1.Cartwright were the most important successors to and the main interpreters of Mill\'s tradition.在20世纪后期豪斯曼和卡特赖特可以说是穆勒传统最重要的继承者和主要诠释者。

1.Exploration of Nancy Cartwright’s Approaching Naturalism南希·卡特赖特的自然主义路径探析
2.In one study, Doctor Cartwright examined women who were ending their marriages in divorce.卡特赖特博士在一项研究中对离婚妇女进行了调查。
3.baseball historians say it was Alexander Cartwright and his friends that devised the new game in 1845.但棒球学家们说是亚历山大?卡特赖特和他的朋友们在1845年发明了这种游戏。
4.Tidings of bale she brought(William Cullen Bryant)她带来不幸的消息(威廉 卡伦 布赖恩特)
5.the hills, / Rock - ribbed, and ancient as the sun(William Cullen Bryant.山岩隐现的丘陵/如太阳一样古老(威廉 卡伦 布赖恩特)。
6.74 Chelsea substitutions J Cole for Mikel, Wright-Phillips for Kalou.74分?切尔西换人:乔.科尔入替米克尔,赖特.菲利普斯入替卡劳。
7.Mikhail: This brute just killed Ratka, trying to cheat him out of a bet!米克黑尔:这个畜牲杀了瑞特卡,因为他打赌赌输了想赖账。
8.“the hills,/Rock-ribbed, and ancient as the sun” (William Cullen Bryant).“山岩隐现的丘陵/如太阳一样古老”(威廉·卡伦·布赖恩特)。
9.Losing confidence in his changeup and sinker, Pettitte said he trudged on trying to rely on just his fastball and cutter.失去了对于变速球与身卡球的信心,小派说:他艰难的仅只倚赖著他的快速球与卡特球。
10.Salomon Kalou, Shaun Wright-Phillips and Liverpool's Jermaine Pennant were all introduced into the fray and it was Chelsea who almost grabbed a second late on.卡劳,赖特菲利普斯和利物浦的彭南特陆续替补登场,切尔西也接近第一场胜利。
11.Reiter complement fixation test赖特尔补体结合试验
12.Albright's syndrome奥尔布赖特氏症候羣
13.apparatus for determination of Reichert-Meissal numbers赖克特-迈斯耳数测定仪
14.Quite a cigar,Mr.Potter.这雪茄不赖,波特先生。
15.Vote for John Wright!给约翰?赖特投票吧!
16.FAREED, Shaukat Qazi舒卡特·卡齐·法里德
17.Monte Carlo simulation (of fishing)蒙特·卡洛模拟(法)
18.chartreuse green卡尔特绿(黄绿色)

Edmund Cartwright (1743~1823)卡特赖特,E.
3)Nancy Cartwright南希·卡特赖特
1.Exploration of Nancy Cartwright’s Approaching Naturalism南希·卡特赖特的自然主义路径探析
4)Brian Castro布赖恩·卡斯特罗
1.Birds of Passage, the first novel by Australian contemporary writer Brian Castro, tells the story of a Chinese immigrant of older generation, Lo Yun Shan, who comes to Australia to seek his fortune on the goldfields; and juxtaposed with his story, the experiences of Seamus O\'Young, Shan\'s descendant, also unfold before readers.《候鸟》是澳大利亚当代作家布赖恩·卡斯特罗的第一部小说,它讲述了一个中国老一代移民罗云山在澳大利亚金矿淘金的经历,以及他的后代西莫斯·欧阳在当代城市中的生活。
1.Comprehending Chinese Regional Architectural Culture from Wright′s Architectural Philosophy;从赖特的建筑哲学中体会中国地域建筑文化
2.Art Expression and Material Exertion in Tectonic--Talking about Semper and Wright;建构中的材料运用及艺术表达——关于散普尔与赖特
1.Another Argument On The Relationship Between F.L.Wright and the Architectural Modern Movement;赖特与现代建筑运动关系另议

卡特赖特,E Edmund CartwrightKɑtelɑite卡特赖特,E.(卷名:纺织)Edmund Cartwright (1743~1823)  英国发明家。曾担任宗教职务。1784年受R.阿克赖特启发,开始从事纺织机械的研制。1785年他制成一台能完成开口、投梭、卷布三个基本动作的动力织机。1789年他发明第一台毛纺精梳机,1792年又制成一台制绳机。此外,他还研制成一台使用酒精的蒸汽机,并创办了一家纺织厂。由于卡特赖特缺乏纺织的实际知识,他研制的织机有许多缺点,后经别人改进才臻于完善。但是,这种织机为织机自动化奠定了最初的基础。包铭新