1.Is the Zero Transaction Costs Possible?——"No one Vegetable stall" in Fangzhao of Guizhou As an Example零交易费用是否可能?——以贵州方召“无人菜摊”为例

1.Is the Zero Transaction Costs Possible?--"No one Vegetable stall" in Fangzhao of Guizhou As an Example零交易费用是否可能?——以贵州方召“无人菜摊”为例
2.The act of recalling or summoning back, especially an official order to return.召回叫回或召回之行为,尤指官方命令召回的
3.Be this the place where the conference be hold ?这是会议召开的地方吗?
4.From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.我召鸷鸟从东方来,召那成就我筹算的人从远方来。
5.[NIV] From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.11[和合]我召鸷鸟从16东方来,召那成17就我筹算的人从远方来。
6."For convening an interim meeting of the Board of directors, the Board of directors may provide for a different method of giving notice and notice period."董事会召开临时会议,可以另定召集董事会的通知方式和通知时限。
7.To signal, summon, or proclaim by tolling.鸣钟传信号,鸣钟召集用敲钟的方式指示、召集或宣布
8.The UN has called on both sides to observe the cease-fire.联合国已经号召双方遵守停火协议。
9.A conference was held to recoganize and tighten up a local government.召开了一个会议改组和加强地方政府。
10.The chairman called on the youths to go where they were needed.主席号召青年人到需要他们的地方去。
11.Discussion issuing modes of defective vehicle product recall information;缺陷汽车产品召回信息发布方式探讨
12."Sending for a bird of strong flight from the east, the man of my purpose from a far country; I have said it, and I will give effect to it; the thing designed by me will certainly be done."我召鸷鸟从东方来,召那成就我筹算的人从远方来。我已说出,也必成就,我已谋定,也必作成。
13.Call a national defence conference to decide on strategy and to achieve unity of purpose in military operations.召集国防会议,决定战略方针,统一战斗意志。
14.As the police could not keep order in the city, the military were called in to help.由于警察无法维持城里的秩序,军方被召去协助。
15.Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders.日内瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方.
16.a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held.教堂中召开堂务会议和盛放法器的地方。
17.Geneva have become the stage for many meetings of world leader日内瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方
18.I have visited the place the First National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party was held.我参观了第一次中国共产党党代会召开的地方。

1.“召方(Shaofang)”was an enemy state of Yin dynasty and was annexed by Yin dynasty afterward."召方"是商王朝之敌对方国,其都邑在邵原,后为商所并。
4)Chao Ko's method柯召方法
5)Callable System可召回方法
6)call upon in supplication; entreat.以恳求的方式号召;恳求。

方召1.亦作"方邵"。 2.西周时助宣王中兴之贤臣方叔与召虎的并称。后借指国之重臣。