1.From university-industry-academy to university-industry-government;从“产学研”到“产学官

1.The Cultivating System of Japanese Universities for New Industries and the Cooperation of Industries, Universities and the Government;日本的大学新产业培育制度与产学官合作
2.On Industry-Academic-Government Alliance and Intellectual Property Transfer in China in the context of Innovation;论创新背景下我国产学官联盟与知识产权转移
3.Strengthening the Ties among Government, Production, Learning and Research to Promote the Transformation of Scientific Achievements;加强官产学研联合 推动科技成果转化
4.To Promote the Cooperation among Government-Industry-University-Academy-Investment and to Develop the Industrial Cluster in Guangxi;推进“官产学研金”结合 促进广西产业集群发展
5.An empirical analysis of R&D cooperation and regional knowledge spillovers based on knowledge production function官产学R&D合作、知识溢出与区域专利创新产出
6.Unification and Cooperation of Enterprise-Government-University in Japan and Its Enlightenment;日本大学的产官学一体化合作及其启示
7.A gland is a tissue or organ that produces a useful chemical substance.腺体是人体内产生有用化学物质的组织或器官。
8.Synthesis of Functionalized [Fe_2S_2] Complexes and Their Electrochemistry and Hydrogen-generating Mechanism;官能团化[Fe_2S_2]配合物的合成、电化学及产氢机理
9.A Case Study on the VLSI Technology Research Consortium in Japan;日本官产学合作的技术创新联盟案例研究
10.Research on Cooperation Mechanism in Government-University-Industry (GUI) Innovation Network:Multi-case Study;从典型案例探索官产学创新网络的合作机制
11.Comparative Researches on SCI2000-Based Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Partnerships;基于SCI2000的官产学三重螺旋关系比较研究
12.Analysis on the Mechanism of Government-Business-University-Research Cooperation under the View of Governance治理视野下的官产学研合作的机制分析
13.Comparison of Chemical Components and Sensory Quality of Oriental Tobacco in Different Producing Areas不同产区香料烟化学成分及感官质量比较
14.It indicates clean official literature is the result of literature's self-function.通过清官文学的成因分析表明,清官文学的产生完全是文学自身生态机制作用下的结果。
15.Study on the Alliance of Government,Enterprises,Universities and Institutes--the Innovation Carrier of Industrial Generic Technology Based on Industrial Cluster;基于集群的产业共性技术创新载体:官产学研联盟
16.The office or functions of a receiver.破产事务官职位,破产事务官作用
17.(botany) having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant.(植物学)有雌蕊,或雌蕊群的,种子植物产生胚珠的器官组织。
18.Scientists foresee the cloning of pigs that will produce organs that will not be rejected by humans.科学家们预言克隆猪产生的器官将不被人体所排斥。

1.Researches on triple helix innovation system of university-industry-government partnerships;官产学三重螺旋创新系统模型研究
2.A series of researches about the triple helix of university-industry-government partnerships have been carried through in the world extensively and deeply.官产学三重螺旋关系方面的研究在国际上已相当深入开展并日趋丰富完善,然在中国却才处于刚生起步阶段,更不肖说定量细化的规范性研究了。
3.It points out some matters and defects in the research about the triple helix of university-industry-government partnerships, with an analysis of practical experience and academic findings home and abroad.提出了大学、产业、政府应建立官产学伙伴关系的观点,并在充分吸纳发达国家或地区已有的成功实践及国内外相应的学术成果的基础上,对它们的三者螺旋关系给出了一定的理论上的分析和实践上的探讨。
3)collaboration Innovation of UIG产学官合作
4)Industry-Academic-Government alliance产学官联盟
6)government-industry-academy cooperation官产学合作

学官1.学校的房舍。 2.指学校。 3.指古时主管学务的官员和官学教师,如汉代开始设置的五经博士﹑博士祭酒,西晋开始设置的国子祭酒﹑博士﹑助教,宋以后的提学﹑学政和教授﹑学正﹑教谕等。又称教官。