1.The Study of Gentry and Their Literature in the Wei-Jin and Southern Dynasty士族与魏晋南朝文学研究
2.East Han Dynasty marks an important stage of the development of that Powerful Lord transformed itself into Gentry.豪族向士族的转变是汉晋社会变迁的一个重要历史事实,东汉乃转变的重要契机。
3.The debate about "ranks" in Yuanjia Period under the regime of Emperor Wen in Southern Song Dynasty showed that there were no clear standards for legal penalty among the gentry and the multitude.南朝宋文帝元嘉年间关于“符伍”问题的辨论 ,反映当时士庶之间在法律规定的量刑标准上并无明确区别 ;士族地位在一定程度上取决于其占有土地及奴客的多少 ;奴客作为士族地主土地上的主要劳动者 ,其劳动大多是分散的 ;奴客在法律上不负刑事责任这是人们对奴客的传统看法 ,晋宋之际 ,奴客在法律上已逐渐由权利客体成为有部分权力的法律主体 ,反映了“奴”向“客”身份的靠拢及地位的变化。

1.The Study Of "aristocrat" 、"nobleman" and "scholar-nobleman" Of XiJin Dynasty;西晋“世族”、“势族”及“士族”之考辨
2.An Inquiry into the Transformation of Ma Family during East Han Dynasty;从豪强宗族到文化士族——东汉马氏研究
3.A male belonging to the gentry in England and ranking directly below a knight.绅士士族地位次于骑士的或在中上阶层有一定社会地位的男士
4.The celebrities in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were the predecessors of the nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. However, not all the celebrities could become nobles.东汉末年的大姓名士是魏晋士族的前身,但并不是所有的大姓名士都能成为士族
5.Privileged Scholar-official Families' Marriage Network and Activities of Making Friends in the Western Jin Dynasty西晋士族的婚姻网络与交游活动——以太原士族为中心的考察
6.A member of a group of peoples of southern and southeast Africa, including the Swazi, Ndebele, Xhosa, and Zulu.恩戈尼族人非洲南部和东南部一民族中的一员,包括斯威士族、恩德贝勒族、科萨族和祖鲁族
7.The Despotic Policy of Wudi of Han Dynasty and Scholar-Officialization of the Local Powerful Families;汉武帝的豪强政策与地方豪族的士族
8.aristocrats holding the rank of knight.持有骑士称号的贵族。
9.A French nobleman of the lowest rank.骑士法国最低级的贵族
10.An English nobleman or gentleman.英国绅士英国贵族或绅士
11.Noble People s Point of View in Powful Family in <New Narrations of Social Events>;《世说新语》中门阀士人的家族与家族观
12.The Gentleman becomes a class in local society for the Patriarchal Clan at the same time.宗族因士人而逐渐发展成熟,士人因宗族而为基层社会士绅阶层。
13.class composed of persons lacking noble or knightly or gentle rank.由缺少贵族、骑士或绅士地位的人组成的阶级。
14.Now all the 55 ethnic minorities have their own college students, and some even are master's and doctor's degree holders.55个少数民族都有了本民族的大学生,有的还有了硕士生和博士生。
15.Hardened fighters, the Zaurask are not to be trifled with.蜥人族是个强大的战士种族,绝不可以轻忽。
16.Ethnic minorities called for an end to racism and for protection of native languages and cultures.少数民族人士呼吁结束种族歧视以及保护本民族语言和文化。
17."The heads of families, the strong men of war, were two thousand, six hundred."族长,大能勇士的总数共有二千六百人,
18.Amazon(in Greek mythology)member of a race of female warriors(希腊神话中的)亚马孙族女战士.

bachelor class士族
1.The declining of the bachelor class is a complicated historic progress.士族的衰落是一个复杂的历史过程,既要从宏观上考察,更要从微观上细究。
1.Shizu Political Archives—Genealogy;士族政治的档案书——谱牒
4)noble class士族
1.Living in the turning period from the Jin Dynasty to the Southern Dynasties,when the political status of noble class came down,the poet Xie Linyun didn t make any great political achievements in spite of his hard struggle.谢灵运生活在晋宋交替时期 ,士族政治地位的下移 ,给他的心灵带来了种种创伤和忧愤 ,为此 ,他在政治上曾作过努力的奋斗 ,但失败了。
2.Liu Yu established a new dynasty and set up a new structure in which the common people could enjoy equal treatment with the noble class.自东晋安帝义熙年间孙恩之乱始,社会政治结构发生了巨大的转变,刘裕最终代晋自立,并构建了寒人掌权和士族“平流进取,坐至公卿”的新格局。
5)bachelor family士族
1.Marriage was a important means for bachelor family to solidify family status.魏晋南北朝是门阀士族鼎盛的时代。
6)patriarchal clan policy士族政策
1.Sammary: To push the uification of the state politics and the area of ideology,Li Shimin established a series ofpatriarchal clan policy.为推进国家政治与意识形态领域的统一,唐太宗制定了一系列士族政策,如皇室婚姻中,“王妃、主婿皆取当世勋贵名臣家,未尝尚山东旧族”;同时组织官员修撰《氏族志》,并颁布《诫励氏族婚姻诏》等。
