1.A Solution to the Happiness-Income Puzzle:Theory and Evidence;对“幸福—收入之谜”的一个解答
2.Plato s Cave-Metaphor and the Possibility of Philosophical Education:some views on how to orient education toward happiness;从柏拉图洞穴隐喻看哲学教育的可能性——兼论教育应该怎样关涉幸福

1.Lucky Chocolate Toffee brings you luck.幸福太妃糖,幸福的获得。
2.material and spiritual welfare物质幸福和精神幸福
3.A happy, happy family.一个幸福幸福的家庭。
4.I wish you good health and happiness.祝愿您健康、幸福
5.They said, @We hope you will be very happy.说:“我们祝福你俩幸福
6."May you be blessed, have strength and prosper!" said the children gratefully.“祝福您健康和幸福
7."Industry if fortune's right hand, and frugality her left"勤勉是幸福的右手,节俭是幸福的左手
8.He is truly happy who makes others happy真正幸福的是使人幸福的人
9.Industry be fortune 's right hand , and frugality her leave .勤是幸福的右手,俭是幸福的左手。
10.Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。
11.Felicity is easily found, but hard to be kept.(谚语)找到幸福容易,维持幸福困难。
12.Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her知道利用幸福的人才有幸福
13.He is happy that thinks himself so.-Latin Proverb能自以为幸福的人是幸福的。--拉丁谚语
14.He identifies her happiness with his own .他把他的幸福与她的幸福联系在一起。
15.The Relationship of Subjective Well-being and Psychological Well-being;主观幸福感与心理幸福感的关系研究
16.Marxist Outlook on Happiness:Viewed from the Developing History of the Happiness Theory;从幸福论发展史看马克思主义幸福
17.A New Viewing Angle on Well-Being A Description of Social Well-Being;幸福感研究新视角——社会幸福感概述
18.Going out of the Misunderstanding of Happiness Education--Side Discussion of Views on Happiness Education;走出幸福教育的误区——兼论幸福教育观

1.A Solution to the Happiness-Income Puzzle:Theory and Evidence;对“幸福—收入之谜”的一个解答
2.Plato s Cave-Metaphor and the Possibility of Philosophical Education:some views on how to orient education toward happiness;从柏拉图洞穴隐喻看哲学教育的可能性——兼论教育应该怎样关涉幸福
1.Therein this disquisition explores the question of ultimate spirit from three Han-folks-related perspectives,including spirit of soul,outlook on life and death and attitude to worldly well-being.本文就汉代人的灵魂观念,生死观念以及世俗的幸福观念三个方面考察其中蕴涵的终极精神。
2.The well-being implied in the basic theories of the"new educational experiment"such as the development of humanities,human potentials and personalities,and pursuit of loftiness and harmony,ignored but essentially needed in current education,are awfully vital for the educated to enjoy schooling life."新教育实验"以帮助新教育共同体成员过一种幸福完整的教育生活为最高追求和努力方向,其理论基础中所蕴涵的人的发展、人的潜力的开发和个性的形成、追求崇高和和谐等一系列教育幸福观正是当前教育生活中所忽视和缺乏的教育理想。
1.Happy people also need to ponder in friends experience(friendship) and to realize .亚里士多德的伦理学最终的、最圆满的目的就是幸福。
2.In modern management,managers should have to comprehend employees emotions more,use happiness management make employees feel happy.在现代管理中,管理者应该更多地理解员工的情感,运用快乐管理让员工从工作中获得幸福。
3.It also points out the structure of happy education: the unity of acquisition and feeling, physical and psychological unity, the unity of personality and society, and the cultivation of happy ability.从全面发展的角度 ,透视了教育与幸福 ;提出建构幸福教育的设想 ,分为四个层次 :认知与情感统一的教育与幸福 ;生理与心理统一的教育与幸福 ;个性与社会性统一的教育与幸福 ;幸福能力的培
1.Modernism Manifested in Mansfield s Bliss;浅析现代主义倾向在《幸福》中的体现
2.The Simple but Elegant Songs of the Female——A Comparison between Bliss and Flower Temple by Mansfield and Ling Shuhua;素雅婉约的女性之歌——曼斯菲尔德的《幸福》与凌叔华的《花之寺》之比较
3.On the Narrative Art of "Bliss";《幸福》的叙述视点艺术
1.Reason,mean and eudemonia——the research of Aristotle s theory of moral choice;理性、中道与幸福——探讨亚里士多德的道德选择理论
2.With base on Application Program of the Establishment of Citizens Moralities, the thesis displays doubts to the traditional definition of "eudemonia".本文以《公民道德建设实施纲要》为基准 ,对传统“幸福”一词的概念界定提出了质疑。
3.In the living conditions of ancient Grecian polis, with the development from fairy religion to natural philosophy then to human concern, the ethical thought on eudemonia went on deepening from Solon to Plato and reached the top to Aristotle.在古希腊城邦生活的背景下,经历了从神话宗教到自然哲学、从自然哲学到人文关怀的发展,从梭伦到柏拉图对幸福问题的伦理思考在不断深化,至亚里士多德达到了一个思想的巅峰。
