适度消费,moderate consumption
1)moderate consumption适度消费
1.There are different academic interpretations of the concept "moderate consumption" in China.阐述了我国学术界对适度消费概念的理解,在此基础上对已有的适度消费概念提出质疑:已有的适度消费概念存在模糊性、缺乏可操作性、与可持续发展战略并不完全一致等问题。
2.This paper discusses what more we people will have to pay besides money to meet the increasing need of human consump tion,and it comes to the con-clusion that moderate consumption a nd sustainable development shall be advocated.思考与探讨为了满足不断增加的消费,除了金钱我们还付出了什么,从而倡导适度消费与可持续消费的新观念。
3.The consumption policies should emphasize a moderate consumption mode which is compatible with sustainable development,and it.在消费政策上应强调建立可持续发展的、结构不断优化的适度消费模式。

1.A History Introspection and Contemporary Structure of Consumption Ethics--Five Aspects for Constructing Appropriate Consumption Ethics;消费伦理的历史反思与当代建构——兼论构建适度消费伦理的五个维度
2.In modern society, moderate consumption is actually a kind of mediocre way of frugality.现代社会普遍认同的强调适度消费的节俭观,实质是一种中庸之俭。
3.Also, we should not allow consumer demand to expand too rapidly.还要注意消费不要搞高了,要适度。
4.Talking About Transformation of Economic Growth Pattern and Moderate Consumption Growth;论经济增长方式转变与消费适度增长
5.The dietary pattern will be reformed; supervision of the catering industry will be tightened;倡导文明、适度、节俭的消费方式,反对讲排
6.To Promote the Transformation of Economic Growth Mode by Moderate Growth of Consumption;以消费适度增长促进经济增长方式转变
7.Have commonly overdraw certainly the forehead is spent, had better use direct spending, unwell conjunction shows, poundage is more expensive.一般有一定透支额度,最好用来直接消费,不适合取现,手续费较贵。
8.The consumers have no idea of doing anything in facing a glut of goods and excessive market situation.面对商品过剩、推广过度的市场态势,消费者视听混乱、无所适从。
9.a moderate increase in Both investment and consumption will play an active role in stimulating the market.适度地增加投资和提高消费水平对启动市场将起积极作用。
10.Enhanced Effect of Consumption Demand and Reasonable Rise in Price--Analysis of Economic Operation in the Half Year of 2007;物价涨幅适度 消费需求增强——2007年上半年经济运行状况分析
11.consumer confidenceph.1. 消费信任度(指影响消费程度的消费者对社会经济现状的态度)
12.moderation in eating and drinking.在吃喝上适度,不浪费。
13.a recklessly extravagant consumer.不顾一切过度消费的人。
14.Study on System of Consumption Lawsuit;消费诉讼制度探析——探求构建我国消费诉讼制度
15.significance of selling activities for consumer preference适于消费者偏好的推销活动的重要性
16.satisfy and accommodate the multilevel requirements of consumers满足和适应多层次消费的需要
17.an allowance for changes in the consumer price index.适应消费价格指数变化的款项。
18.Consumption Culture and Adaptation of Novels of 1990s to Tastes of Vulgars;消费文化和1990年代小说“适俗化”

appropriate consumption适度消费
3)optimum consumption消费适度
4)moderate consumption concept适度消费观
5)Moderate Consumption Rate适度消费率
6)suitable opinions about consuming适度的消费观

适度消费  与经济发展水平与个人收入水平相一致的合理的消费水平。适度消费要求按照从低到高的层次安排消费结构,较低层次消费需求得到满足后再进入较高层次的消费需求。适度消费还要求宏观上保持经济增长与消费增长的同步,保持总供给与总需求的平衡。