商业道德,business morality
1)business morality商业道德
1.The Chinese traditional business morality "on the profit and obligation" is being taken as the core.中国传统商业道德以"义利论"为其核心,对商业活动过程和从商者的品质提出了相应的规范。
2.We can find out some prime from the histo ry of Shanxi ancient businessman, in which business morality is most essential .从晋商的历史轨迹中 ,可以发现许多值得借鉴和吸取的东西 ,其中最为主要的就是晋商的商业道德

1.He is a bad lot in business.他是个无商业道德的人。
2.Some people have no business morals.有些人毫无商业道德
3.What is an image of commercial morality? How can it be developed or restored?什么是商业道德?如何发展和恢复商业道德?
4.Build up the business ethics culture, manage and educate employees on business ethics.建立商业道德文化,管理和教育员工商业道德
5.Suggestions On Business Ethics Education For Business Management Majors;工商管理专业中商业道德教育的思考
6.Revelation of Shanxi Businessman s Morality to Present Shanxi Economic Prosp erity;晋商商业道德对山西经济振兴的启示
7.conduct of business standards业务操守准则,商业道德标准
8.Beneficent Behavior Reciprocal Benefit-Commercial Zthics Benefit Oneself and Others兼相爱 交相利——论商业道德利人利已
9.Campaign on Business Ethics [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德推广运动〔廉政公署〕
10.Business Ethics Participation Programme [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德参与计划〔廉政公署〕
11.Business Ethics Survey [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德意见调查〔廉政公署〕
12.Business Ethics Programme Plan [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德活动计划大纲〔廉政公署〕
13.Business Ethics Participation Project [Independent Commission Against Corruption]商业道德齐推广计划〔廉政公署〕
14.On Business Moral Education as the Soul of MBA Curriculum;论商业道德教育在MBA课程的灵魂地位
15.A Discussion on the Realizing Medium of Socialist Commercial Morality Construction;论社会主义商业道德建设的实现途径
16.Chinese Folktale Pawning the Conscience and Construction of Contemporary Commercial Morals;民间故事《当“良心”》与当代商业道德建设
17.The Ancient Chinese Merchants Tradition of Honesty and the Moral Construction of the Contemporary Business;中国古代商人的诚信传统与当代商业道德建设
18.Honour sink, where commerce long prevail.商业繁盛地,道德沦丧处。

commercial morality商业道德
1.Actually, XI Men-qing was mainly a merchant, a newborn merchant wity not only a smart commercial mind lut good commercial morality.其实,西门庆主要是一个商人,而且是一个具有精明的商业头脑和较好的商业道德的新兴商人。
2.To rectify and regulating the market economy order, we should adhere to the requirements of the hree deputies and greatly reinforce the construction of socialist commercial morality.整顿和规范市场经济秩序 ,需要我们按照“三个代表”的要求 ,大力加强社会主义商业道德建设 ,运用道德和法律的手段共同对市场经济进行调节 ,进一步建立起有利于社会主义市场经济良性发展的经济运行秩
3)business ethics商业道德
1.With the development of market economy, the enlargement with constant adjusting range of the commercial law, business ethics becomes the focus that people pay close attention to day by day.随着市场经济的发展,商法的调整范围不断的扩大,商业道德日渐成为人们关注的焦点。
2.Since both"natural state theory"and "ignorant curtain theory" have theoretical defect and lack the realistic foundation they can t explain the formation of business ethics well.商业经营者如何从自利的"经济人"转变为利他的"道德人"是研究商业伦理的前提,"自然状态说"和"无知之幕说"均存在理论的缺陷和缺乏现实的基础,不能很好地说明商业道德的形成,经济旋风中的博弈论从经济行为的自身出发,通过策略的反复选择,伴随着主体的不断总结经验和自我学习的过程,给商业道德的形成给予全新解释。
3.This case is particularly useful in teaching and studying college student entrepreneurship,serial entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship team,business opportunity selection and business ethics and so on.本案例从个体的水平上描述了其创业的基本历程,对于研究大学生创业、持续性创业、合伙人关系、创业团队建设和商业道德等有一定的借鉴意义。
4)commercial ethics商业道德
1.Based on the analysis of the use of company opportunities by company personnel,this paper introduces the crime of practicing favoritism in criminal law,and suggests that the construction of commercial ethics and legislation of business.通过对公司工作人员可能利用公司机会的分析和对刑法徇私经营罪的介绍,提出应加强公司商业道德的建设和商事立法的建议。
5)commercial morals商业道德
1.The controversy of commerce being moral runs through the history of commerceDevelopment, which is a history of commercial morals perfecting.商业合乎道德性的论争贯穿了整个商业发展的历史,商法的发展史即是一部商业道德的完善史,没有道德支持的商法是虚无的,而不由法律体现的商业道德则羸弱无力。
6)business ethics工商业道德

外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条