骗局,shell game
1)shell game骗局
1.The abnormal love between the hero and the heroine almost leads to a shell game.青年作家欧阳黔森的新编中篇小说《白多黑少》,其主要情节不符合公认的准则,致使男女主人公之间的畸恋几成荒唐的骗局

1.It was all a swindle, an obscene swindle!这全是骗局,一个肮脏的骗局
2.gullible tourists taken in by the shell game.被这个骗局欺骗的轻信的旅行者。
3.confidence trick( act of swindling sb by first gaining his trust)骗局(从赢得信任入手使某人受骗).
4.an attempt by speculators to defraud investors.用骗局或欺骗的手段来获得财物。
5.In the third act the husband discovered the deception.第三幕,丈夫发现了骗局
6.This trick escaped detection at the time.这骗局那时候没被发觉。
7.Their independence was a sham.他们的独立是一个骗局
8.They set up the plan as a racket .他们设计了这个骗局
9.This sale sounds like sharp practice.这桩买卖好像是个骗局
10.He be the victim of a can trick .他是一骗局的受害人。
11.I thought it was the biggest confidence trick."我认为那是最大的骗局。”
12.tangled by his own duplicity;为他自己的骗局所困挠;
13.It is nothing more or less than a swindle.这完完全全是一个骗局
14.shameful conduct, deceit, etc可耻的行为、 骗局等.
15.the victim of a cruel hoax.一场大骗局的受害者
16.That practically amounts to a fraud.那实际上等于是个骗局
17.They got wise to a fraud他们揭穿了一个骗局
18.I am very anxious to see this man.我想这肯定是个骗局

A swindle or confidence game.诈骗,骗局
3)s windle carrier骗局载体
4)nuclear fraud核骗局
5)Deceive into搞骗局
6)an artful deception, trick, etc骗局、 诡计
