1.Based on the evolutionary game theory,the paper revealed two main challenges in the process of substitution from self-sufficiency to labor division.劳动分工取代自给自足面临着两个主要挑战:分工的协调问题和自给自足策略的风险占优问题。

1.a self - contained settlement in the Arctic.在北极自给自足的生活
2.a countryself-sufficient in coa煤炭自给自足的国家.
3.Is Taiwan self-sufficient, self-sufficing in rice?台湾的米能自给自足吗?
4.a self-sufficing economic unit.自给自足的经济个体。
5.a closed economic system自给自足的经济体系
6.A self-sufficient region or country.自给国经济上自给自足的地区或国家
7.(1) A self-sufficient natural economy predominated.一、自给自足的自然经济占主要地位。
8.There a self-sufficient natural economy prevailed.那里存在一种自给自足的自然经济。
9.A policy of national self-sufficiency and nonreliance on imports or economic aid.自给自足一种国家不依赖进口或经济援助的自给自足的政策
10.The purpose in all this is to achieve self-sufficiency.凡此都是为了达到自给自足的目的。
11.In this sense, the universe is self-contained.在此意义之下,宇宙是自给自足的。
12.Britain is now self-sufficient in oil.英国现在的石油可以自给自足
13.If you seek to provide for your own needs, God will not help you.「如果你要自给自足,神是不会帮助你的。
14.Mexico is self-sufficient in oil.墨西哥在石油方面可自给自足
15.We aim to achieve self sufficiency in energy by 1997.我们的目标是1997年做到能源自给自足
16.China has traditionally been the self-sufficient, self-contained "Middle Kingdom."中国历来是自给自足的“中史之国。”
17.the ancient people live an autarkic life.先民们过的是一种自给自足的生活。
18.Encouraging self sufficiency at each stage of the disaster.在洪灾的每个阶段都可以自给自足

3)self-contained and self-sufficient自给自足的
4)A closed relationship.自给自足的关系
5)semi self-sufficient model半自给自足模式
1.At present,a semi self-sufficient model dominates rural economy in mountainous areas of Yunnan.目前,云南广大山区半山区的农村经济模式主要是一种半自给自足模式。
