
1.Research of the measures of the Department of Business-Deparment of Agriculture,Industry and Commerce developing industry and commerce;清末商部——农工商部振兴工商措施述评
2.The Ministry of Business--Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce and the Improvement on Traditional Agriculture;商部——农工商部与传统农业的改良
3.Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture阿拉伯农工商联合会
4.The Department of Business--the Department of Agriculture,Industry and Commence and cotton s improvement in the Late Qing Dynasty.;商部——农工商部与清末棉业的改良
5.Analysis of the Limitations of the Business Department--Agriculture,Industry and Business Department Developing Economy;清末商部—农工商部振兴实业局限浅析
6.provide all kinds of loans to agricultural, industrial, and commercial enterprises, private industrial and commercial households.办理农工商企业、个体工商户及居民个人贷款。
7."Official Newspaper of Agriculture,Industry and Commerce in Fujian" And the Initial Researches of the New Deal during Last Stage of Qin Dynasty;《福建农工商官报》与清末新政初探
8.International Chamber of Commerce国际商会国际工农商会
9.integrate commerce with industry, agriculture and commerce itself增进工商、农商、商商之间的联合
10."North District's Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and Fisheries Show"北区工商渔农展览会
11.Regional Consultation on the Agricultural Machinery Industry in Africa非洲农机工业区域协商
12.2. Protect the industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock enterprises of the national bourgeoisie.(二)保护民族工商农牧业。
13.The conscientious scribes regulated agriculture, industry and trade.祭司们的工作是管理工业、农业和商业。
14.The present economic policy in this area is helpful to the enhancement of association of industry with commerce, of agriculture with commerce, and of commerce itself.该地区现行经济政策有利于增进工商、农商、商商之间的联合。
15.The development of market economy inevitaBly leads to the enhancement of integration of industry with commerce, of agriculture with commerce, and of commerce itself.增进工商、农商、商商之间的联合,是市场经济发展的必然趋势。
16.Farmers' doing business and seeking jobs in cities is a practical way to rely on industry to boost agriculture and extend urban civilization to rural areas.农民进城务工经商是工业反哺农业、城市文明辐射农村的现实途径。
17.Agricultural cooperation and division between mainland and Taiwan from the agricultural investment by Taiwan merchants;从台商大陆农业投资谈两岸农业的合作与分工
18.They were solid merchants, farmers, and craftsmen.他们是很好的商人,农人,及工艺匠。

offical ruling workers and merchant士农工商
3)Ministry of Agricultrue & Industry & Commerce农工商部
4)Agricultural Gentleman Industry and Commerce农士工商
5)mercantile peasant-worker经商农民工
1.It has two sub-groups: employed peasant worker and mercantile peasant-worker, the latter of which was ignored for a long time.但农民工群体并不是钢板一块,而是由于职业特点,分化为务工农民工和经商农民工。
6)emphasis on agriculture at the expense of industry and commerce农本工商末
1.Although the ideology of "emphasis on agriculture at the expense of industry and commerce" was deep-rooted and had far-reaching influence in the Pre-Qin Period, the ideology of "emphasis on the fundamentals at the expense of the incidentals" experienced evolution.尽管先秦时期“农本工商末”思想根深蒂固,影响深远,但“重本抑末”思想的流变如行云穿梭,诸子各派从各自的世界观出发,各抒己见,赋予了其不同的内涵,深深地打上了诸子各派经济哲学思想的时代烙印。
