1.Falsificationism, Historicism and Economics Standards;证伪主义、历史主义与经济科学的标准
2.Falsificationism and Mission of Economics证伪主义及经济学的使命
3.Popper s philosophy is falsificationism.波普尔科学哲学的核心是证伪主义,证伪就是一个不断批判的过程。

1.Verification and Confirmation:An analysis of Rationality in Falsificationism;证实与验证——证伪主义的合理性分析
2.Falsificationism, Historicism and Economics Standards;证伪主义、历史主义与经济科学的标准
3.On the Falsificationism of Popper in Methodology of Economics;论经济学方法论中的波普尔证伪主义
4.Popper s Falsificationism and Methodology of Western Economics;波普尔证伪主义与西方经济学方法论
5.On the Affecte of Popper Falsificationism to Modern Moneyism;波普尔证伪主义对现代货币主义的影响
6.To Seek After the Scientific Forward Road of Falsificilism--To Sum up Falsificilism's Methodology From the Angle of Scientific Evolution探寻证伪主义的科学进路——从科学成长的视角综述证伪主义的方法论
7.An Analysis of the Agnosticism in the Epistemological Premise of Fasificationism;析证伪主义认识前提中的不可知论色彩
8.On the Problems of Falsificationism Again:A Rejoinder to Yin and Pang's Critique再论证伪主义的问题 对尹海洁、庞文商榷的答复
9.Reflection of Popper s Falsification Theory from the Perspective of the Marxism Theory of Knowledge;波普尔证伪主义理论反思——基于马克思主义认识论的视角
10.Confronted with the challenge of the grue paradox, the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one.面对绿蓝悖论的挑战,证伪主义者从定性和定量两方面作了应答。
11.An Analysis of Popper’s Falsificationism--Popper’s solutions to "the problem of demarcation" and "hume’s question";浅析波普尔的证伪主义——波普尔对“分界问题”与“归纳问题”的解决
12.Critical Spirit: the Motive Force of Science Progress--Discussion Popper s Falsificationism;批判精神:科学进步的推动力——谈波普尔的证伪主义
13.It thought Popper's falsifications was venation to the economic methodology in modern moneyism of Friedman and was accordance to it.认为波普尔证伪主义与弗里德曼现代货币主义在经济学思想方法论上密切相关并一致。
14.Effect of Falsification on Traditional Formal Logic and Premised Knowledge -For Karl Popper s 100th Birthday;证伪主义对传统形式逻辑学前提性知识的影响——纪念卡尔·波普尔诞辰100周年
15.From "Verification Principle "to "Falsification Principle";由“证实原则”到“证伪原则”——兼论波普对逻辑实证主义意义标准的批判
16.The Analysis of Falsification Criterion Based on the Truth of Marxism基于马克思主义真理观视角的证伪原则评析
17.Make Things Look All Right--the Change of Hypocritical Modernity and Nationalism;瞒天过海——伪现代与伪民族主义变脸
18.Arguing for the Validity of Compositionality--Falsifying the Falsification of Taylor(2002);语义合成原则的有效性——对Taylor(2002)证伪的证伪

3)The methodology of falsificationism证伪主义方法论
4)naive falsificationism朴素证伪主义
5)sophisticated falsificationism精致证伪主义
6)sophisticated falsificationism精致的证伪主义
