1.The Analysis of Free-riding Behavior of Exporting Enterprises against Anti-dumping;出口企业应对反倾销搭便车行为分析
2.However, there are always a large numbers of“Free-Riding”users in many well designed Peer-to-Peer anonymity systems, which consume the resource but do not make any contribution.然而在很多设计优良的P2P匿名通信系统中,都存在着大量的“搭便车(Free-Riding)”用户,他们在获得系统服务的同时却不愿做出贡献,造成了系统性能的降低。

1.To ride on(a tram or train, for example) without paying the fare.搭便车不付钱便搭乘(如电车或火车)
2.He hitched a ride to the station.他搭便车到车站去。
3.thumb a ride [lift]竖起拇指以求搭便车
4.We're going to hitchhike to the vet."我们得搭便车去看兽医。”
5."Hitch into town, turn myself in," he said.“搭便车进城去自首,”他说。
6.hitchhike to the next town搭便车到下一个城镇
7.To solicit(a ride) from a passing vehicle by signaling with the thumb.要求搭便车向路过的车辆坚起拇指请求搭车
8.Since we ran out of gas, we were forced to thumb a ride into the city.我们的车没油了,只得搭便车进城。
9.He picked up a hitch-hiker.他中途让个搭便车的人上了车.
10.He can not afford the fare; He thumb his way all over europe.他付不起车费,於是他搭便车走遍欧洲。
11.Hitchhiking is illegal on interstate highways, you know.您知道,在跨州公路上搭便车是犯法的。
12.give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift.让旅客或者旅行者搭便车
13.It's the first time I've ever tried hitchhiking.我这还是第一次试着搭便车旅行。
14.Hitchhiking's a bit dicey in this area.在这个区域搭便车是有一点靠不住的。
15.Will you please give me a lift to the gas station?你能让我搭便车到加油站去吗?
16.Not having much money, Mary decided to thumb a ride to New York.玛丽因钱不多, 决定搭便车到纽约去。
17.“Would you like a lift into town?” “Yes, please.”“你愿意搭便车去城里吗?”“好啊, 谢谢。”
18.travel by getting free rides from motorists.免费搭乘他人便车旅行。

free riding搭便车
1.Research on Avoiding Free Riding Problems in P2P NetworksP2P网络中抑制搭便车问题研究
2.Since the first report of free riding on Gnutella in 2000,large amounts of network measurement results show that free riding is prevalent in almost all Peer-to-Peer(P2P) networks,which reduces the robustness,availability and lifetime of P2P networks.搭便车(freeriding)行为在对等网络(Peer-to-Peernetwork)中日趋严重,它对网络健壮性、可用性和生命周期等造成了负面影响。
3.The free riding in the spatial competition of tourism destinations exists due to the public ownership of tourism market,indefinite ownership of tourism attractions,opportunistic actions of stakeholders and low barriers of market entry and so on.客源市场的公有性以及景区产权界定不清,加之市场进入成本较低、机会主义等因素导致旅游地空间竞争中的搭便车行为,搭客源市场便车是主要类型之一。
3)free rider搭便车
1.Free Rider in Open Regionalism:A Case Study on APEC开放性区域合作中的搭便车现象——以APEC为例
2.The existing research shows that the member of interest group would be free rider because of the public nature of the group interest.现有研究表明,集团利益的公共性会导致集团成员普遍的搭便车行为,形成“集体行动的困境”。
3.Free rider problem and externality can be the main factor for the short of management experience related to public goods but not for the short of the public goods themselves.现实生活中公共物品广泛存在 ,“公共的悲剧”时有发生 ,“搭便车”现象也不乏出现。
4)free ride搭便车
1.Implemental Property Right in the View of Externality:A Preliminary Study on Avoiding “Free Ride" in Antidumping;基于外部性的可实施产权——对规避反倾销“搭便车”行为的探讨
2.Research on improving efficiency of team's knowledge transfer and sharing based on free ride团队知识转移与共享“搭便车”行为的激励机制研究
3.The positive externality of antidumping and "free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业"搭便车",造成反倾销的负数和博弈。
1.Firstly,the sub-game process that small shareholders hitchhike and large share- holders control is analyzed.首先分析了小股东“搭便车”大股东监督的子博弈,然后分析了大股东监督过程中大小股东行为的互动过程,最后阐明了对大股东加大监督力度的重要性。
2.Second, people commonly have the motivation to hitchhike in the reformation.二是人们在改革中广泛存在搭便车动机,由政府主导改革及培养热衷于改革的道德理性人、培养改革中的"大猪"是克服改革搭便车行为的主要措施。
1.Dilemma of public resource management——Ponder caused by "free-rider" theory of Austerom;公共资源管理的困境——由奥斯特罗姆“搭便车”理论所引起的思考
2.This article s model shows that due to the free-rider behavior in stock market, takeover will never succeed.文章的模型显示:由于股市中"搭便车"行为的存在,并购事件是不会发生的。

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