1.Peasant workers: distinction,marginalization,residentialization;农民工:区隔、边缘化与市民化
2.The distinction construction and the native soil cultural resource exploition of Shen Cong-wen;沈从文的文化区隔构筑与乡土文化资源发掘
3.Class consumption and social distinction is one of important theoretical perspectives in understanding middle class consumption.社会区隔是理解中产阶层消费的重要理论分析视角。

1.Unlocking DaVinci's Code separates the facts from the fiction.《解开达西密码》将事实与小说区隔开来。
2.pointing off the hundredths place in a column of figures.在一行数字中每百位就用点号区隔
3.Benefit analysis of irrigation experiment of slope-separated terrace on Loess plateau area of Southern Ningxia Province.宁南山区隔坡梯田灌溉试验效益分析
4.Consumption: The Segmentation Sign Embeded a System of Meaning;消费:蕴含“意义系统”的区隔符号
5.Latent DiStinction: A Study on Label Effect of Classroom;隐性区隔:课堂中标签效应的问题研究
6.Exploration on the Editing Strategy of Market Discriminated of For Him Magazine;试论《男人装》的市场区隔化编辑策略
7.This neighborhood is segregated.这附近地区被隔离了。
8.The area was cordoned off.该区被警戒线隔离起来。
9.pressurized stopping封闭灾区加压隔火墙
10.serving simply to separate or partition.仅仅用来分隔或者区分。
11.Partitions provided a segregation between the smoking and non-smoking areas of the canteen.隔断把餐厅分成了吸烟区和非吸烟区。
12.any special compartment or area任何有专门用途的隔间或区域
13.Clinical Observation on Microwave Treating Hemorrhage in Little's Area of Nasal Septum微波治疗鼻中隔Littles区出血的疗效观察
14.What was the area closed off for ?为什么把那个地区与外界隔离开来?
15.transition interval变色范围, 转变区, 转变间隔
16.leper colony(孤岛等的)麻疯病人隔离区
17.The hermetic confines of an isolated life.与世隔绝生活的不受外界干扰的区域
18.a mountain village that is isolated from all other communities;与所有其它的聚居区都隔断的山村;

Septal area隔区
1.Septal area brain sections were stained with Nissl and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry.目的 :研究银杏叶提取物对切割海马伞大鼠隔区胆碱能神经元的保护作用。
3)compartmenzation mechanism区隔机制
5)medial septum内侧隔区
1.Group I, contrast group only being operated on (but not suffering the lesion of medial septum (MS)); Group Ⅱ, only suffering the lesion of MS; Group Ⅲ, the cerebral ischemia reperfusion group; Group Ⅳ, the cerebral ischemia referfusion with shamed lesion of medial septum; Group Ⅴ, the .Ⅰ组 :手术对照组 ;Ⅱ组 :单纯内侧隔区 (MS)损毁组 ;Ⅲ组 :单纯脑缺血再灌注组 ;Ⅳ组 :MS假性损毁脑缺血再灌注组 ;Ⅴ组 :MS预损毁脑缺血再灌注组 ,动物先行MS损毁 ,第 15d再行血管阻断 ,使脑缺血 2 0min ,并于恢复灌注 72h后处死 ,将脑采用常规石蜡包埋、切片 ,Nissle、HE和Tunel免疫组化染色 ,在光镜下观测计数海马的神经元数。
6)Septal lesion隔区毁损

隔坨区  城市中被隔离的单一种族或文化集团的小集居区。早期是指中世纪欧洲城市中法律规定的犹太人集居区,居住条件差,四周有围墙等与外界隔离,夜间大门锁住,不许居民出入。该名词可能取自意大利威尼斯犹太人居住区一个造铸厂厂主名。19世纪后这种法波意义消失。从19世纪末开始,大量东欧犹太人移居美国东北部和中西部城市,隔坨区被用来描述美国城市中的移民居住区,很快失去了专指犹太人集居区的意义,变成泛指城市中新移民的隔离集居区。    现代的隔坨区一般是指具有独特的民族或文化传统的社会集团所占据的与城市社会其他部分隔离的居住区。这种隔离是由于种族歧视、少数民族的心理和政治要求等原因所造成的。因此不一定是贫民区。如果该种族或社会集团社会地位提高,可能成为居住环境良好、富有的集居区。但现在美国城市中的隔坨区仍指居住条件恶劣、与外界交往很少的黑人集居区。