伯川德竞争,bertrand competition
1)bertrand competition伯川德竞争
1.The government chooses the R&D subsidy rate at the first stage,firm determines its R&D expenditure at the second stage,and firm sets its price under Bertrand competition at the third stage.本文建立考虑产品差异的三阶段双寡头博弈模型:第一阶段政府选择R&D(Research and Development)补贴率,第二阶段企业确定自己的R&D水平,第三阶段企业确定产品价格进行伯川德竞争

1.The Strategy Effect of Debt Financing under Bertrand Competition;伯川德竞争下债务融资的策略性效应
2.Research on the Strategic R&D under Bertrand Competition with Product R&D;具有R&D产品的伯川德竞争下的R&D策略研究
3.Mergers and Bertrand Competition兼并和伯特兰德竞争的价格效应分析
4.How to Shuffle off Bertrand Paradox for Highway Freight Enterprises公路货运企业如何走出“伯川德悖论”
5.SA8000:The moral competitive advantage for enterprise;SA8000:企业的道德竞争优势
6.The Study of SiChuan TL Medicine Corporation's Competitive Force at the Core Cultivation;四川TL药业的核心竞争力培育研究
7.Sichuan Traveling Industry Competitive Ability and Traveling Development Research;四川旅游产业竞争力与旅游发展研究
8.The Competitive Strategy about China Tietong Sichuan Bronch;中国铁通四川分公司的竞争战略研究
9.On the Improvement of the Core Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Sichuan Province;论四川省中小企业核心竞争力的提升
10.The Evaluation of Regional Industry Competence--Based on the Analysis of Sichuan Province;地区工业竞争力评价——基于四川的分析
11.Demonstrative analysis of Shichuan province agriculture product export competitiveness;四川省农产品出口竞争力的实证分析
12.The Status Quo of Tourism Competitiveness of Sichuan Province and the Countermeasures;四川旅游业竞争力的现状分析及对策
13.Synthetic Index System Appraisal on Tourism Industry Competitiveness in Sichuan Province;四川旅游业竞争力综合指标体系评价
14.Study on Urban Competitive Capacities of Sichuan Province;四川省主要中心城市竞争力比较分析
16.Analysis of game theory on the price of power plants based on Bertrand model;基于伯川德模型的发电企业价格博弈分析
17.A Study on Countermeasures of Competition and Development of Sichuan Cigarette Industry in Sichuan Market;四川卷烟产业在四川市场的竞争与发展对策研究
18.Gray Connection Evaluation on Synthetic Competitiveness of Listed Electric Power Companies in Sichuan Province and Chongqing川渝电力上市公司综合竞争力的灰关联评价

Bertrand competition伯特兰竞争
3)competition of moral education德育竞争
4)Bertrand Model伯川德模型
5)Bertrand Paradox伯川德悖论
1.How to Shuffle off Bertrand Paradox for Highway Freight Enterprises;公路货运企业如何走出“伯川德悖论”
2.In this paper, we firstly introduce "Bertrand paradox", then by improved Hotelling model, explain rationally "Bertrand paradox", then we define oligarch s advantage cost, offer each oligarch s perfect positioning strategy under differential cost.本文首先介绍了伯川德悖论 ,接着利用改进的霍特林模型 ,对著名的“伯川德悖论”进行了合理的解释 ,定义了寡头的成本优势 ,给出了具有不同成本优势的情况下 ,不同寡头的最优定位纯策略和各自的最优利润。
3.This paper analyzes the Bertrand paradox in the mobile communications market of China.就微观层面而言,我国移动通信市场存在伯川德悖论的最根本的原因在于,消费者对已购买通信产品存在的转换成本,导致了“市场圈定”现象,并最终对产业结构产生根本性的影响。
6)Bertrand equilibrium伯川德均衡

大江东去 寿高伯川【诗文】:月临南吕,正庭阶、开到尧*三叶。风露清明钟气质,诞作人间豪杰。器宇宏深,襟灵阔远,物我俱融彻。滔滔欲海,回头一棹超越。试看南墅开尊,西池垂钓,此个情怀别。记得婆娑亭上酒,还到寿君时节。我梦登天,群仙相对,曾写长生牒。见君姓字,分明非是虚说。【注释】:【出处】: