价格变动,price change
1)price change价格变动
1.An empirical study on the relationship between price changes and trading volume in China stock market;中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证研究
2.Recent empirical researches show that there exists a positive relationship between volume and price change in the same period.过去的实证分析说明,在同一个时间段,证券价格的变动与交易量为正相关关系;同时,对于上升或者下降这样不同方向证券价格的变动,价格变动大小与交易量的相关关系呈现不同的模式。

1.Substitution effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)替代效应
2.Income effect(of a price change)(价格变动的)收入效应
3.Changes in price normally vary with changes of supply and need.价格变动一般随供求变化而变化。
4.A Test on Relationship Between Real Estate Market Price and Overall Price Level in China;我国房地产价格变动与物价总水平变动的关系
5.He put up a notice about the change in price.他张贴一则有关价格变动的布告。
6.The Analysis of The Current Price Changing Situation and Tendency of CPI in Qinghai;当前青海CPI价格变动情况及走势分析
7.International Petroleum Price Fluctuation s Influence to Our Country s Economy;国际石油价格变动对中国经济的影响
8.Petroleum Price Stimulation Based on GARCH Model;基于GARCH模型的石油价格变动模拟
9.Analysis to the Influence of Jiangxi Economic Growth by the Price Changes;价格变动对江西经济增长的影响分析
10.Analysis on Mathematical Model of Price Movement and Production tactics;价格变动与生产策略的数学模型探析
11.variable overhead price variance变动制造费用价格差异
12.A change in the market price of a security or commodity.(价格的)变动证券或商品市场价格的变动
13.Transfers at market price: price changes in the intermediate market.按市价转移:中问价格的变动。
14.Prices subject to change. Correct as of 15/03/03.价格可能会变动,以上价格截止2003年3月15日
15.Equilibrium Price:the Price Setting in Dynamic Market and Its Changing Trend;均衡价格——动态市场价格的形成与变化趋势
16.Dynamic Adjustment on the Product Price of Enterprise under the Condition of Demand Shift;需求变动下企业产品价格的动态调整
17.before the market price fluctuates again.要赶在市场价格又要变动之前。
18.Please note that all the prices stated therein are subject to change on account of market fluctuation.请注意表列价格须随市场变动而修改。

the change of price价格变动
1.In this article, the model of the change of price in one department and many departments were given,the effects of agriculture to the change of price in many departments were enumerated.给出了1个部门和多个部门价格变动的模型,列举了农业在中国多个部门价格变动中的影响。
3)price variation价格变动
1.The price variation of admission tickets to world heritages is a hot topic in the fundamental research and the social practice in recent years.世界遗产门票价格变动是近几年理论研究和社会实践的热点问题。
4)variable price变动价格
5)price change form价格变动表
6)price change approach价格变动法
