1.Analysis on North s Nation Theory from the Angle of Historical Materialism;从唯物史观的角度评析诺思的国家理论
2.Analysis on North s Ownership Theory from the Angle of Historical Materialism;从唯物史观的角度剖析诺思的所有权理论

1.The Misunderstanding and Auti Thinking of the Archetype of Northrop Frye对诺思洛普·弗莱原型的误读与反思
2.Marx and North:a comparison of two institution theories马克思与诺思:两种制度理论的比较
3.A Comparison of Thought on System I ransition Momentum between Marx and North;马克思与诺思制度变迁动力思想的比较
4.Efco-Northrup furnace埃弗科-诺思拉斯无芯高频感应炉
5.Mr. North doesn't get the whole picture.诺思先生不了解事情的全部真相
6.On the Northampton I was a rail.在‘诺思安普敦号’上我简直象一只秧鸡。
7.Northrop Frye s Religious Concern in His Bible Study;诺思洛普·弗莱《圣经》研究中的宗教关怀
8.On Northrop Frye′s Literary Narration and Meaning;论诺思洛普·弗莱的文学叙述与意义
9.Comment on Douglas. C. North s Theory on State;道格拉斯·C·诺思的国家理论述评
10.President of Friends of the Everglades Mike Chenoweth said.""大沼泽地之友"会长迈克·切诺韦思说。
11.Bethenod-Latour alternator贝思诺特-拉图尔交流发电机
12.An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示.
13.An acceptance is the offeree's manifestation of intention to assent to an offer.承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。
14.She performed her promise of being discreet to admiration.她三思而行,出色地履行了诺言。
15.Schrock features three cabinet lines to choose form.思克诺橱柜,推出三大系列,供您选择。
16.The Sources and Influence of Ars Magna卡尔达诺《大术》的思想来源及影响
17.Thoughts on the "Needham Puzzle" and the "Nobel Phenomenon关于“李约瑟问题”与“诺贝尔现象”的思考
18.A Study on Elinor Ostrom s Public Governance Thought;埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆公共治理思想研究

1.A Study of Zolpidem Tartrate and Stilnox in the Treatment for Insomnia;酒石酸唑吡坦片与思诺思片治疗失眠的疗效比较研究
2.Effects of stilnox on post-stroke sleep disorder;思诺思治疗脑卒中后睡眠障碍的临床观察
3.Effects of Stilnox on QUISI parameters in patients with insomnia思诺思对失眠症患者QUISI检测指标的影响
1.A Control Study of Curative Effects on Venlafaxine in Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression;怡诺思治疗轻中度抑郁症的临床研究
2.Conclusion Venlafaxine is a safe and efficient drug w.目的评价怡诺思治疗广泛性焦虑症的临床疗效和不良反应。
1.Application of surodex in surgery of glaucoma;思诺迪清在抗青光眼手术中的应用
5)North paradox诺思悖论
1.On the Relation of the North Paradox, Institutional Change and the Local Government s Competition Behavior;“诺思悖论”、制度变迁及地方政府竞争行为研究
2.This is the famous North paradox.这就是著名的诺思悖论。
1.I Ching and psychological analysis──re-visit Eranos;《易经》与“心理分析”——重访爱诺思

偏酒石酸唑吡坦 ,思诺思药物名称:偏酒石酸唑吡坦英文名:别名:偏酒石酸唑吡坦 ,思诺思 适应症: 一过性失眠,短期失眠,慢性失眠的短期治疗。 用量用法: 65岁以下患者10mg,临睡前服用,65岁以上患者1/2片睡前服用,每日剂量不得超过1片。 禁忌: 15岁以下儿童,孕妇及哺乳期妇女。 不良反应: 可能产生眩晕,嗜睡,恶心,头痛,记忆减退,夜眠不安,腹泻,猝倒。 注意事项: 呼吸功能不全患者应慎用本药。对肌无力患者,有可能引起肌肉乏力。肝功能不全患者应减量使用。本药可能减低驾驶员和机器操作者的注意力。用药期间应严格禁止饮酒。 药物相互作用: 慎与其它中枢神经系统抑制剂合用。 规格: 片剂 10mg x 20片。 类别:镇静催眠抗惊厥药