research on Evaluation of the Industrial Structure Upgrading Ability for National-Defence Science & Technology Industry我国国防科技工业产业结构升级能力评价研究
14.We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves, develop the science, technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization.要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。
15.Study on the Industry University and Research Institute s Cooperation of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense;国防科技工业产学研结合的技术创新体系研究
16.deliberating the development plan for defense-related science, technology and industry, and overseeing the overall planning of and proper connections between defense-related research, production and construction;研究国防科技工业发展规划,做好国防科研、生产、建设的统筹和衔接;
17.An Analysis on Governmental Regulatory about Entrance of Private Enterprise into Defence Industry;民营企业进入国防科技工业的政府规制分析
18.The Model on Adjusting and Optimizing the Industrial Structure of National Defense Industry;国防科技工业产业结构的调整优化模型

national defense science and technology industry国防科技工业
1.The national defense science and technology industry bears the characteristics of high technology,high input,high risk and long term of investment return,which means that its development must rely on the support of the financial organizations.国防科技工业高技术、高投入、高风险以及回收期长的特征决定了其发展必须依赖金融组织的支持。
2.The global new revolution in Military Affairs brings forward new requirements on the development of our national defense science and technology industry.世界新军事变革对我国国防科技工业的发展提出了新的要求。
3)defence science & technology industry国防科技工业
1.Research on personnel training of Independent Innovation of Defence Science & Technology Industry;国防科技工业自主创新人才培育研究
2.The Defence Science & Technology Industry is always one of the most intense fields of international competitiveness.国防科技工业历来是国际竞争最激烈的领域之一。
4)defense science and technology industry国防科技工业
1.This paper analyses the main mechanism of the capital asserts invest effect on equipment price,and points out some measures to solve the problems that effect the equipment construction long time,based on research of the history of the capital asserts invest mode of the defense science and technology industry(DSTI)and the ph.针对20 世纪90 年代以来装备价格不断上涨的现象,通过对建国以来国防科技工业固定资产投资与折旧的实证研究,剖析了固定资产投资影响装备价格的主要机理,并为解决这个长期困扰装备建设的关键因素提出了若干意见。
5)national defence hi-tech Zone国防科技工业园
1.According to the new condition,this paper descibles that establish national defence hi-tech Zone may be a good selection for arising military and civilian side for its development.结合新的形势,认为创建国防科技工业园,以激励军民良性互动将能够促进国防科技工业园的进一步发展。
6)Scientific Industrial Associations of National Defense国防科技工业行业协会
1.Analysis of Measures and Current Situation of Scientific Industrial Associations of National Defense;国防科技工业行业协会现状与对策分析
