1.Anthropocentrism, developmentalism and scientism are three tough roots going deep into human thinking.人类中心主义、唯发展主义和科技至上观是生态危机的主要思想根源。
1.Since the Second World War, developmentalism or exploitablism has been becoming the guiding ideology of developing counties.“二战”以后,发展主义或开发主义逐渐演化为发展中国家主导的意识形态。
2.The paradigm of developmentalism dominated the political development research of 1960s.20世纪60年代的政治发展理论被发展主义范式所支配。
3.Through a large number of empirical data,B-SLIM model,one of the successful language teaching models,based on Cognitive Science,Constructivism and Developmentalism,has been proved to acquire language effectively for the learners,who are in want of language construction and self-directed learning.B-SLIM课堂教学模式是建立在认知论、结构主义与发展主义基础上的成功语言教学模式,并通过大量实证得出学生语言学习需要语言建构与自主学习,因而实现语言习得。

1.Developmentalism and Consumerism: The Difficult Situation and Outlet of Developing Countries Social Development;发展主义与消费主义:发展中国家社会发展的困厄与出路
2.Marxist Feminism: the Concept, Development and Significance马克思主义女权主义:概念、发展与意义
3.The more socialism develops, the more must democracy develop.社会主义愈发展,民主也愈发展。
4.The Inheritance and Development of Transcendentalism, Romanticism and Local Colorism;超验主义、浪漫主义、乡土主义的继承与发展
5.On Marxist Feminism in Inheriting and Developing Marxism马克思主义女性主义对马克思主义的继承发展
6.development stage of capitalist industry资本主义工业发展阶段
7.Capitalism has been developing for several hundred years.资本主义发展几百年了,
8.Marxism must be developed.马克思主义必须发展。
9.History of Marxism Philosophy Development马克思主义哲学发展史
10.Developing the Socialism in the Struggle with the Capitalism社会主义在与资本主义的斗争中发展
11.Adhering to Marxism must develop Marxism.坚持马克思主义必须发展马克思主义。
12.The doctrine of Leninism has developed Marxism.列宁主义学说发展了马克思主义。
13.Warren, Bill. 1980. Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism. London: Verso.帝国主义是资本主义发展的最高阶段。
14.Realism, Institutionalism and the Development of Economics in China;现实主义、制度主义与中国经济学发展
15.Marxist theory will advance and so will socialist theory.马克思主义要发展,社会主义理论要发展,
16.Analysis on rationalism development and non-rationalism development viewpoints;理性主义发展观与非理性主义发展观探索
17.From the Socialist Traditional View on Development to the Scientific Viewpoint of Development;从社会主义传统发展观到科学发展观
18.Scientific View on Development Is the New Contemporary Socialist View on Development科学发展观是当代新社会主义发展观

1.Since the Second World War, developmentalism or exploitablism has been becoming the guiding ideology of developing counties.“二战”以后,发展主义或开发主义逐渐演化为发展中国家主导的意识形态。
2.The paradigm of developmentalism dominated the political development research of 1960s.20世纪60年代的政治发展理论被发展主义范式所支配。
3.Through a large number of empirical data,B-SLIM model,one of the successful language teaching models,based on Cognitive Science,Constructivism and Developmentalism,has been proved to acquire language effectively for the learners,who are in want of language construction and self-directed learning.B-SLIM课堂教学模式是建立在认知论、结构主义与发展主义基础上的成功语言教学模式,并通过大量实证得出学生语言学习需要语言建构与自主学习,因而实现语言习得。
1.The developmentism grew into the strong discourse as the market economy and the construction of the modernization in china upsurged gradually from the 1990 s.二十世纪九十年代以来,中国的市场经济和现代化建设渐入高潮,发展主义成为强势话语。
1.To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。
2.The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。
3.But it is of the bourgeoisie,so it has the characteristic of mentalism and lacks philosophical principle.但它毕竟是资产阶级世界观的范畴,具有唯心主义特色,缺乏严格的哲理。
1.The materialism tendency of Bacon philosophy;培根哲学的唯物主义倾向
2.On the Eve of a Turn for Materialism and Communism:Rethinking the Thought Development of Marx in the Period of Rheinische Zeitung;在转向唯物主义和共产主义的前夜——《莱茵报》时期马克思哲学思想发展的再考察
3.Progressing with the times:a requirement and a realization of the world s view in dialectic materialism;与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现
1.The article, an effort to explore Chomsky s rationalism and its characteristics by reviewing its historical origin, focuses on such issues as follows: Plato s "Theory of Reminiscence" and Descartes "Theory of Innate Ideas"; Humboldt s rationalism and its significance; Chomsky s rationalism and its characteristics.通过回顾乔姆斯基唯理主义的历史根源来阐明其唯理主义思想及特点,其中主要涉及:柏拉图的"回忆说"和笛卡儿的"天赋观念说";洪堡特的唯理主义思想及其影响;乔姆斯基的唯理主义思想及其特点。
2.On the philosophy view,Chomsky is influenced mainly by Descartes’rationalism.在哲学观点上,乔姆斯基主要受到笛卡儿唯理主义的影响,因而,在语言观和方法论上,他都站在理性主义的立场上,认为心是天赋的认知机能,语言能力是其中最基本的一项,它最主要的作用在于产生具有独立性的语形结构,而对语形结构做纯形式化的研究必定会为探索人类心智奥秘作出贡献。

唯【唯】 (术语)梵语摩怛刺多Matrata,一简别之义,简别于他法云唯。二决定之义,示决定有此法云唯。三显胜之义,示此法之显胜云唯。义林章一末曰:“梵云摩怛剌多,此翻为唯。唯有三义:一简持义。二决定义。三显胜义。”唯识述记一本曰:“唯言显其二义:一简别义。二决定义。”